Denver Alumnae Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity
2017 Membership Form
Please complete both sides of this form and remit with payment for the 2017 year.
Our year runs January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017.
Payment must be received by December 15, 2016 to be listed in the 2017 membership directory.
I would like a printed copy of the directory. / I would like a digital copy of the directory.PERSONAL INFORMATION Please Print
First Name: / Street:
Middle Name: / City:
Maiden Name: / State:
Last Name: / ZIP:
Birthdate: / Email Address:
College Chapter: / Home Phone:
College Name: / Cell Phone:
Initiation Year: / Work Phone:
Graduation Year: / Spouse’s Name:
All membership levels include $30 per capita Fraternity dues.
q / $55 / Regular
q / $89 / Twin Star — Help provide membership to Thetas new to the area, recent, grads, and those in hardship.
q / $30 / New to Area — Moved to Denver within the past 12 months; local dues are complimentary.
q / $0 / Recent Grad — Graduated from college within the past 12 months; all dues are complimentary.
q / $25 / Life Loyal Regular*
q / $59 / Life Loyal Twin Star*
q / $0 / Life Loyal New to Area*
*Life Loyal membership is a one-time payment made to the Fraternity, which covers your annual per capita Fraternity dues for life! The $299 cost can be split into a payment plan, if desired. For more information and to sign up to be Life Loyal visit
PAYMENT INFORMATION Please make your check payable to Kappa Alpha Theta
q / My check is enclosed for $______(Dues only.)
q / My check is enclosed for $______(Dues + $25 for AD IN DIRECTORY (Please enclose business card.)
q / I paid my dues online at (There is a $1.50 processing fee.)
Please note your Special Interest Group and other participation preferences on the back on this form.
Group and committee participation is open to dues paying members of the Denver Alumnae Chapter.
SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS These groups are a fantastic way to meet sisters around shared interests.q Bridge Group / Set in flights, meets in foresomes. (Break in December.) / Monthly (Sept-May)
q Book Club / Discusses contemporary and classical liturature. / Monthly
q Culture Club* / Live performances, gallery openings, and other events. / Quarterly
q Golf Club* / Weekend or weekday tee times by foursome. / Monthly (April-Oct)
q High Country HillKATs* / Happy-hours and adventures in the High Country. / Quarterly (or more)
q Hiking Club / Daytime hikes for all ages and abilities. / Monthly on a Friday
q Kites & Kids* / Family activities for Thetas and their children ages 2-12. / Quarterly
q Lunch Bunch: Original / Informal lunches at popular metro area restaurants. / Monthly
q Lunch Bunch: Downtown / Informal lunches at popular downtown restaurants. / Monthly
q Lunch Bunch: DTC / Informal lunches at popular Tech Center restaurants. / Monthly
q Nite Kites / Evening gatherings and happy hours for young alumnae. / Monthly
q Supper Club / Informal dinners at trendy area restraunts. / Monthly (Sept-June)
*Special interest groups with an asterix are in need of group chairs. If you are interested in serving as a chair, please list the special interest group for which you would like to be considered: ______
COMMITTEES Share your talents with the alumnae chapter while planning and organizing activities.q Caring (for members) / q Fraternity / q Nominating / q Scholarship
q Communications / q Fundraising / q Philanthropy / q Service
q Founders Day / q Membership / q Social / q Where Needed
SERVICE Demonstrate the widest influence for good by lending a hand at an event or for another Theta.
q I can provide a meal to a Theta in need.
q I can visit a Theta who would like some company.
q I can contact members without internet access about chapter events.
q I can carpool to an event. (If you need a ride to an event, please check this box: q)
q I am interested in presenting or coordinating a program on the following topic: ______
q I am interested in hosting a Theta event in my home/yard/professional space.
q I am interested in being a behind-the-scenes helper
q I am interested in learning more about becoming a CASA Volunteer.
LEADERSHIP/MENTORSHIP Work with other Thetas to facilitate the Fraternity’s advancement and welfare.
q Become a DAC officer / Opportunities include executive board and committee chair positions.
q Become a college chapter advisor / Work with local chapters to mentor officers and oversee operations.
q Be a career/professional mentor / Be a resource for job seeking Thetas in networking, resume writing, etc.
RECRUITMENT Connect with college-bound women interested in joining Greek Life.
q I am interested in sharing my Theta experience with local high school women.
q I am able to meet with college-bound women to write a letter of recommendation.
q I have contacts or connections at the following metro area high schools: ______
Return this form with payment to:
Alissa M. Trumbull, 950 Lafayette Street #407, Denver, CO 80218
OR pay online at and email this form to: .