EFCOG Supply Chain Working Group Points of Contact

ANL[22] / Arthur / Young / ANL/SQA SME / YES / SQA, SSQA / / 805-540-0945 / 9700 S. Cass Ave, Bldg 201 Lemont, IL 60439
ANL / Timothy / Benoit / UC, Argonne LLC / YES / Nuclear; NQA-1; Safety-
related Applications (incl. ASME & Fire Protection) / / 630-252-2729
ANL / Steven / Gauthier / Argonne National Laboratory/ ESQ Quality Assurance & Control Program Manager / YES / YES / Lead Auditor, S/CI, SQA, CGD, Supplier QA / / 630-252-6165 / 9700 S. Cass Ave, Bldg 201
Argonne, IL 60439-4854
ANL / Jeff / McGhee / UC, Argonne LLC / YES / DOT / / 630-252-5712
ANL / Carol / Olijar / ANL/Quality Assurance Software Specialist / YES / SQA, SSQA, SDLC / / 630-252-8793 / 9700 S. Cass Ave Lemont, IL 60439
ANL / Phillip / Pfeiffer / ANL/Safety Basis / YES / SQA, SSQA / / 630-252-4589 / 9700 S. Cass Ave Lemont, IL 60439
Atkins / Sid / Ailes / Atkins Nuclear / QA Director / YES / YES / SQA: CM & Testing / / 509-554-4522 / 2345 Stevens Dr.
Richland, WA 99354
BNI / John / Fish / BNI/Software Quality Program Lead / YES / SQA; IT /
BNI / Melody / Kendall / BNI/Software Quality Support Lead / YES / SQA: IT / / 509-371-2766 / 2435 Stevens Center Place
Richland, WA 99352
BNI / Jim / Tibble / BNI/QA Manager / YES / YES / Supplier QA; *QA Mgr: QA Programs & Assessments / / 509-371-2304 / 2435 Stevens Center Place
Richland, WA 99354
BNI / Duane / Ripplinger / Bechtel / YES / Supplier Qualification/QA / / 509-371-5212 / 2435 Stevens Center Place
Richland, WA 99354
BNI / James / Maupin / Bechtel / YES / Transuranic Waste
Characterization QA; Army Agent/Chem De-mil QA; Supplier QA & QAPrograms [U.S. & International] Audit & Surveillance / / 509-371-5220
BNI / Clay / Smith / BNI/SQA Staff / YES / SQA; CSQE (ASQ) / / 509-371-2965 / 2435 Stevens Center Place
Richland, WA 99354
BNL / Charles / Weilbrenner / Brookhaven Science
Associates / YES / Supplier/
Procurement QA / / 631-344-3801 / .O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
BNL[19] / Steve / Stein / Brookhaven Science
Associates / YES / QA / / 631-344-5694
631-926-3684 / P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
Curtiss-Wright / John / Hendricks, PE / Technical Advisor, Curtiss-Wright Nuclear Division / YES / CGD, Equipment Qualification; Seismic/Environmental Qualification / / 513-528-7900
910-690-6771 / 4600 East Tech Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45245
DOE-EM / Ron / Natali / Boston Government Services / Consultant / YES / QA and DOT / / 435-258-3730 Mobile:
209-627-5473 / 2532 Jones Road,
Lenoir City, TN 37771
DOE HQ-EM 4.24 / Ashok / Kapoor / DOE/EM STSM / YES / Packaging /EM; Certified NQA-1 Lead Auditor / ..gov / 202-586-8307
DOE EM-3.113 / Jim / Davis / Site Liaison, Richland; River Protection / General Engineer / / 509-376-0436
DOE EM-3.113 / Bob / Murray / Director, US Department of Energy,Office of Standards and Quality Assurance / YES / QA Corporate Board; SQA / / 202-5867267Mobile:
DOE AU-32 / Christian / Palay / Director Office of Quality Assurance and Nuclear Safety Management Programs / YES / / 202-586-7877
DOE EM-3.113 / Larry / Perkins / Site Liaison, Oak Ridge; Portsmouth / Paducah / YES / CGD; QA Corporate Board / / 865-576-9395
DOE EM-3.113 / Bob / Toro / Site Liaison, Idaho, LANL and NFO EM / YES / S/CI; Standard Review Plan / / 702-295-2952
DOE ORP[2] / Barclay / Lew, Ph.D. / YES / CGD; SSC Safety Classification; Nuclear Safety / / 509-372-1139
DOE WVDP[1] / Mark / Schwippert / Chenega Global
Services, LLC / YES / DOE QA / / 716-942-4071
DOE-EM / Marlene / Fitzpatrick / Link/Office of the Chief of Nuclear Safety/CNS EM-40 / YES / SQA POC / / 301-903-0140 / 1901 Germantown Road
270CC, Room 4036
Germantown, MD 20874
DOE AU-30 / Sonya / Barnette / Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security / YES / Filter Test Facility ProgramManager / / 301-903-2068 / 1000 Independence Ave SW
Washington, DC20585-1290
DOE AU-32 / Duli C. / Argarwal, P.E. / Office of Quality Assurance andNuclear Safety Management Programs / / 301-903-3919
IAEA / Bud / Danielson / Project Manager for the Peaceful Uses Initiative / YES / Integrated Management Systems, QA, QC / / Mobile:
DOE-ID / Chris / Beaman / DOE-ID Quality Assurance Manager / YES / / 208-526-3690
360-271-6823 / 1955 Fremont Avenue
Idaho Falls, ID 83415
DOE-ID / Bob / Blyth / DOE-ID / SQA SME / YES / YES / SQA / / 208-526-1181 / 1955 Fremont Ave.,
MS 1153,
Idaho Falls, ID 83415
DOE-NETL / Mervin / Smith / AECOM / YES / YES / SQA, Quality Engineering/Systems / / 803-215-2892 / P.O. Box 618
South Park, PA 15129
DOE-NNSA / Kim / Loll / Office of the Chief of Defense Nuclear Safety
NA-511 / YES / MASL / / 301-903-6369
DOE-NNSA / Ron / Mendoza / PTX/Supply Chain Management M&O Oversight for NPO / / (806) 477-5189
DOE-NNSA / Randy / Horst / Y-12/ Supply Chain Quality Site POC for NPO / / (865)574-5697
DOE-NPO / Donna / Riggs / NNSA Production Office (NPO) / Quality Engineer / YES / SQA, WQA, NQA-1 / / 865-576-0063 / Y-12 National Security Complex
Jack Case Center, MS8009
P.O. Box 2050
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8555
DOE-NPO / Mike / Sterling / NNSA Production Office (NPO) / Quality Engineer / YES / SQA, WQA, NQA-1 / / 865-241-9596 / Y-12 National Security Complex
Jack Case Center, MS8009
P.O. Box 2050
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8555
DOE-NV / Vincent / Grosso / MSTS/QA Program and Field Support Manager / YES / QA Program; SQA / / 702-295-4350 / P.O. B ox 98521 M/S NLV117
Las Vegas, NV 89193
DOE-NV / Cherri / Kelley / MSTS/QA / YES / SQA; CSQE (ASQ) / / 702-295-1353 / P.O. Box 677, M/S 212
Mercury, NV 89023
DOE-OREM / Alvin / McClerkin / Oak Ridge - OREM/SQA, QA, Cyber Security / YES / SQA; QA; Cyber / / 865-241-5006 / 200 Administration Rd,
Oak Ridge, TN 37930
DOE-ORP / Fred / Dunhour / DOE ORP/QA Specialist / YES / QA / / 509-373-5227 / DOE ORP
P.O. Box 450
Richland, WA 99352
DOE-ORP / Sam / Vega / DOE-ORP/ QA Engineer / YES / QA; SQA / / 509-373-1240 / U.S. DOE-Office of River protection
P.O. Box 450, MSIN H6-60
Richland, WA 99352
DOE-SC / Kate / Burnett / Argonne Site Office / YES / (relies on Tracy Sims for SQA) / / 630-252-2736 / 9800 S Cass Ave.; Bldg 201; Argonne, IL 60439
DOE-SC / Quentin (Tracy) / Sims / DOE - Office of Science, Chicago Office / YES / SQA; CSQE (ASQ) / / 630-252-5210 / 9800 S Cass Ave.; Bldg 201; Argonne, IL 60439
DOE-SFO / Alyssa / Rosenquist / NNSA/SFO/WQA Staff / YES / SQA / / 505-438-0886 / P.O. Box 5400
Albuquerque, NM 87185
DOE-SFO / Daniel / Dilley / NNSA/SFO/AMO / YES / YES / QA/WQA / / 505-845-6246 / P.O. Box 5400
Albuquerque, NM 87185
DOE-SR / Jerry / Lipsky / Site Liaison – Savannah River / Nuclear Engineer / / 803-952-6930
DUF6 / Carol / Ajirogi / MCS / YES / / 859-686-9267
DUF6 / Grant / Germann / MCS / YES / Procurement Quality / / 740-289-5436
DUF6 / Keith / Hoyer / MCS / YES* / *QA Mgr: Corporate QA & Paducah / / 270-538-2020
DUF6 / John / Shewbrooks / MCS[27] / YES* / QA; *QA Mgr: Piketon Site / / 740-289-5474
FNAL / Kathy / Vuletich / FermiLab / QA Specialist / YES / SQA / / 630-840-5182 / P.O. Box 500
Batavia, Il 60510
Greenberry Fabrication / Dennis / Weaver / YES / CGDl Supplier Qualification / / 315-806-8114
Hanford / George / Mata / MSA[15] / YES / YES / Supplier QA / / 509-376-6339
509-430-7148 / 2490 Garlick Blvd.
Richland, WA 99352
Hanford / Carl / Wallskog / WRPS[14] / Supplier QA / / 509-376-6587
Hanford / Greg / Hayward / WRPS / YES / / 509-373-0385
Hanford / Jim / Bolm / CHPRC[13] / YES / YES / Quality Systems and Projects; OCRWM Program Coordinator
CHPRC S/CICoordinator / / 509-373-1109
Hanford / Derrek / Michael / MSA / QA Training / / 509-376-6763
509-366-6176 / 2490 Garlick Blvd.
Richland, WA 99352
Hanford / Mike / Wingfield / SC/I POC for MSA / YES / S/CI / / 509-947-1613 / 2490 Garlick Blvd.
Richland, WA 99352
Hanford / Brad / Schaffer / SARACon/Hanford /Consultant / YES / QA, SQA / / 509-378-0369 / P.O. Box 1409
Richland, WA 99352
Hanford / John / Verderber / WRPS / QA Program - Lead / YES / S/CI / / 509-373-6787
Hanford / William / Stamper / WRPS/IRM Risk & Compliance Lead / YES / IT/SQA program and policy / / 509-373-6284 / Richland, WA (Hanford site)
INL / Brian / Chesnovar / YES / Acquisition QA; National
Board Owner/User / / 208-526-2684
INL / Georgine / Curtis / INL/SQA Staff / YES / SQA; Project Management Professional (PMP) / / 208-526-8812 / 2525 Fremont Ave,
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
INL / Jeff / Fluckiger / YES / YES / General QA; Welding / / 208-526-6396
INL / Hollis / Henry / INL/SQA Program Lead / YES / SQA; CSQE (ASQ) / / 208-526-1484 / 2525 Fremont Ave,
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
INL / Stella / McKirdy / INL/SQA Staff / YES / SQA; Software Development / / 208-526-2578 / 2525 Fremont Ave,
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
INL[17] / Bob / Hendrickson / Quality Engineer/Lead Auditor / YES / SQA, CGD, Quality Management Systems / / 208-526-5333
INL-ICP / Jim / Cudmore / YES / YES / Welding; S/CI; AWS-CWI / / 208-821-2360
INL-ICP / Bob / Blyth / YES / SQA / / 208-526-1181
INL-ICP / Adrian / Bergman / QA / YES / QA / / 208 526-0036
INL-ICP / Steve / Davies / YES / YES / Design; Engineering / / 208-521-1150
INL-ICP[18] / Elvin / Dumas / / 208-533-0849
INL-ICP / Tim / Melberg / YES / YES / Procurement; DOE Contracts / / 208-533-0068
KC NSC / Amy / Jordan / KC NSC/QE / YES / SQA / / 816-488-2944 / 14520 Botts Road
Mail Drop 1.2.D12
Kansas City, MO 64147
KCNSC / Paul / Biagioli (SCMC) / Honeywell / YES / Commodity Management / / 816-488-3163
KCNSC / Lesa / Brownell / Honeywell / YES / Import Export ComplianceLeader / / 816-488-4838
KCNSC / Pat / Dolson / Honeywell / YES / / 816-488-3969
KCNSC / Verne / Howard / Honeywell FM&T/Sr. Quality Analyst / YES
KCNSC / Brian / Meisner / Honeywell / YES / / 816-488-5724
KCNSC[7] / Nicole / Mendez / Honeywell / / 816-488-7358
LANL / Kelly / Bingham / YES / Welding; NDE; Gloveboxes / / 505-667-6167
LANL / D'Ann / Bretzke / LANL/SQA / YES / SQA; Policy; Audits / / 505-665-7383 / Los Alamos Natl. Lab
P.O. Box 1663
Mailstop A147
Los Alamos, NM 87545
LANL / Betty / Chavez / YES / NDE; M&TE; Supplier QA & MASL; Welding; Weapons Quality; Gloveboxes / / 505-665-5565
LANL / Ray / Chavez / YES / Supplier QA & MASL / / 505-664-0621
LANL / Miller / Collins / YES / Procurement QA / / 505-667-3311
LANL / Paula / Diepolder / LANL/Tech. Support;
EMC/President / YES / Policy/Projects/SQA / ; / 505-480-4700 / 201 Arno Street NE, Ste. 404
Albuquerque, NM 87102
LANL / Shannan / Diffey / YES* / YES / Receipt Inspection; SupplierQA; *QA Mgr: InstitutionalQuality / / 505-665-4299
LANL / Kim / Duran / YES / Supplier QA & MASL / / 505-665-0644
LANL / Jerry / Gutgsell / YES / CGD & Procurement QA / / 505-667-4638
LANL / Mike / Lackner / LANL/SQA / YES / SQA; ASQ/CQMOE / / 505-606-0494
LANL / Mark / MacInnes / YES / Supplier QA & MASL / / 505-667-9935
LANL / Cecilia / Rivenburgh / LANL/SQA / High-Performance Computing, Scientific Software Engineering / / 505-665-7339
LANL / Jackie / Salazar / LANS/MQ SQA / YES / SQA / / 505-606-2367 / P.O. Box 1663, MS E575,
Los Alamos, NM 87545
LANL / Dale / Sivils / YES / YES / Weapons QA
LANL / Dan / Tepley / YES* / YES / CGD & Procurement QA; *QA Mgr: Institutional Quality / / 505-667-7522
LANL / Jeremy / Valentine / YES / Supplier QA & MASL / / 505-665-5264
LANL / Nancy / Tessmar / LANS / YES / Suspect/Counterfeit Items (S/CI Coordinator for LANL) / / 505-665-3351
LANL / Bill / Wingfield / YES / Supplier QA & MASL / / 505-665-9675
LANL[11] / Scott / Hobbs / YES / YES / / 505-665-3943
LBNL / Melanie / Gravois / YES / YES / QA; PAAA; SQA / / 510-486-5916
LBNL[31] / Amy / Ecclesine / YES / QA & SQA for Radiation
Protection Group (RPG) / / 510-486-4670
LLNL / Todd / Mickels / S/CI SME / YES / S/CI SME / / 925-423-8146
LLNL / Vicki / Pope / LLNL/SQA / YES / SQA; CSQE (ASQ) / / 925-422-3426 / P.O. Box 808, L-295
Livermore, CA 94551
LLNL / Bruce / Schultz / LLNS, Director of MAS / YES
[acting] / YES / QA, PAAA / / 925-423-3987
LLNL[9] / Greg / Irwin / LLNS, SCM Quality Engineer / YES / Procurement Quality / / 925-422-8501
NNSA / Jonathan / Barnett / NNSA-Savannah River Field Office, QA Engineer, Tritium Facilities / YES / QA/Tritium / / 803-208-3824 / NNSA, Savannah River Field Office
B246-H, R137
NNSA / Paul / Dieckmann / NNSA - Kansas City Field Office / YES / Weapon QA / / 816-488-2335 / NNSA Kansas City Field Office
14520 Botts Road
Kansas City, MO 64147
NNSA / Paul (Dan) / Dilley / NNSA/SFO/QA / YES / YES / QA / / 505-845-6246 / P.O. Box 5400
Albuquerque, NM 87185
NNSA / Gregg / Nelson / NNSA-Livermore Field Office, QA Manager / YES / QA; WQA; SQA / / 925-423-3124 / 800 East Ave, L-293
Livermore, CA 94551
NNSA / Ernie / Alvin / NNSA Los Alamos Field Office Quality Assurance / / 505-665-0671
NNSA / Johnnie / Nevarez / NNSA/NA-512 Nuclear Safety Specialist and Software Quality Assurance Engineer / YES / NSS and SQA; / / 505-845-6142 / P.O. Box 5400
Albuquerque, NM 87185
NNSA / Alyssa / Rosenquist / / 505-845-6220
NNSA / Joe / Schriner / NNSA/Weapon Quality Engineer / YES / NAP-24, Weapon Quality; SQA POC / / 505-845-4980 / Albuquerque Complex
P.O. Box 5400
Albuquerque, NM 87185
NNSA / Todd / Grinsteinner / NNSA-Livermore Field Office, QA Engineer / SQA / / 925-422-9570 / 800 East Ave, L-293
Livermore, CA 94551
NNSS / Robert / Beckett / YES / / 702-295-2624
NNSS / James / Dockery / YES / Engineering / / 702-295-3898
NNSS / Edward / Godfrey / YES / Supplier QA & Evaluation;MASL Site Administrator / / 702-295-3203
NNSS / Aaron / Kramer / MSTS; Sr. QA Specialist / YES / Supplier Evaluation
MASL Site Admin / / 702-295-0614
NNSS / Kayla / Ryness- Slichko / MSTS; QA Specialist II / YES / Supplier Evaluation
MASL Site Admin / / 702-295-0431
NNSS / Vince / Grosso / MSTS; QA Programs & Field Support Manager / YES / YES / Quality Assurance / / 702-295-4350
NNSS / Rebecca / Lind / YES / Quality Assurance / / 702-295-4350
NNSS[3] / Jerry / Clark / MSTS Sr. QA Specialist / YES / Supplier Evaluation
Receipt Inspection
S/CI; MASL Site Admin / / 702-295-7321
NNSS / Keith / Morrell / MSTS; Principal Project Manager / YES / QA/SQA/CGD/ASME-NQA-1 / / 702-295-0181 / 2621 Losee Road
North Las Vegas, NV 89030
NNSS / Tommy / Longlais / / 702-295-0695
NNSS / Sharon / Nanez / MSTS; Procurement Manager / YES / Procurement / / 702-295-2649
NREL[21] / Rick / Press / YES / / 303-275-3229
Oak Ridge / Mark / Hawk / BGS/Packaging Management Council Coordinator (or PMC Coordinator) / YES / Packaging/DOT / / 865-250-3300 / 105 Mitchel Road, Suite 101, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
ORNL / Steve / Alvanas / UT-Battelle Performance Analysis & Quality (PAQ); Quality Programs Mgr / YES / NO / NO / YES / Performance Analysis & Quality (PAQ) / / 865-241-3362 / One Bethel Valley Road,
P.O. Box 2008, MS-6250
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6260
ORNL / Mike / Houston / UT-Battelle; Performance Analysis & Quality (PAQ);
PAQ QualityRepresentative;
Evaluated Supplier ProgramCoordinator;
S/CI Coordinator / YES / PAQ; Evaluated Supplier Program; S/CI / . / 865-241-4650 / One Bethel Valley Road,
P.O. Box 2008, MS-6250
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6260
ORNL / Terry / Scoggins / ORNL/ITSD Staff / YES / IT/SQA SME / / 865-241-5599 / P.O. Box 2008, MS6024
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6024
ORNL / Tom / Bundy / ORNL/Quality Manager / YES / SQA / / 865-241-8243 / P.O. Box 2008, MS6163
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6163
ORNL / Deborah / Jenkins / UT-Battelle
Performance Analysis & Quality (PAQ); PAQ Division Director/QualityManagement System Owner / YES / YES / PAQ / / 865-576-0647 / One Bethel Valley Road
P.O. Box 2008, MS-6250
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6250
ORNL / Angie / McGee / UT-Battelle / YES / DOT / / 865-574-9458
ORNL / Bob / Orrin / UT-Battelle / / 865-574-1551
ORNL / Bryan / Robertson / UT-Battelle; UT-Battelle
Performance Analysis & Quality (PAQ) / Quality Representative / / 865-574-1451 / Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P.O. Box 2008 MS6476
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6476
ORNL / Lucia / Spears / UT-Battelle / YES / DOT/FMCSR / / 865-241-9237
ORNL / Donald / Xiques / UCOR URS/CH2M / QA Program & S/CI / / 865-241-9516
ORP / John / Huber / WRPS / YES / SQA: Design Analysis Software / / 509-987-3525 / P.O. Box 850, H0-50
Richland, WA 99354
Paducah / Jennie / Freels / PAD / YES / Training Manager / / 270-441-5407
Paducah / Philip / Griggs / PAD / YES / / 270-441-5597
Paducah / Jeff / Morgan / PAD[26] / YES / CGD; M&TE / / 270-441-5032
Paducah / Debora / Jolly / Swift & Staley / QA Manager / YES / YES / QA / / 270-441-5043 / 5055 Hobbs Rd
Kevil, KY 42053
Paducah / Karen / Sizemore / PAD / YES / / 270-441-5280
PTX / Mike / Eilert / CNS, LLC / YES / NDE, Supplier QA / / 806-477-5417
PTX / Laura / Valdez / CNS, LLC / YES / YES / Procurement QA / / 806-477-3357
PTX / Roger / Ward / PTX SQA Manager / YES / SQA / / 806-477-4453 / P.O. Box 30020​
Amarillo, TX 79120-0020​​
PTX / Kevin / Henry / CNS, LLC
Supplier Quality Manager / YES / YES / Supplier QA / / 806-477-7613
Parsons / Lori / Thatcher / Parsons/SWPF / YES / SQA / QA / NQA-1 Lead Auditor / / 803-643-1603 / 1062 Silver Bluff Road
Aiken, SC 29803
PNNL / David / Brown / PNNL/Chief Facilities Engineer / YES / HEPA Filters / / 509-371-7022 / 902 Battelle Boulevard
P.O. Box 999,
Richland, WA 99352
PNNL / Kary / Cook / PNNL/Quality Professional / YES / SQA, SSQA, CSQE (ASQ) / / 509-371-6133 / 902 Battelle Boulevard
P.O. Box 999,
Richland, WA 99352
PNNL / Robert / Daudt / PNNL/QA Manager / YES / SQA, SSQA / / 509-301-5281 / 902 Battelle Boulevard
P.O. Box 999,
Richland, WA 99352
PNNL / Alice / Lewis / PNNL/Quality Professional / YES / Acquisition Quality / / 509-371-7813
509-539-1733 / 902 Battelle Boulevard
P.O. Box 999,
Richland, WA 99352
PNNL / Julie / Snelling / PNNL/Quality Professional / YES / Acquisition Quality; Calibration / / 360-681-3631 / 902 Battelle Boulevard
P.O. Box 999,
Richland, WA 99352
PNNL[16] / Larry / Stuhl / PNNL/Hazardous Material Pkg./Trans. / YES / Hazardous Transportation / / 509-371-7863 / 902 Battelle Boulevard
P.O. Box 999,
Richland, WA 99352
PORTS / Andrea / Davis / Fluor-BWXT Portsmouth (FBP) / YES / YES / / 740-897-2629 / P.O. Box 548
3930 US Route 23 South
Piketon, OH 45661
PORTS / Eric / Wilson / Fluor-BWXT Portsmouth (FBP) / YES / / 740-897-2389 / P.O. Box 548
3930 US Route 23 South
Piketon, OH 45661
PORTS / Dan / Longpre / WEMS[25] / YES / YES / Quality Programs; Contractor Assurance System (CAS); Assessments;Readiness Review; Enforcement / / 740-897-5747
PORTS / Mike / Reker / Fluor-BWXT Portsmouth (FBP) / YES / Supplier Program/SCI / / 740-897-4771 / P.O. Box 548
3930 US Route 23 South
Piketon, OH 45661
PORTS[24] / Jim / Anzelmo / Fluor-BWXT Portsmouth (FBP) / YES / / 740-897-3734 / P.O. Box 548
3930 US Route 23 South
Piketon, OH 45661
PTX / Milford / Burrell / CNS, LLC[28] / YES / S/CI / / 806-477-4311
PTX [10] / Gary / Sooter / CNS, LLC / YES / Supplier QA / / 806-477-4803
PTX / Brad / Brack / Supplier QA / / 806-477-6295
SNL / Gabrielle / Holcomb / Supplier Quality Assurance Specialist; Suspect/Counterfeit Items Program Coordinator / YES / S/CI / / 505-284-2586
SNL / Steve / Montgomery
SNL / Johnny / Giere
SNL / Craig / Givens / YES / QA Program Project Leader at the RMWMF[30] / / 505-845-9480
SNL / Allison / Kane / YES / Contracts / / 505-844-1698
SNL / Dennis / Owens / YES / / 505-845-7139
SNL / Dolores / Sanchez / VS / / 505-284-4100
SNL / Melissa / Flury / Engineering Program Project Lead / / 505-844-0714
SNL / Jennifer / Turgeon / SNL/Systems Research & Analysis / YES / SQE; Certified Scrum Master; CertifiedProduct Owner; CMMI; Requirements Development / / 505-553-4554 / P.O. Box 5800 M/S 1137
Albuquerque, NM 87185
SNL / Carl / Wharton / SNL/TA-V Reactor Facility SQA Lead, NQA-1 POC / YES / SQA; CGD; NQA-1; Lead Auditor; Project Management (PMP) / / 505-845-9855
208-521-1776 / P.O. Box 5800 M/S 1141
Albuquerque, NM 87185
SNL[8] / Esperanza / Bourgeois / / 505-844-0478
SRS / Jon / Allen / SRNS / YES / CGD / / 803-952-5719
SRS / Mark / Bowers / SRNS / YES / Hazmat Packaging
Acquisition & Use / / 803-557-9575
SRS / Joe / Fulghum / SRNS / YES / YES / Supplier QA / / 803-952-6198
SRS / Terry / Gell / SRNS / YES / YES / / 803-208-1425
SRS / Steve / O'Connor / SRR[29] / YES / YES / Supplier QA; QA Programs / / 803-208-2931
SRS / James / Vines / SRNS / YES / Supplier QA / / 803-952-7349
SRS[4] / Mark / Ryan / SRNS / YES / Supplier QA / / 803-952-9925
SRS - MOX / Michael / Mohundro / CB&I Areva MOX Services / YES / YES / Supplier /Audit QA; QA Programs / / 803-819-2315
SRS – WSI / Craig / Brooks / WSI / YES / YES / Procurement; S/CI / / 803-952-6723
SRS – SWPF / Cherri / DeFigh-Price / Parsons / YES* / *Director of Configuration Management / / 803-208-7986
803-617-9101 / 1080 Silver Bluff Road
Aiken, SC 29803
SWPF / Lynne / Drake / Parsons / YES* / YES / *QA Mgr: QAPrograms / / 803-644-3428 / 1080 Silver Bluff Road
Aiken, SC 29803
SWPF / Lori / Thatcher / Parsons / YES / Software QA / / 803-643-1603 / 1080 Silver Bluff Road
Aiken, SC 29803
SWPF[5] / Tom / Helms / Parsons / YES / / 803-643-1655 / 1080 Silver Bluff Road
Aiken, SC 29803
WIPP / Mary / McDaniel / NWP[20] / YES / Manager, Quality and Contractor Assurance / / 575-234-8159 / P.O. Box 2078
MS 451-27
Carlsbad, NM 88221-2078
WIPP / Mark / Edwards / NWP / YES* / *Procurement Services / / 575-234-7137 / P.O. Box 2078
Carlsbad, NM 88221-2078
WIPP / Don / McBride / NWP / YES / / 575-234-8447 / P.O. Box 2078
MS 486-01
Carlsbad, NM 88221-2078
WIPP / Barbara / Hill / NWP / YES / / 575-234-8735 / P.O. Box 2078
MS 452-07
Carlsbad, NM 88221-2078
WIPP / Veronica / Ballew / NWP / YES / QA Program/Project Integration Manager / / (575) 234-8018 / P.O. Box 2078
MS 451-27
Carlsbad, NM 88221-2078
Y12 / Bob / Bailey / Consolidated Nuclear
Security / YES / YES / Procurement Quality / / 865-576-2679
Y12 / Dean / Shipley / GemTech Y12 / YES / Gloveboxes / / 865-548-5080
Y12 / Lisa / Hall / Oak Ridge/Software Quality Engineer / YES / SQA / / 865-241-0522 / 301 Bear Creek Rd. MS 8112
Oak Ridge, TN 37831
Y12 / Derek / Overcash / Consolidated Nuclear Security/Enterprise Analysis & Oversight (EA&O) / YES / YES / Manager, Independent Assessment Program for CNS, LLC at Y-12 and Pantex sites / / 865-574-5279
Y12 / Wiley M. / Peck / Consolidated Nuclear
Security / YES* / Nuclear Procurement Engineering – Acting Manager / / 865-576-9638
Y12 / Bonnie / Phillips / Consolidated Nuclear
Security / YES / MASL Database / / 965-574-9676
Y12 / Deb / Williams / Oak Ridge/CNS Sr. Mgr. SQA and Issues Management / YES / YES / SQA; NQA-1 / / 865-574-1329 / 301 Bear Creek Rd. MS 8112
Oak Ridge, TN 37831
Key / Office/Location / Acronym / Office/Site/Definition / Acronym / Office/Site/Definition
[1] / Office of River Protection / AECOM / AECOM / PNSO / Pacific Northwest Site Office
[2] / West Valley Demonstration Project / ANL / Argonne National Lab / PTX / Pantex
[3] / Nevada National Security Site / ASQ / American Society for Quality / RL / Richland Operations Office
[4] / Savannah River Site / AU / Office of Associate Under Secretary for Environment,
Health, Safety, &Security / SAP / Subcontractor Acquired Property