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Action Plan for Gear- Up: Year 1/2 – 2006-08

Objective 1: Increase academic performance and post-secondary participation.

Activity 1A:Implement Researched-based models for accelerated learning.

Date / Action Step / Timeline / Responsible Party / Resources / Evaluation
  1. Create Read 180 intervention classes for students scoring below proficient in reading on the SBA-7
/ January 2007 / School Principals
Gear-up Coordinator
Ann Steinhoff
Reading Process Trainer / Read 180 System / Number of students scoring proficient in reading on the SBA-7 will increase.
Number of student improving their reading proficiency on the following measures will increase: DRA/EDL, Qualitative Spelling Inventory and Dolche List assessment
  1. Create Success Tracker intervention classes for students scoring below proficient in mathematics on the SBA-7
/ January 2007 / School Principals
Gear-up Coordinator
Sheila Raihl
Cheryl Coyle
Math Process Trainer / Success Tracker System / Number of students scoring proficient in mathematics on the SBA-7 will increase.
Number of student scoring proficient on the mathematics short cycle assessments will increase.
  1. Develop and implement an after school tutoring program that supports all students in math, reading, science and social studies – Utilizing middle school staff and teacher cadet students at high schools
/ January 2007 / Gear-up Coordinator
High School Cadet Teacher/Students / HS Cadets
Materials and Resources
Stipends / Number of students scoring proficient on all subtests of the SBA-7 will increase.
Failure rate of students in core classes will drop.
  1. Continue implementation of student programs available in school: MESA, SEMA
/ On-Going / Gear-Up Coordinator
School Principals
Site Sponsor / Grant/Program Funding / Number of students engaged in these activities will increase.

Action Plan for Gear- Up: Year 1/2 – 2006-08

Objective 1: Increase academic performance and post secondary participation

Activity 1B:Determine the success of individual interventions

Date / Action Step / Timeline / Responsible Party / Resources / Evaluation
  1. Collect and analyze the following data to determine the success of the reading intervention:
  2. SBA – 7: Reading Subtest
  3. DRA/EDL
  4. Qualitative Spelling Inventory
  5. Dolche List
  6. Read 180
/ August 2007
May 2007
May 2007
May 2007
May 2007 / School Principals
Gear-up Coordinator/Team
Reading Process Trainer
Dept. for Educational Services Staff / Access to Data
Training / Number of students scoring proficient in reading on the SBA-7 will increase.
Number of student improving their reading proficiency on the following measures will increase: DRA/EDL, Qualitative Spelling Inventory and Dolche List assessment
  1. Collect and analyze the following data to determine the success of the mathematics intervention:
  2. SBA – 7: Mathematics Subtest
  3. Short Cycle Mathematics Assessments
  4. Success Tracker Benchmark Assessments
/ August 2007
May 2007
May 2007
May 2007
May 2007 / School Principals
Gear-up Coordinator/Team
Math Process Trainer
Dept. for Educational Services Staff / Access to Data
Training / Number of students scoring proficient in mathematics on the SBA-7 will increase.
Number of student scoring proficient on the mathematics short cycle assessments will increase.
  1. Collect and analyze the following data to determine the success of the after school tutoring program:
  2. SBA-7: All subtests
  3. Grade 7 Failure rate for core areas
/ May 2007 / School Principals
Gear-up Team
Tutoring Sponsor / Access to Data
Training / Number of students scoring proficient on all subtests of the SBA-7 will increase.
Failure rate of students in core classes will drop.
  1. Collect and analyze the following data to determine the success of MESA, PREPS and SEMA Projects
  • Student Participation Lists
/ May 2007 / Gear-Up Team
School Principals
Site Sponsor / Access to Data
Training / Number of students engaged in these activities will increase.
  1. Input data into Gear-up Online Evaluation System (GOES)
/ March 31, 2007 / Gear-up Coordinator
School Principals / Training / GOES Acceptance of Data

Action Plan for Gear- Up: Year 1/2 – 2006-08

Objective 2: To increase the rate of high school graduation and participation in post-secondary education.

Date / Action Step / Timeline / Responsible Party / Resources / Evaluation
  1. Create and implement a system that allows students to use Career Cruising to explore career options, requirements, and construct a career portfolio
/ Spring 2007 / Gear-up Team
Heidi O. Kamenski
School Principals / Career Cruising Software
Career Counselors / Number of students who create a portfolio
Number of parents who log on to see student portofio
  1. Create and implement a summer enrichment program that includes field trips to colleges, academic enrichment activities, and career exploration
/ Summer 2007 / Gear-up Team
School Principals
School StafF
Dept. for Educational Services Staff / Teachers
Partnerships / Number of student participants
Program evaluation measures
  1. Align elective courses to connect to career clusters/pathways that will allow students to explore careers and post-secondary opportunities and requirements
/ Implementation Fall 2007 / Teachers
School Principals
Gear-up Team
Dept. for Educational Services Staff / Teachers
Materials and Resources / Course success rate
Qualitative data
  1. Increase the number of students who participate in NMSU’s Pre-Engineering Program (PREP)
/ Summer 2007 / School Principals
Gear-up Team / NMSU
Funding / Enrollment
HS Credits earned by Students

Action Plan for Gear- Up: Year 1/2 – 2006-08

Objective 3: To increase aspiration and awareness of postsecondary and financial options for students and families.

Activity 3.1:Individualized academic and college preparation counseling and support for students and families.

Date / Action Step / Timeline / Responsible Party / Resources / Evaluation
  1. Implement a distributive advisement model (I-CAT – Individualized Career Advisement Team) that contains the following elements:
  • Teachers, parents and students meet to develop a Next Step Plan that outlines courses and student resources based upon career interests.
  • Utilizes Career Cruising as a source of career information for the student and parent
/ Spring 2007 / Teachers
School Principals
Gear-up Team
Counselors / Training
Career Cruising
Stipends / Completed Next Step Plan for each 7th grade student
Advisement schedules reflecting Parent participation in the I-CAT process
Parent reflection surveys after advisement sessions

Objective 3: To increase aspiration and awareness of postsecondary and financial options for students and families.

Activity 3.2:College and financial counseling

Date / Action Step / Timeline / Responsible Party / Resources / Evaluation
  1. Create and implement a parent involvement plan to increase parent participation in Gear-Up and other school activities, such as:
  • Providing information to parents about Gear-up and its benefits for their children
  • Training parents to use the Career Cruising service and supporting their child’s exploration into career/post secondary opportunities.
  • College/post-secondary visits with their child
  • Enlisting parents to provide job shadowing experience for the school’s students
  • Training parents to become career mentors
/ Spring 2007 and on-going / Teachers
School Principals
Gear-up Team
Community Businesses / School Staff
Community Members
Materials and Resources / Creation of the plan and documentation of increasing parent participation
Phone logs of teacher/Gear-up team’s communication with parents
Recruitment of career mentors and job shadowing opportunities

Objective 4: To Effect systemic change in the New Mexico educational system.

Activity 4.1:Teacher professional development

Date / Action Step / Timeline / Responsible Party / Resources / Evaluation
  1. Facilitate staff training to become student mentors and effective Gear-Up leaders and support personnel for Gear-up strategy implementation.
  2. Provide professional development for teachers to become I-CAT advisors.
  3. Equip teachers to effectively utilize Career Cruising with their students and advisement groups
  4. Provide professional development to increase the effectiveness of parent outreach activities
  5. Enhance teacher instructional quality in reading, math and other subjects to increase student achievement.
  6. Teach staff how to collect, represent, analyze and interpret data to use for school improvement.
/ Begin January – ongoing
Spring 2007
Spring 2007
Spring/Fall 2007
Spring 2007 - ongoing / School Gear-up Teams
School Principals
School Principals
District Instructional Specialists
School Principals
Outside Consultant
School Principals
Reading/Math Process Trainers
Assistant Principals / Training
Stipends / Qualitative Data and Training Documentation
Training Documentation – Parent Reflections
Student Utilization Records
Qualitative Data
Increase in number of parent participants
Increase in students gaining proficiency on the SBA and short cycle assessments
Action Plan for 2007-08

Gear-UP: Cohort Intervention Strategies

Objective / Grade 7 / Grade 8 / Grade 9 / Grade 10 / Grade 11 / Grade 12
Objective 1: Increase academic performance and post-secondary participation.
Activity 1A: Implement Researched-based models for accelerated learning. / Read 180 –
Reading Intervention
Success Tracker – Math Intervention
After-School Tutoring Program
MESA/SEMA / / After- School Odyssey Program
Objective 1: Increase academic performance and post secondary participation
Activity 1B: Determine the success of individual interventions / Gear-Up Online Evaluation System
SBA – 7: Reading/Mathematics
Qualitative Spelling Inventory
Dolche List
Short Cycle Math Assessments
School Tutoring Program Data
ACT – Explore
SBA – 8: Reading/Mathematics

SBA – 9: Reading/Mathematics
OdysseyAfter-School Program Data / ACT – PLAN
SBA – 11: Reading/Mathematics / AC T
Objective 2: To increase the rate of high school graduation and participation in post-secondary education. / Career Cruising Student System
Summer Enrichment Program
Elective Alignment to Career Clusters
Increase PREP Participants / / Enrollment in Career Pathways / / Participation in Dual Credit/Concurrent Enrollment
Objective 3: To increase aspiration and awareness of postsecondary and financial options for students and families.
Activity 3.1: Individualized academic and college preparation counseling and support for students and families. / Implement I-CAT /
Objective 3: To increase aspiration and awareness of postsecondary and financial options for students and families.
Activity 3.2: College and financial counseling / Gear-Up Family/Community Meetings
College/University Visitations
Career/College Interest Portfolio
Job Shadowing / / Establish Career/Education Mentors / FAFSA Workshops
College/Career Portfolio /
Objective 4: To Effect systemic change in the New Mexico educational system.
Activity 4.1: Teacher professional development / Gear-up Training for all Team and School Staff
I-CAT Training
Career Cruising
Parent Involvement Strategies
Data Analysis
Instructional Strategies /