H.MJacksonHigh School Course Syllabus
Course: Geometry / Teacher: Mr. GadekEmail:
Telephone: (425) 385 – 7067
(Note: This line is on during class times, but I may not be able to answer it, so as to not interrupt the learning process. The best times to reach me are before and after school and during my planning period, shown at right.) / Room: D205
Period: 1st
Course Description:
This course includes the study of geometry through the use of the investigative approach to formulate conjectures. Students communicate mathematical ideas in oral and written form individually as well as through team participation.
Geometry includes the study of polygons, circles, space geometry, reasoning in geometry, the tools of geometry for constructions, discovering and proving properties of triangles, polygons, and circles, areas of rectangles, parallelograms, triangles, trapezoids, kites, circles, and polygons, surface areas of geometric figures, the Pythagorean Theorem, distance in coordinate geometry, volume of solids, and similarity.
Essential Student Learning Outcomes:
- Students will know definitions of geometric terms and figures
- Students will use properties of geometric figures to solve problems
- Students will be able to use geometric tools to create figures and solve problems
- Students will model real life problems with geometric figures and apply relationships to solve problems
- Students will be able to communicate their understanding of geometry through writing and speaking
Course Outline: / Grading Scale:
First semester:
- Probability
- Tools of Geometry (constructions)
- Rigid Motion and Congruence
- Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
- Proof
- Similarity
- Trig
- Measurement and Dimension
- Circles and Conics
This site will contain important documents (syllabus, calendars, etc.), as well as parent information, helpful links, and other pieces of information useful for our geometry class. / Assessments: 100 %
Assignments: 0 %
Percent / Letter grade:
100 - 93 A
92 - 90 A-
89 - 87 B+
86 - 83 B
82 - 80 B-
79 - 77 C+
76 - 73 C
72 - 70 C-
69 – 67 D+
66 – 60 D
0 – 59 F
Daily Class Routine
On a regular class day, students can expect to discuss previous material, work through new material, and time to practice and work through problems on the current material.
Assignments and Assessments
All practice will be completed in class, except when a student is absent. If a student is absent, they can get the practice problems from the calendar in class upon their return, and should find time to work through the problems as quickly as possible. If they should have any questions upon working on the practice independently, they are welcome to ask for extra help to ensure that they understand the material. This is important because it will be tested at the end of the unit.
Because practice will be completed in class, there is no homework component to the grade for the course. The grade in the class is based solely on assessment of the standards covered in class. Standards-based grading is rooted in learning and demonstration of learning through various forms of assessment, and thus homework is very difficult to grade in that system. Therefore, the intent is to not have homework, so that the grade only shows the learning that has taken place.
Assessments are designed to let students and the teacher know how learning is progressing.
- Quizzes are sometimes given after a few “chunks” of content. Though most quizzes are formative in nature, they will still generally be applied to the assessment part of the grade.
- Notes are not allowed on quizzes or tests, unless specified in advance.
- Tests will be at the end of each unit. The approximate dates for these will be given as early in the unit as possible to help with planning.
- I do offer test retakes given that certain conditionsare met. Test retakes must be initiated by the student; in other words, it is their job to let me know that they will be retaking a test. Some extra practice may be assigned to help prepare for the retake; if work is assigned, it must be completed prior to the retake. Also, retakes can be done by standard rather than by unit. So, if a student was at or above standard on most parts of a test, those parts need not be taken again. Only the standard that needs improvement is required.
- All tests and quizzes will be handed back to the students the next day, unless some kind of emergency arises, in which case they will be returned as soon as possible.
- Grading.Summative assessments are graded based on progress on individual standards within the unit. Each unit will likely have multiple standards within it, and each standard will be graded separately and recorded separately in the gradebook. This allows for retakes to be done at a standard level, instead of a unit level.
- Absence. All tests missed due to absence must be taken outside of class time and before the next test. The student must take the initiative. Quizzes missed due to an absence can be retaken for full credit.
- Cheating. The consequences of cheating are explained in the student handbook, and I follow school policy when dealing with cheating. I consider a cell phone in use during a test to be cheating.
Additional Information
- Each student will be issued a textbook, Geometry: Common Core by Pearson. That book can also be accessed online at The students will receive any codes that they need in order to access this online text.
- A 3-ring binder with dividers is highly recommended to best organize the course materials. There should be sections for assignments, unit calendars, assessments, notes, and other course materials.
- Standard lined paper with smooth edges is needed—as well as some graph paper.
- Pencils are required every day.
- Each geometry student needs a compass, protractor, and a ruler with both metric and English scales.
- A scientific or graphing calculator will be helpful.
- All materials should be ready at the beginning of class.
- Students learn and retain math best when they are actively involved, not only in doing math, but also in writing and talking about math. This makes regular attendance important, since many learning activities cannot be replicated outside of our class time.
- It is expected that students use the restroom during their breaks throughout the day. I have always believed that the best way to earn more time in class is by spending less time in class. In other words, using the restroom costs valuable learning time, which could result in the need to come in for extra help.
- For policies regarding make-up work, see the above sections on assignments and assessments.
- I follow Jackson’s attendance policy. Please refer to your handbook for this information.
Online grades will be updated at the end of each unit, or twice in some of the longer units. I also plan to send home detailed progress reports at the end of each month, which are to be signed and returned.
- Students will receive assignment points for returning a signed progress report by the stated due date.
Classroom Expectations
Respect and consideration for the rights of each student to learn are expected during our daily activities.
- Each student is expected to be civil, cooperative, attentive, punctual, and prepared.
- All school-wide policies as described in the student handbook will be followed.
Students are encouraged to seek extra help when there is the need. I am more than happy to provide this help.
- I will be available in the morning and after school in room D205on most days (sometimes I have meetings to attend to at these times). I try to arrive by 6:30, and generally leave around 3:00.
- If you need help, please try to schedule ahead of time, as I might have another meeting or responsibility.
- I would be happy to help seek out a tutor if the need arises.
- Students are not to have cell phones on during class time, per school policy. As a result, the office should be contacted (385-7000) in case of an emergency, at which point the office will contact me in my classroom.