I would describe myself as a team player with a positive attitude who has the drive and enthusiasm to stay focused and succeed. In my first year at law school, working for the Innocence Project as a communications advisor, I worked with fellow colleagues to analyze witness testimonies whilst carrying out independent work, paying attention to detail and providing my research to pro-bono solicitors. I am also a creative and analytical thinker who likes to explore alternative solutions to problems and keep an open mind about the outcome. This was evident all through my internship as an undergraduate as I acquired resources and research for my dissertation. Also, I am a confident speaker who has successfully participated as a two-time qualifier in Mooting, covering an array of topics. Debating has enhanced my communication skills and has helped me to prepare work in advance, articulate my ideas, think on my feet to challenge counter arguments, and to keep the audience engaged. I also enjoy having an element of fun and good humor. My observations during my internships have led me to appreciate that good humor diffuses hostility and encourages cooperation when working as a team. I strongly believe that people who laugh well together work well together.

My greatest achievement is yet to come because I am striving to achieve more than what I have accomplished today. Nevertheless, my greatest achievement in life is to be able to study in the UK and become a lawyer. Living away from home and adapting to a new culture, new friends, and new responsibilities strengthened my character and deepened my confidence more than I could have expected. From managing my weekly expenses, such as food and transportation, to planning for, and coping with, unexpected mishaps became my forte. I have learned to love these challenges and quickly improvised when I found that it would be three weeks before I would receive my first paycheck. Finding strength in my abilities, I overcame obstacles and truly became more independent. As an international student in the UK, life brought a whole new dimension to my learning experience, which will always remain a significant aspect of my life.

My desire to gain international experience led me to study in the UK, where I am currently a penultimate LLB student at the University of Leicester, School of Law. My strong work ethic is apparent from the fact that I have gained legal experience working in legal settings concurrent with my academic studies. My practical skills have developed specifically in the areas of attention to detail, interpersonal relations, and analytical and research skills required to provide legal opinion and strategy for resolution. The experiences and skills acquired have enabled me to gain a realistic view of the demands and challenges of pursuing a career as a commercial solicitor. I am interested in working for Trowers & Hamlins because of the firm's reputation for providing high quality legal advice, the spectrum of practices offered, its diverse client base and its commitment to service. I take pride in knowing that the firm to which I am applying is not only invested in its own total growth and continuing success but also ensures that all employees are well-trained and have the right foundation to prosper in a large international firm. If I am given the opportunity to work for Trowers & Hamlins on a Training Contract, I will work towards contributing to Trowers & Hamlins' outstanding growth and continuing success. Strong drafting skills, communications skills, and attention to detail are among the most critical to attain in becoming a successful commercial solicitor as commercial lawyers regularly advise on arrangements such as professional advisory contracts and IT procurement contracts. Strong drafting skills Communication is a key aspect of everyday life as well as a fundamental skill for advancing as a successful commercial solicitor. Both at school and at work I have quickly learned how vital it is to have good communication skills in order to help your clients plan and make decisions that could have major effects on their business.

Acquiring proper drafting skills is undoubtedly vital for a commercial solicitor. The layout of a legal document, such as a contract, must be clear, well-organized and reader-friendly. Acquiring drafting skills with proper legal English requires a lot of study and practice. As an intern, I have acquired the skill of formatting and drafting wills and affidavits of motion. Every document requires attention to detail in each step: writing, checking, editing, and organizing. There is no room for error, and documents must be reviewed before finalizing. I have the skills required to proofread and identify errors in the document. I have learned that attention to detail is part of providing high-quality service to the client.

Last summer, I took time away from home to volunteer at an orphanage school for children in Peru. I got to witness the poverty and the precarious conditions inwhichthese kids were living. I taught English at the orphanage school and helped instill in them the importance of education. My summer away from home strengthened my perception of life to be able to make a difference. I enjoy cardiovascular exercises and reading. I have devoted myself to many extracurricular activities by joining the Scouts Leadership Program, through which I attained basic life skills, i.e., physical, intellectual, social, and spiritual development necessary for a positive role in society. The valuable leadership skills Iacquired in Scouts has enabled me to develop socially and build priceless friendships with some amazing people. This hashelped me appreciate my own uniqueness and realize my capability in diverse aspects of life, which would be a factor for a promising career in studying law. Moreover, during my time in the School of Law at the University of Leicester, I was a member of both the Canadian Law Society and Women in Law Society, where I contributed my ideas to helping organize various events and socials throughout the year. I consider myself a well-rounded individual with strong interpersonal skills and commercial awareness.