October 12, 2017

The regular meeting of the Council of the Rural Municipality of Sifton was held in the council chambers in Oak Lake at 9:00 a.m., Thursday, October 12, 2017.


Reeve: Cyril Druwe

Jeff Sigurdson,Rick Gabrielle

Larry Wallace, Scott Phillips,

Stan Cochrane, Clement Gervais,

Dave Roulette, Wilson Davis

Administrator: Mary Smith

MOTION:W. Davis – S. Phillips

2017-205BE IT RESOLVED that the agenda for the regular meeting of October 12, 2017 be adopted as presented.


9:00 a.m.Cody Denbow, Shop Foreman entered the meeting to update Council on operator’s schedules and machine maintenance and Roger Main, Public Work Foreman entered the meeting to update Council on the operations for the sewer Utility and the Oak Lake LUD.

MOTION:C. Gervais – J. Sigurdson

2017-206RESOLVED that the minutes of the regular meeting and special meeting of September 14, 2017 and special meetings of September 21, 2017, September 28, 2017, and September 29, 2017, as circulated, be taken as read and approved, all statutory requirements having been fulfilled.


MOTION:S. Cochrane – W. Davis

2017-207RESOLVED that the payment of general account cheque numbers 3983 to 4048 and Direct Deposit payroll, inclusive, in the amount of $112,196.01 be approved.


MOTION:C. Gervais – J. Sigurdson

2017-208BE IT RESOLVED that the Financial Statement for the month ended September 30, 2017 be approved as presented.


MOTION:R. Gabrielle – S. Phillips

2017-209BE IT RESOLVED that Council and the CAO are hereby authorized to attend the Annual AMM Convention being held in Brandon, November 27 to 29, 2017 with expenses paid.


MOTION:W. Davis – R. Gabrielle

2017-210BE IT RESOLVED that we do now move into a Committee of the Whole, with Reeve Cyril Druwe in the chair to conduct the 2017 Tax Sale Auction.


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October 12, 2017

10:00 a.mScott Campbell, Auctioneer – Fraser Auction Ltd entered the meeting to conduct the 2017 Tax Sale. The Tax Sale Auction started at 10:10 to allow people to arrive. Scott read information regarding the Tax Sale process to all those in attendance.

-The property shown on Roll #18100 was purchased by the RM of Sifton no one bid against the reserve bid.

-The property shown on Roll #207600 was purchased by the RM of Sifton no one bid against the reserve bid.

10:15 a.m.The Tax Sale Auction concluded.

MOTION:S. Phillips – S. Cochrane

2017-211BE IT RESOLVED that the meeting of the Whole be adjourned and that we resume the former order of business.


MOTION:C. Gervais – D. Roulette

2017-212BE IT RESOLVED that By-Law No. 28-2017 being a by-law to establish a ward system for the purpose of electing Municipal Councillors pass first reading.


MOTION:S. Phillips – W. Davis

2017-213RESOLVED that By-Law No. 28-2017 pass second reading.


Councillor Scott Phillips had a conflict of interest with the next item on the agenda and left the meeting.

Councillor Scott Phillips re-entered the meeting.

MOTION:S. Phillips – S. Cochrane

2017-214BE IT RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton purchases a support advertisement in the Manitoba/NW Ontario Command of the Royal Canadian Legion “Military Service Recognition Book” at a cost of $195.24 plus GST.


MOTION:W. Davis – S. Phillips

2017-215BE IT RESOLVED that Carleigh Babiak our Rec Director/Economic Development Officer be authorized to attend the 2017 TRI Regional Recreation Director Conference being held at the Elkhorn Resort, October 17 & 18, 2017 with expenses paid;

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that Carleigh is authorized to attend the EDAM 2017 Fall Forum being held in Portage La Prairie, November 1-3, 2017 with expenses paid.


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October 12, 2017

MOTION:C. Gervais – D. Roulette

2017-216BE IT RESOLVED that the CAO is hereby authorized to sign the Snow Clearing Services Agreement between Bell MTS and the RM of Sifton effective October 15, 2017 to April 15, 2018 at the following two locations: 1) Griswold Radio – 3.7km W of Jct PTH #1 and PTH #21 and 2) Oak Lake Cellular – NE ¼ 26-9-24 WPM.


MOTION:S. Cochrane – R. Gabrielle

2017-217BE IT RESOLVED that the CAO is hereby authorized to sign the Oak Lake Arena Canteen lease agreement between the RM of Sifton and Marge VanMeer as recommended by the Oak Lake Arena Board.


MOTION:J. Sigurdson – C. Gervais

2017-218BE IT RESOLVED that the assessment changes presented by the Provincial Assessor be added to or deleted from the 2017 assessment roll and the appropriate taxes be added to or deleted from the 2017 tax roll.


1:30 p.m.Councillor Stan Cochrane left the meeting due to a prior commitment.

2:00 p.m.Councillor Wilson Davis left the meeting due to a prior commitment.

MOTION:S. Phillips – R. Gabrielle

2017-219RESOLVED that we approve the A/P Preliminary Cheque Run as presented October 12, 2017.


MOTION:R. Gabrielle – S. Phillips

2017-220BE IT RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton delegates authority to the Oak Lake Community Hall Reno Committee to apply for grants with the assistance of Carleigh Babiak our Rec Director/Economic Development Officer and that the CAO is authorized to provide a letter of support;

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that a copy of the grant application be given to the CAO when complete.


MOTION:C. Gervais – J. Sigurdson

2017-221BE IT RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton approve a grant application to Enbridge “Everyone’s Community” for the Oak Lake Arena Accessibility Project as submitted from the Oak Lake Arena Board and Carleigh Babiak our Rec Director/ Economic Development Officer.


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October 12, 2017

MOTION:J. Sigurdson – D. Roulette

2017-222BE IT REOLVED that we do now adjourn at 3:30 p.m. to meet again November 9, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.



Reeve, Cyril Druwe


Chief Administrative Officer, Mary Smith