Bethel Youth Football & Competitive Cheerleading
PO Box 417
Bethel, CT 0680
Bethel Youth Football and Cheer
April 11,2012 Monthly Meeting
Bethel Muncipal Center
Call to Order 8:09pm
Secretary’s Report:
March Meeting Minutes posted to our Website.
Treasurers Report:
Alan will not be at the meeting Table to next monthly meeting.
3 dozen new Helmets and black pants being ordered
League Report:
Angelo will either be late or not present for meeting the following are the notes
- Opened with treasurers report
$2,000 distributed to each town with balance being utilized for 11 towns ($7,000 start up)
- Photo initiative (must do in my opinion)
- 30% back to each town
- photo packages are relative to Photography and Bishop
-5% back to Colonial
Looking into bishop AND sportography
- 5 & 6 year old flag league available
- 5 out of 11 towns interested
- By - law updates
all pretty much standard fare nothing concerning us at this time
- by laws from towns are due no later than end of may
- Commissioners role is being deleted
- primarily used as a tie breaker now not needed with 11 towns
-referee intro
- new board to be announced next month
- scheduling committee being formed
- passing league
-Newtown will no longer be hosting
- Weston program is the one we will be joining
- Colonial AYF All Star team being formed
AYF registration is due by end of April?????
- mid Conn wants to Merge
- Cross town kids is strictly between Presidents of each town
Cheer Report:
Janet Mossop
As of Meeting date, 3 teams formed.
26 signed
High School Gridiron Update:
Dave, Glenn, and Chris attended Coaches Clinic and Spring Practice session at UCONN. They have some excellent drills and principles that we can implement at any level. They discussed practice organization and it was awesome to see many of the ideas and principles that are used at BHS also used at the College level. (Todd Gridiron club update) Spring practices will begin on May 29th – June 8th all BYF coaches are strongly encouraged to attend practices.
June 2- second practice
June 8t- Friday night lights
BYF provide hot dogs
Coaches Committee update:
The head coaches for the 2012 Season
79ers Chris Baliko
4th Grade open
5th Grade open
6th Grade Joe Schaad W/Dan Meehan assistant
7th Grade Angelo Franzese
8th Grade Bill Gaspar
Cheer will be announced at a later time
Registration update: We had a fantastic first sign-up with 50 sign-ups. Leading the way are the 79ers and the 7th grade team. It is imperative that the head coaches begin to recruit. We need to utilize every venue and area to recruit possible. We want to have every level which is something that Bethel has been known for. It will take everyone recruiting to have all levels. Please recruit for other levels as well.
Old Business:
If there is any outstanding equipment we need to send out invoices to the parents.
We need all books turned in to Dave. Please bring them to BHS main office and I will get them.
New Business:
We need to be looking into fundraising ideas. We need to have a presence in the Memorial Day Parade.
Heather to set up fundraising table/take registration
Chrissy in charge of parade marching
We need to have a presence in any event that Bethel has to maximize the exposure of the organization.
We need to have some support for the various committees.
We need to get flyers to Johnson School 20 packets of 25 and Dr. Gombos will make sure they are handed out. We need to have them to the School on Wednesday April 25thWe also need to hit the 3rd graders.
Upcoming Events:
Football Coaches Meeting April 12th 8:00pm at the Bethel High School Multipurpose Room. Please Meet at back entrance by Gym at 7:55pm
Sign-up May 19hWe need volunteers to be at this event. 9am-1pm at the Municipal Center Meeting room A.
Adjourn 9:06