• Offer opportunities to enhance the children’s ability to confidently use computers to research topics and to develop ways to display their findings using computer based systems.
  • Offer the children chances to grow in confidence when expressing their creative ideas through the creation of DT based items.
  • The children will be given opportunities to experiment with the addition of colour through the use of different media and different base material.
  • The children will be given the chance to improve their communication skills through group work and classroom discussions.
  • DT will offer the children the opportunity to improve their presentation skills which should help in other subjects.
  • To offer the children opportunities to work with different materials, different types of media and to make both 2D and 3D examples of work.

Brief overview
Year 7 – Introduction, assessment to DT within Crowdys Hill School.
Year 8 – To embed the knowledge gained in Year 7 and progress with more varied topics and skills.
Year 9 – To undertake more complex and challenging projects covering a wide variety of topics.
Key Words
Year 7
Apron, pencil, paint, paper, scissors, design, cutting, drawing, 2D and 3D.
Year 8
Plants, animals, safety, design and colour.
Year 9
Multicultural, traditions, colours, designs.
Careers Statement
Pupils are taught to:
  • Work independently.
  • Follow a design brief.
  • Work safely and in line with the rules of the DT room.
  • Work to a timescale.
  • Evaluate their own work.
  • Develop communication skills.
  • Introduce new topics to develop the children’s general knowledge.
  • Use of different materials and media.
These skills will help the children gain the necessary skills about various topics and enhance their research skills. They will be encouraged to focus on presentation and to develop an opinion about subjects they have researched.
Pupils are encouraged to develop their knowledge of a wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage and there is a project specific to British Values. In addition the pupils will also be taught to understand and explore cultural diversity in the forms of arts and crafts from across the world and the meaning behind the work.

Scheme of Work

Scheme of work DT Skill Based

Term / Learning Objectives / Tutor Activity / Learner Activity / Resources / Assessment
criteria covered
1 / Year 7 – Topic Fish. Learning Objective to base line assess core skills and to learn how to research a topic and display your findings.
. / To introduce the topic and to explain health and safety rules, classroom rules, how to safely use the equipment and the importance of wearing protective clothing. To base line assess core skills using DT booklet. /
  • Student to demonstrate the following core skills:
  • Drawing – to draw themselves and an object.
  • Adding colour – using paint, pencil crayons, felt tips.
  • ICT research – to use a suitable search engine to research a chosen topic, print and display findings.
  • Mind map
  • Powerpoint presentation
  • Weaving
  • Sand art
/ Pencils
Felt tips
Paint brushes
Pencil crayons
Foam shapes
Coloured sand
Glue / Progress Log
Year 8 – Topic Circus. Learning Objective to improve core skills by making and adding colour to 3D models and constructing a working puppet diorama. /
To introduce the topic and to re confirm Health and Safety rules, classroom rules, use of equipment and the wearing of protective clothing. To assess progress using the DT booklet. /
  • Mind map, class discussion.
  • ICT research to find a specific element.
  • Design brief
  • To make a 3D model using Modroc
  • To transfer the image onto the 3D model from the design brief.
  • To make a 3D model and think about perspective size and background
/ Pencils
Felt tips
Paint brushes
Pencil crayons
PVA glue
Mod roc
Sellotape / Progress log
Year 9 – Topic British Values. Learning Objective to carry on with core skill development and to fine tune research and informative presentation skills
To introduce the topic and to re confirm Health and Safety rules, classroom rules, use of equipment and the wearing of protective clothing. To assess progress using the DT booklet. /
  • Mind map
  • ICT research of a specific element offering both visual and writing examples.
  • Using PowerPoint create a topic related poster.
  • Mind map to link topic into our school community.
  • Making a 3D model which links into our topic.
  • Making a set of school rules and then using aging techniques to alter the paper.
  • Making a 2D model of a puzzle piece which links our school values into the topic.
  • Adding realistic colour through different media or researching this criteria if further guidance is needed.
/ Pencils
Felt tips
Paint brushes
Pencil crayons
Coloured paper
Paper plates
Shape templates
Large paper puzzle piece
PVA glue
Teabags/coffee / Progress Log
Photographic evidence
Spring 1 / Year 7 – Topic School Environment. Learning Objective to continue with the development of core skills and to further develop research skills and to enhance their ICT skills to enable them to display information in different formats. / To introduce the topic and to question and check for understanding of health and safety rules, classroom rules, how to safely use the equipment and the importance of wearing protective clothing. To assess and to further advance core skills. /
  • To take part in and complete a survey recording findings using a tally chart.
  • ICT research.
  • Analysing survey results and creating a mind map.
  • Solution based findings.
  • Adding natural colour through different media.
  • Making products for nature.
  • Design brief.
  • Constructions of a 3D bird feeder.
  • Evaluation of project.
/ Pencils
Felt tips
Paint brushes
Pencil crayons
Plastic cups
PVA glue / Progress Log
Photographic evidence
Year 8 – Topic Plants and Animals. Learning Objective to improve core skills by carrying out selective research related to the topic. To carry out a survey of school premises and cultivate plants to show the impact that planters can have on the environment. To plan a design brief to be used to decorate a pot. /
To introduce the topic and to re confirm Health and Safety rules, classroom rules, use of equipment and the wearing of protective clothing. To assess progress using the DT booklet. /
  • Class discussion based on current knowledge and then research.
  • ICT research to find a specific element.
  • ICT research and creation of a PowerPoint document to fulfil a research brief.
  • Adding natural colour through different media linked in with previous research.
  • Planting seed trays.
  • Cultivation records.
  • Design brief.
  • Construction brief.
  • Evaluation of project.
/ Pencils
Felt tips
Paint brushes
Pencil crayons
Seed trays
Watering devices
Large planting container
Masking tape / Progress Log
Year 9 - Topic Multi-cultural. Learning Objective to develop more complex core skills and to carry out more in depth research relevant to the topic. To learn how to develop a measured opinion about art and to express this opinion using key words. To appreciate that research should not only be about work you like but more of an overview of the topic. /
To introduce the topic and to re confirm Health and Safety rules, classroom rules, use of equipment and the wearing of protective clothing. To assess progress using the DT booklet. /
  • ICT research based on interests.
  • Written research about your interests.
  • ICT research based on specific regions and their artwork.
  • Design brief.
  • Making a mosaic.
  • Adding colour based on the concept of Aboriginal art.
  • Adding paint to an image to recreate an Aboriginal painting.
  • Adding paint to wood in an Aboriginal style.
  • Assessment of the project.
/ Pencils
Felt tips
Paint brushes
Pencil crayons
Coloured card
Coloured paper
Cotton buds / Progress Log
Photographic evidence
Summer 1 / Year 7 – Topic Holidays. Learning Objective to continue with the development of core skills and to further develop research skills and to enhance their ICT skills to include PowerPoint presentations. Introduction of 3D construction. / To introduce the topic and to question and check for understanding of health and safety rules, classroom rules, how to safely use the equipment and the importance of wearing protective clothing. To assess and to further advance core skills. /
  • Work sheet to assess knowledge.
  • Detailed research to fulfil a brief.
  • PowerPoint presentation on findings.
  • Completion of a travel document.
  • ICT topic specific research.
  • Construction and decoration of a cardboard 3D model.
  • Applying realistic colour to a selection of topic related images.
  • Worksheet to encourage expression of personal preferences.
  • A more complex design brief.
  • Making a 3D Modroc model.
/ Pencils
Felt tips
Paint brushes
Pencil crayons
PVA glue
Mod roc
Sellotape. / Progress Log
Photographic evidence.
Year 8 – Topic Sweet Treats. Learning Objective to continue the development of core skills and to further develop ICT research skills to include PowerPoint with supporting written information covering specific facts and opinions. To construct a 3D model relating to their own design. To introduce multi-cultural foods to the children including taste and evaluating their personal preferences in a reasoned manner that can be explained. /
To introduce the topic and to make sure that Health and Safety rules, classroom rules, use of equipment and the wearing of protective clothing are embedded. To assess progress using the DT booklet. /
  • Work sheet to assess knowledge and opinion.
  • PowerPoint presentation based on a specific set of research questions.
  • Mind map.
  • Design brief including colour and content.
  • Applying colour to topic related images that show detail.
  • Construction and decoration of a 3D model based on design brief.
  • Construction of a 3D cardboard and paper model.
  • Tasting session.
  • Evaluation of taste.
  • Evaluation of project.
/ Pencils
Felt tips
Paint brushes
Pencil crayons
Mod roc
Toilet roll
Multicultural sweets / Progress Log
Photographic evidence
Year 9 – Topic Urban Street Cool. Learning Objective to develop more complex core skills and to carry out more in depth research relevant to the topic. To continue to learn how to develop a measured opinion about art and to express this opinion using key words. To appreciate that research should not only be about work you like but more of an overview of the topic and to introduce the use of new media. /
To introduce the topic and to recap Health and Safety rules, classroom rules, use of equipment and the wearing of protective clothing and to ensure students do not forget. To assess progress using the DT booklet. /
  • ICT research to enforce student to research and display their preferences.
  • Critique of a piece of artwork.
  • To use a specific website address and access the facilities on the site.
  • Design brief.
  • Decorating wood in a style linked to the topic.
  • To decorate a hat in a style linked to the topic.
  • To create an Urban style piece of jewellery.
  • To follow a set of instructions.
  • Assessment of project including personal preferences.
/ Pencils
Felt tips
Paint brushes
Fabric pens
Pencil crayons
Waxed thread
Wooden door hangers / Progress Log
Photographic evidence