Jeremy W. Newton, Ph.D. 1 of 23

Jeremy W. Newton, Ph.D. 1 of 7

Jeremy W. Newton, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology

Saint Martin’s University

Old Main 345

5000 Abbey Way SE

Lacey, WA 98503


2010Ph.D., Psychology, University of California, Davis

2000B.S., Psychology, University of Georgia

1998A.S., Psychology, Middle Georgia College

Teaching Interests

Introductory psychology,cognitive psychology, research methods, social psychology, psychology and law, human memory, multicultural psychology, sensation and perception, lifespan development (child, adolescent, adult), abnormal psychology, history of psychology

Research Interests

Human memory, trauma and memory, emotion and memory, psychology and the legal system, interrogation and confession, false confession, innocence and the wrongly convicted, memory development, memory source monitoring, memory confabulation, culture and cognition

Teaching Experience

2015- Associate Professor, Saint Martin’s University: Psychology, Dr. Michael Butler, Department Chair

2011-2015 Assistant Professor, Saint Martin’s University: Psychology, Drs. Sheila Steiner and Michael Butler, Department Chairs

  • Classes taught include Introductory Psychology; Research Methods; Advanced Research Methods; Psychology and Law; Learning, Cognition, & Behavior; Child & Adolescent Development; Senior Thesis Seminar; First Year Seminar; Multicultural Psychology
  • Summer 2015: Taught an accelerated version of PSY 101 in Hohhot, China at Inner Mongolia University
  • Spring 2015: Faculty and administrationrecommended tenure and promotion to associate professor for the school year 2015-16. Approved by Board of Trustees in May.
  • Proposed, developed, and taught Psychology and Law, a new elective course in the curriculum for psychology majors.
  • Proposed, developed, and taught Learning, Cognition, & Behavior (Online). Developed via Saint Martin’s University 2012 Summer Institute on Teaching & Learning, supported by Moodle.
  • Proposed, developed, and taughtMulticultural Psychology, plans prepared via Saint Martin’s University 2012 Faculty Diversity Institute.

2008-2011Assistant Professor, Texas Wesleyan University: Psychology, Dr. Marcel Kerr, Department Chair

  • Classes taught include General Psychology; Psychology and Law; Cognitive Psychology; Child Psychology; Adolescent Psychology; Drugs, Alcohol, & Behavior.
  • Proposed and developed Psychology and Law, a new course in the curriculum for psychology majors.
  • Unique pedagogical experiences include participation in Learning Communities, a Title III grant supported learning opportunity for students.
  • Developed and taught Child Psychology and Adolescent Psychology, online versions, supported by Blackboard.

2006-2008Instructor, Consortium for Faculty Diversity at Liberal Arts Colleges Pre-Doctoral Fellow, DePauw University: Psychology, fellowship includes faculty development; course planning. Classes taught include Introductory Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, & Psychology and Law. Drs. Terri Bonebright and Pamela Propsom, Mentors.

2005-2006Instructor, Academic Talent and Development Program, University ofCalifornia, Berkeley: Introductory Psychology, special program directed towards gifted students. Selected as summer ‘05 and ‘06 instructor. Dr. Frank C. Worrell, Faculty Director.

2005Teaching of Psychology,Psychology Department, University of California, Davis: Intensive course covers how to teach the subject of psychology, including class teaching experience. Dr. Katie Gibbs, Instructor.

2005Associate Instructor, University of California, Davis: Psychology and Law. Taught course, created and graded exams, and recruited guest speakers.Spring 2005. Dr. Gail S. Goodman, Advisor.

2005Seminar on College Teaching, Teaching Resources Center, University of California, Davis: Seminar covered effective teaching strategies, lesson plans, and course management as credit for EDU 398.Winter 2005. Dr. Richard F. Walters, Instructor.

2004Guest Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of California, Davis: Introductory Psychology (topics included Memory, Sensation and Perception, Development, and Mental Health), Human Memory.

2001- 2006Teaching Assistant, Department of Psychology, University of California, Davis. Responsibilities included guest lecturing, essay and project grading, lab sessions, office hours, and exam grading. Courses included: Cognitive Psychology Sensation and Perception

Research MethodsSocial Psychology

History of PsychologyEnvironmental Awareness

Introductory Psychology

Genius, Creativity, and Leadership

Fellowships, Grants, and Awards

2015Society for the Teaching of Psychology Early Career Travel Grant

2012The National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology (NITOP) Douglas Bernstein Presentation Award, St. Pete Beach, Florida

2011-Various Internal Grants for Travel and Technology, Saint Martin’s University

2006-2008Consortium for Faculty Diversity at Liberal Arts Colleges Pre-Doctoral Fellow, DePauw University

2002-2004VariousDepartmental Grants, Psychology Department, UC Davis

2001-2002National Science Foundation Research Experience for Graduates (REG) Grant

Research Publications

Liu, L., Newton, J.W., Peng, H.L., & Ho, M.C., Working memory capacity as a moderator in the processing of intrusion. Manuscript submitted.

Newton, J. W., & Hobbs, S. D. (2015).Simulating memory impairment for child sexual abuse.Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 33, 407-428.

McWilliams, K., Goodman, G. S., Lyons, K. E., Newton, J., & Avila-Mora, E. (2014). Memory for child sexual abuse information: Simulated memory error and individual differences. Memory & Cognition, doi:10.3758/s13421-013-0345-2

Newton, J. W. (2008). False Confession: Considerations for Modern Interrogation Techniques at Home and War. Journal of Law & Social Challenges, 9, 63-83.

Castelli, P., Goodman, G. S., Edelstein, R., Mitchell, E., Paz-Alonso, K., Lyons, K, & Newton, J. W. (2005). Evaluating eyewitness testimony in adults and children. In A. K. Hess and I. B. Weiner (Eds.), The handbook of forensic psychology (3rd ed.). NY: Wiley.

Edelstein, R. S., Alexander, K. W., Goodman, G. S., & Newton, J. W. (2004). Emotion and memory in the forensic context. In D. Reisberg and P. Hertel (Eds.), Emotion and Memory (pp. 308-346). Oxford University Press.

Research Presentations and Posters

Newton, J.W. (2015, June). The impact of memory on the legal system. Talk presented to the University of the Philippine, Diliman Campus, Quezon City, Philippines.

Salemme, B., Caruso, G., Franklin, R., & Newton, J.W. (2015, April). Culture and first memories: Differences and similarities in onset of infantile amnesia across cultures. Poster presented to the Western Psychological Association Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Grisham, N., Henriquez, N., McLean, T., Pedroza, C., & Newton, J.W. (2015, April).Comparisons of alcohol and drug use among students at a small university and community college.Poster presented to the Western Psychological Association Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Liu, L., Peng, H.L., Newton, J.W., & Ho, M.C. (2013, August). Working Memory Capacity as a Moderator in the Processing of Intrusion. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Templin, T., Tuengel, K., & Newton, J.W. (2013, August). Attending Holistically Versus Analytically in an Everyday Environment. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Templin, T. & Newton, J.W. (2013, April). Anxiety’s impact on attentional focus and memory of low threat objects in a street scene. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Reno, NV.

Tuengel, K., & Newton, J.W. (2013, April). Minimization and False Confession: The Impact of Authority and Peers. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Reno, NV.

Newton, J.W. (2012, February) The Psychology of False Confessions: Impact on the American Justice System. Talk presented as part of the Friday Faculty Lunch Series at Saint Martin’s University, Lacey, WA.

Newton, J. W. (2011, November). Memory, Attention, and Thinking: Cross-cultural Comparisons. Talk presented as part of International Education Week at Saint Martin’s University, Lacey, WA.

Newton, J. W., & Dibrell, E. (2011, April). Gender and the Recall of Trauma using the Simulated Memory Impairment Paradigm. Poster presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association Convention, San Antonio, TX.

McWilliams, K., Lyons, K., Goodman, G. S., & Newton, J. W. (2010, May). Simulated Memory Impairment Affects Recall of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Poster presented at the American Psychological Society Convention, Boston, MA.

Newton, J. W. (2010, April). Deep Secrets: A Look at How Child Trauma Memory is affected by Lying and Repression. Talk presented at the Texas Wesleyan University College Day, Fort Worth, TX.

Newton, J. W. (2009, April). Simulated Memory Error for Abuse. Talk presented at the Texas Wesleyan Research Scholars Roundtable, Fort Worth, TX.

Newton, J. W. (2008, October). I Saw a Fish, You Saw an Aquarium: Thinking and Remembering Across Cultures. Talk presented as part of International Week at Texas Wesleyan University, Fort Worth, TX.

Newton, J. W. (2008, May). Simulated Memory Impairment for Child Sexual Abuse. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science Convention, Chicago, IL.

Newton, J. W. (2007, November). Simulated Memory Impairment for Traumatic Information. Talk presented as part of the Faculty Forum Series at DePauwUniversity, Greencastle, IN.

Newton, J. W. (2007, April). Simulated Memory Impairment for Child Sexual Abuse Information. Talk presented as part of the Psychology Department Colloquium Series, DePauwUniversity, Greencastle, IN.

Newton, J. W. (2006, November). Consequences of Simulating Memory Impairment for a Criminal Event. Talk presented at the Consortium for Faculty Diversity Scholars Conference, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY.

Lyons, K., Newton, J. W., & Goodman, G. S. (2005, May). Simulated Amnesia Impairs Memory for Child Sexual Abuse. Poster presented at the American Psychological Society Convention, Los Angeles, CA.

Newton, J. W., Ghetti, S., & Goodman, G. S. (2004, February). Simulated Amnesia: Does it Really Mediate Genuine Forgetting of a Crime Event? Poster presented at the American Psychology-Law Society Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.

Newton, J. W., Ghetti, S., & Goodman, G. S. (2003, May). Simulated Amnesia: Does it Affect Genuine Forgetting of a Crime Event? Poster presented at the American Psychological Society Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Pedagogical Presentations and Sponsored Posters

Newton, J. W. (2015, March).Tackling the Psychology Capstone Writing Project Through Student Peer Interactions.Poster presented at the International Convention of Psychological Science, Amsterdam.

Newton, J. W. (2015, January). Social Networking and the Teaching of Psychology: Avoiding the Fads and Embracing Good Pedagogy. Invited presentation given at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, Saint Pete Beach, FL.

Newton, J. W. (2013, October). Using Social Networking to Teach and Mentor Students. Presentation given at the October Symposium on Teaching and Learning, Saint Martin’s University, Lacey, WA.

Newton, J. W. (2013, October, Discussant). Getting Into Graduate School. Panel discussion organized and presented at Saint Martin’s University, Lacey, WA.

Newton, J. W. (2013, January). Building a Multicultural Psychology Curriculum. Presentation given at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, Saint Pete Beach, FL.

Newton, J. W. (2012, October). Tackling the Senior Thesis Through Listening to Peers. Presentation given at the October Symposium on Teaching and Learning, Saint Martin’s University, Lacey, WA.

Newton, J. W. (2012, June). Turn-it-in and Plagiarism. Brief presentation given at the Summer Institute on Teaching and Learning, Saint Martin’s University, Lacey, WA.

Newton, J. W. (2012, January). Using Social Networking to Teach and Mentor Psychology Majors. Poster presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, Saint Pete Beach, FL. Winner: Douglas Bernstein Presentation Award

Puente, L. (2010, April) Run For Your Life! Exercise and Anxiety. Poster presented at Texas Wesleyan University College Day, Fort Worth, TX. Sponsored by J.W. Newton.

Newton, J. W. (2008-11, each semester). Getting Into Graduate School. Seminars presented at Texas Wesleyan University, Fort Worth, TX.

Activities, Societies, and Service

Committee Service, Saint Martin’s University

2015-Faculty Study Abroad Advisory Committee (elected member)

2014-Faculty Development Committee (elected member)

2014-University Retention Committee (elected member)

2014-Globalization / Diversity Imperative Committee (University strategic planning)

2014-Diversity Task Force

2013-Student Conduct Committee

2012-Institutional Review Board

2012-2014Nursing Faculty Position Search Committee (participated in 3 searches)

2012-2014Student Affairs Committee (elected member)

2012-2014Social Media Committee

2011-2014Academic Computer Affairs Council (Chair 2014)

Academic Journal Reviewing and Editing

2010-2014Peer reviewer: Journal of Psychological Inquiry, published by the Great Plains Behavioral Research Association

Club / Society Membership and Participation

2015-Faculty Advisor: Filipino Heritage Society, Saint Martin’s University

2014-Faculty Co-advisor: Psychology Club, Saint Martin’s University

2012-Member: Society for the Teaching of Psychology

2012-2014Faculty Advisor: Psychology Club, Saint Martin’s University

2012-2013Mentor: Access Path to Psychology and Law Experience (APPLE); American Psychology-Law Society

2011-Member: Western Psychological Association

2011Faculty Member: Wesleyan Justice Project, a part of the Texas Innocence Project, Texas Wesleyan University Chapter

2010-11Faculty Advisor: Psi Chi, Texas Wesleyan University Chapter

2010-11Member: Southwestern Psychological Association

2009-10 Faculty Advisor: Student Green Council, Texas Wesleyan University

2005-Member: American Psychology-Law Society

2002-Member: American Psychological Association

2002- Member: American Psychological Society

Workshop, Forum, and Institute Participation

2015:Invited Panelist:“KAOS Tea & Talk: A Critical Review of Police Tactics in Olympia” Traditions Café, Olympia, Washington (August)

2014Faculty Writing Assignment Development Workshop, Saint Martin’s University (August)

2014Faculty Diversity Institute, Saint Martin’s University (February-May)

2013Invited Panelist: “Making the Most out of Your Fellowship Experience” Consortium for Diversity Conference, Reed College, Portland, Oregon (September)

2013Faculty Diversity Institute, Saint Martin’s University (February-May)

2012Summer Institute on Teaching and Learning, Saint Martin’s University (June).

2012Faculty Writing Assignment Development Workshop, Saint Martin’s University (May)

2012Faculty Diversity Institute, Saint Martin’s University (February-May)

2009 Summer Institute on Learning Communities at the Washington Center for Improving Undergraduate Education, Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA. (July)

2006Panelist: California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education, Mills College, Oakland, CA (October).

Committee Service, Texas Wesleyan University and DePauw University

2011Ram Rebound Committee

2010-11Student Publications Committee

2009-11 Secretary: Faculty Committee on Benefits, Professional Development, and Grievances

2009-2010Ad Hoc Faculty Committee on Campus Sustainability

2006Committee for Teaching Social Justice (DePauw University)

References available upon request

Updated February 2016