Ettington Parish Plan steering group


Present: BarryTopham, Mary Ann Warmington, Debbie Clarke, John Gallagher,

Nick Rawles, Lorraine Holtom, Richard Burkett

  1. Minutes from the last meetings were agreed, proposed by Rainie and seconded by Richard.
  1. Outline Project Plan: Nick reported that external support would be needed including village support. Steering Group needs:- a) Phase 1, Consultation. b) First draft being created. c) Consultations and draft to be completed within 12 months and then to go to village for vote. More support will be needed from the village and we should ask for help at the consultation.

John questioned the validity and Rainie suggested that Stratford District Council may be able to advise.

Nick mentioned the importance of showing village involvement in order to make the whole village feel part of the plan and suggested the need for PR before the consultation. For this Richard suggested leaflets in doors, on notice boards and advertising. Nick asked about funds for the cost of printing and Rainie said that the Parish Council had offered funds for printing. Richard asked for the number of houses for printing purposes. John mentioned a public meeting for when most people would be able to attend in order to put forward ideas for a questionnaire.

Barry will attempt to adapt Shipston’s notice to suit Ettington.

Rainie explained that the cost of printing would be reimbursed by the Parish Council. Stratford District Council may offer funding and she would look into this. She will also ask the Parish Council to put on their agenda a request for an allocation of £500.

Raine suggested a logo and it was discussed that a designer should perhaps be asked to come up with an idea. John suggested using the old school clock tower with the wording ‘Time to have your say’. Rainie suggested a simple design in one colour. Barry agreed to source a logo.

Plans for consultation meeting:-

John suggested an informal ‘drop in’ evening consultation. Rainie pointed out that older people preferred paper communication and Nick suggested a feedback opportunity on the leaflet in case people were not able to attend the meeting. Raine suggested ‘Suggestion’ boxes perhaps in the shop, school, pub, community Centre.

Nick would like leaflets to introduce us and give opportunity for feedback with details of drop off points. Nick and Barry agreed to work on the leaflet.

  1. Consultation Kick-off. Nick mentioned the importance of asking for more support. Rainie mentioned the importance of community spirit and John suggested asking what people value about the village and their concerns: also what challenges or threats do people see to the village. Richard suggested putting up ideas and asking people to add to them. It was discussed that the Community Centre needs booking and group attendance needs co-ordinating. Rainie agreed to look into booking the Community Centre and Debbie suggested Voting Day. (22nd May) Rainie agreed to organize the day and possibly borrow the Parish Council’s lap top to use for rolling pictures of the village. Shape to be asked to email their members with the leaflet.
  1. Housing Stock Survey: Barry is approx. one quarter way through with this.
  1. Registration with Stratford District Council : Rainie reported that we need a map of the Parish Boundary, details of the body and a statement of why it is appropriate to produce a neighbourhood Plan. It was suggested that we look at Bidford’s Parish Plan for guidance.
  1. Any Other Business: Richard to ask Jane Evans for details of deadline for Parish Newsletter. Richard also suggested an advertisement in the Midweek News. John will begin preparation work on questionnaire. Raine will chase Sarah for documents.

NEXT MEETING 7.30 pm Thursday 15th MAY at the White Horse