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Action Plan for Gear- Up: Year 1/2 – 2006-08
Objective 1: Increase academic performance and post-secondary participation.
Activity 1A:Implement Researched-based models for accelerated learning.
Done/Date / Action Step / Timeline / Responsible Party / Resources / Evaluation
- Create Read 180 intervention classes for students scoring below proficient in reading on the SBA-7
Gear-up Coordinator
Ann Steinhoff
Reading Process Trainer / Read 180 System / Number of students scoring proficient in reading on the SBA-7 will increase.
Number of student improving their reading proficiency on the following measures will increase: DRA/EDL, Qualitative Spelling Inventory and Dolche List assessment
- Create Success Tracker intervention classes for students scoring below proficient in mathematics on the SBA-7
Gear-up Coordinator
Sheila Raihl
Cheryl Coyle
Math Process Trainer / Success Tracker System / Number of students scoring proficient in mathematics on the SBA-7 will increase.
Number of student scoring proficient on the mathematics short cycle assessments will increase.
- Develop and implement an after school tutoring program that supports all students in math, reading, science and social studies – Utilizing middle school staff and teacher cadet students at high schools
High School Cadet Teacher/Students / HS Cadets
Materials and Resources
Stipends / Number of students scoring proficient on all subtests of the SBA-7 will increase.
Failure rate of students in core classes will drop.
- Continue implementation of student programs available in school: MESA, SEMA
School Principals
Site Sponsor / Grant/Program Funding / Number of students engaged in these activities will increase.
Action Plan for Gear- Up: Year 1/2 – 2006-08
Objective 1: Increase academic performance and post secondary participation
Activity 1B:Determine the success of individual interventions
Done/Date / Action Step / Timeline / Responsible Party / Resources / Evaluation
- Collect and analyze the following data to determine the success of the reading intervention:
- SBA – 7: Reading Subtest
- Qualitative Spelling Inventory
- Dolche List
- Read 180
May 2007
May 2007
May 2007
May 2007 / School Principals
Gear-up Coordinator/Team
Reading Process Trainer
Dept. for Educational Services Staff / Access to Data
Training / Number of students scoring proficient in reading on the SBA-7 will increase.
Number of student improving their reading proficiency on the following measures will increase: DRA/EDL, Qualitative Spelling Inventory and Dolche List assessment
- Collect and analyze the following data to determine the success of the mathematics intervention:
- SBA – 7: Mathematics Subtest
- Short Cycle Mathematics Assessments
- Success Tracker Benchmark Assessments
May 2007
May 2007
May 2007
May 2007 / School Principals
Gear-up Coordinator/Team
Math Process Trainer
Dept. for Educational Services Staff / Access to Data
Training / Number of students scoring proficient in mathematics on the SBA-7 will increase.
Number of student scoring proficient on the mathematics short cycle assessments will increase.
- Collect and analyze the following data to determine the success of the after school tutoring program:
- SBA-7: All subtests
- Grade 7 Failure rate for core areas
Gear-up Team
Tutoring Sponsor / Access to Data
Training / Number of students scoring proficient on all subtests of the SBA-7 will increase.
Failure rate of students in core classes will drop.
- Collect and analyze the following data to determine the success of MESA, PREPS and SEMA Projects
- Student Participation Lists
School Principals
Site Sponsor / Access to Data
Training / Number of students engaged in these activities will increase.
- Input data into Gear-up Online Evaluation System (GOES)
School Principals / Training / GOES Acceptance of Data
Action Plan for Gear- Up: Year 1/2 – 2006-08
Objective 2: To increase the rate of high school graduation and participation in post-secondary education.
Done/Date / Action Step / Timeline / Responsible Party / Resources / Evaluation
- Create and implement a system that allows students to use Career Cruising to explore career options, requirements, and construct a career portfolio
Heidi O. Kamenski
School Principals / Career Cruising Software
Career Counselors / Number of students who create a portfolio
Number of parents who log on to see student portofio
- Create and implement a summer enrichment program that includes field trips to colleges, academic enrichment activities, and career exploration
School Principals
School StafF
Dept. for Educational Services Staff / Teachers
Partnerships / Number of student participants
Program evaluation measures
- Align elective courses to connect to career clusters/pathways that will allow students to explore careers and post-secondary opportunities and requirements
School Principals
Gear-up Team
Dept. for Educational Services Staff / Teachers
Materials and Resources / Course success rate
Qualitative data
- Increase the number of students who participate in NMSU’s Pre-Engineering Program (PREP)
Gear-up Team / NMSU
Funding / Enrollment
HS Credits earned by Students
Action Plan for Gear- Up: Year 1/2 – 2006-08
Objective 3: To increase aspiration and awareness of postsecondary and financial options for students and families.
Activity 3.1:Individualized academic and college preparation counseling and support for students and families.
Done/Date / Action Step / Timeline / Responsible Party / Resources / Evaluation
- Implement a distributive advisement model (I-CAT – Individualized Career Advisement Team) that contains the following elements:
- Teachers, parents and students meet to develop a Next Step Plan that outlines courses and student resources based upon career interests.
- Utilizes Career Cruising as a source of career information for the student and parent
School Principals
Gear-up Team
Counselors / Training
Career Cruising
Stipends / Completed Next Step Plan for each 7th grade student
Advisement schedules reflecting Parent participation in the I-CAT process
Parent reflection surveys after advisement sessions
Objective 3: To increase aspiration and awareness of postsecondary and financial options for students and families.
Activity 3.2:College and financial counseling
Done/Date / Action Step / Timeline / Responsible Party / Resources / Evaluation
- Create and implement a parent involvement plan to increase parent participation in Gear-Up and other school activities, such as:
- Providing information to parents about Gear-up and its benefits for their children
- Training parents to use the Career Cruising service and supporting their child’s exploration into career/post secondary opportunities.
- College/post-secondary visits with their child
- Enlisting parents to provide job shadowing experience for the school’s students
- Training parents to become career mentors
School Principals
Gear-up Team
Community Businesses / School Staff
Community Members
Materials and Resources / Creation of the plan and documentation of increasing parent participation
Phone logs of teacher/Gear-up team’s communication with parents
Recruitment of career mentors and job shadowing opportunities
Objective 4: To Effect systemic change in the New Mexico educational system.
Activity 4.1:Teacher professional development
Done/Date / Action Step / Timeline / Responsible Party / Resources / Evaluation
- Facilitate staff training to become student mentors and effective Gear-Up leaders and support personnel for Gear-up strategy implementation.
- Provide professional development for teachers to become I-CAT advisors.
- Equip teachers to effectively utilize Career Cruising with their students and advisement groups
- Provide professional development to increase the effectiveness of parent outreach activities
- Enhance teacher instructional quality in reading, math and other subjects to increase student achievement.
- Teach staff how to collect, represent, analyze and interpret data to use for school improvement.
Spring 2007
Spring 2007
Spring/Fall 2007
Spring 2007 - ongoing / School Gear-up Teams
School Principals
School Principals
District Instructional Specialists
School Principals
Outside Consultant
School Principals
Reading/Math Process Trainers
Assistant Principals / Training
Stipends / Qualitative Data and Training Documentation
Training Documentation – Parent Reflections
Student Utilization Records
Qualitative Data
Increase in number of parent participants
Increase in students gaining proficiency on the SBA and short cycle assessments
Action Plan for 2007-08
Gear-UP: Cohort Intervention Strategies
Objective / Grade 7 / Grade 8 / Grade 9 / Grade 10 / Grade 11 / Grade 12Objective 1: Increase academic performance and post-secondary participation.
Activity 1A: Implement Researched-based models for accelerated learning. / Read 180 –
Reading Intervention
Success Tracker – Math Intervention
After-School Tutoring Program
MESA/SEMA / / After- School Odyssey Program
Objective 1: Increase academic performance and post secondary participation
Activity 1B: Determine the success of individual interventions / Gear-Up Online Evaluation System
SBA – 7: Reading/Mathematics
Qualitative Spelling Inventory
Dolche List
Short Cycle Math Assessments
School Tutoring Program Data
ACT – Explore
SBA – 8: Reading/Mathematics
SBA – 9: Reading/Mathematics
OdysseyAfter-School Program Data / ACT – PLAN
SBA – 11: Reading/Mathematics / AC T
Objective 2: To increase the rate of high school graduation and participation in post-secondary education. / Career Cruising Student System
Summer Enrichment Program
Elective Alignment to Career Clusters
Increase PREP Participants / / Enrollment in Career Pathways / / Participation in Dual Credit/Concurrent Enrollment
Objective 3: To increase aspiration and awareness of postsecondary and financial options for students and families.
Activity 3.1: Individualized academic and college preparation counseling and support for students and families. / Implement I-CAT /
Objective 3: To increase aspiration and awareness of postsecondary and financial options for students and families.
Activity 3.2: College and financial counseling / Gear-Up Family/Community Meetings
College/University Visitations
Career/College Interest Portfolio
Job Shadowing / / Establish Career/Education Mentors / FAFSA Workshops
College/Career Portfolio /
Objective 4: To Effect systemic change in the New Mexico educational system.
Activity 4.1: Teacher professional development / Gear-up Training for all Team and School Staff
I-CAT Training
Career Cruising
Parent Involvement Strategies
Data Analysis
Instructional Strategies /