Marvin Ridge Mavericks Athletic Booster Club

Executive Meeting Minutes

August 15th, 2016

6:00 pm

Missy HardingPresident

Ed FerkoVice President

Lisa PippinVice President

Phillip VaughanVice President

Bob BennettTreasurer

Kelley MooreSecretary

Tom JamersonMRHS AD

Scott WahlersMRMS AD

Matt LasherMRHS Admin Rep

  • Board Business
  • Approve Agenda APPROVED
  • Approve Minutes - Executive Meeting 7/25/2016 APPROVED
  • Field Maintenance Updates
  • EA Sports
  • Cutting Edge
  • Tennis Courts COMPLETED
  • Stadium and Other Field Mowing Stadium now being mowed for $15/hr by John Demaine
  • Finances
  • Update(Bob) Not much money until the end of August. All registrations are not done yet.
  • Sports fee Balances- How do we look Discussion of people who haven’t paid for MS sports yet. No practice until players have paid. Bob will send another email. AD may have to get involved.
  • Other items to be discussed/approved
  • Old Business
  • Campus Clean-Up, recap (Ed) 180 yard of mulch + 20 additional yards. MS PTSO donated $300. Next year we should add a blower crew to come out after mulch is spread (late morning).
  • New Business
  • MS Dance Uniforms Current uniforms 10 years old. 13 girls - $100 uniform + $80 top ($2340 approx.). Bob to find out if Stacy allocated money for this already.

Motion to approve up to $3000 for new dance uniforms and tops  APPROVED

  • Elementary Passes/ Membership

Motion to approve selling elementary pass for $20 (includes entry to all sporting events for elementary age student and a Tshirt)  APPROVED

200 black cards will be ordered along with 200 orange shirts. Pass holders can go through pass gate. BC will advertise on web site, elementary open houses and sell at games.

9/23 – Cluster night – 8th graders and Rea View Elem. to lead Maverick Walk

10/7 – 7th graders and Marvin Elem. to lead Maverick Walk

10/21 – 6th graders and Sandy Ridge Elem. To lead Maverick Walk

  • Mini Helmet Fundraiser

Mike Stricker wants to sell mini helmets at football games for $10 profit. Gridiron would get $9 and BC $1 per helmet. Ed to contact Mike Stricker for more details.

  • Signage for State Champs (Ed)

Some sort of signs should be added to campus for State Championship teams (besides banners in gym). All liked idea. More research to come.

  • Membership

Update- Lisa

  • Sponsorships

Update –Phillip

  • HS Updates
  • Fall Sports

Cross Country

CC Parents came to meeting with a list of goals and needs. Discussion followed:

CC got new uniforms Jan. 2015.

Trees were approved at one time, but getting them fell through.

EA Sports said grass wouldn’t grow on trail.

A work order can be submitted to Union County for any safety issues.

HS teams and coaches must go to Mr. Jamerson first and then he goes to Mr. Lasher and Mrs. Cook for approval.

Tom Jamerson to meet with Coach Starr and call Mr. Bowman (parent on CC trail committee) to determine immediate attention items.

A plan with aerial views should be submitted for County approval before BC approves any budgeting.

  • Winter Sports
  • Spring Sports
  • MS Updates
  • Fall Sports

CC coach wants to add a runner after cuts were made. Student is moving here from East Charlotte.

Motion to allow student to join MS CC team: 3 Yes, 4 No  NOT APPROVED

  • Winter Sports
  • Spring Sport
  • Committees – FYI only
  • Concessions – Mary Mcclain
  • Membership –

August 08, 2016: 57 Maverick Club Members (31 paid $575); 363 Basic Members (351 paid), 251 did not join (671 total registered)

At meeting time – 67 Maverick Club Members (39 paid $575).

  • Merchandising –

All Spirit wear Stores were sent out Football and Cheer should be in About August,29th

  • Sponsorships –
  • Special Projects –
  • Cluster Night Sept23rd
  • Emergency Action Plan for Middle School Sports
  • Sports Committees
  • Touchdown Committee/ Grid Iron Club
  • Slam Dunk Committee
  • Field Hockey
  • MS Team Stores (Spirit Wear) – Geri McCoy

**Reminder to consider opportunities to use Kohl’s volunteers to earn $500.

Next Exec Board Meeting: Monday,September 19th, 6PM

Meeting adjourned at 9pm.