DRAFT of Minutes
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
Moody Hall Conference Room
Present: Keri Sue Brunk, Al Francfort, Robert Hanson, Rose Gray, Linda Holman, Irma Housden, Susan Linn, Jason McClain, Mack Moore and Camilla Washington
Absent: Jane Beach, Chris Carter, Brian Charette, Jackie Ciccone, Michelle Hite-Martin, Candace Kluesner, Vickie Lilly, Karen Raines
Camilla Washington called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the November 4, 2003 were approved with no changes or corrections.
Camilla gave an update on Employee Appreciate Day 2004. There are some issues with location the EAD committee is trying to have all the events on East Campus this year. The theme is "Together We Can." The Jimmy O Band will be playing again this year. Workshops will be offered in 1hour 15 minutes increments in order to avoid overlaps and scheduling conflicts. Brochures will be different this year…are planning to include them in the JMUniverse. There will be a car show and a golf tournament if enough interest is shown.
· Classified Mentorship Program Committee - Susan Linn reported that the committee is still working on some things and the report was tabled until the next meeting.
· Emeritus Staff Policy - Camilla reported that a retired staff member requested information on how to begin the process to be considered for retroactive emeritus. Retired personnel requesting retro activation will need to go through the same levels and will need to be nominated and approved. This is under section 6.5 of the Emeritus Policy.
· Presidential Commission on Diversity - Camilla stated that Dr. Daniel Wubah, Commission Chair, is working on a final draft to go to Dr. Rose.
· Subcommittee Sign-up Sheet: Some members still need to sign up for a subcommittee.
o Mentorship Committee - Susan Linn, Keri Sue Brunk, Rose Gray, Michelle Hite-Martin. This committee looking at proposing a mentorship program for new staff.
o Communications Committee - Bob Hanson, Mack Moore, Camilla Washington, Al Francfort. This committee is responsible for website and communications to staff.
o Events Committee - Vickie Lilley, Jackie Ciccone, Jason McClain. This committee works on the benefits fair, President's address and other events.
o Membership Committee - Candy Kluesner, Linda Holman, Irma Housden, Chris Carter. This committee is responsible for mass mailings, questions regarding membership, etc.
· Jason reported on the Wage Employee Tuition Waiver. The policy committee has updated the verbage in draft form and has been submitted to the Vice Presidents for their approval, if they approve the policy change, then it will go to Dr. Rose for his approval. The change is as follows: The wage employee must have been employed for 2 years and worked a minimum of 2000 hours in order to take 2 courses and 2 labs per calendar year (1 each for fall semester and 1 each for spring semester). This would be for the semester that begins after the 2 years, 2000 hour requirement has been reached. Nine month employees are also eligible for this benefit as long as the requirements have been met. The only difference is that they cannot take the course and lab during the 3-month period they are not employed. Signature authorization of the AVP or Dean is still required.
· Jason talked to Tara Armentrout about hangtag concerns. She stated to Jason that the parking office needs to abide by the policy manual. The faculty/staff need to work through the parking office in regard to hangtag issues. Al suggested that the Parking Committee should have a separate policy for faculty/staff and students.
· Forms for Commissions and Committees will be coming out in April. Camilla made a request for paper donations.
· Changes are occurring in Human Resources. Brian Charette will be moving to an Assistant Vice President Position. Camilla has been asked to serve on the Search Committee as the representative from the EAC. A Training Director position is also open.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:55pm.