Week 2, Session 1
Chapters 26-27
Important text sections: 26.1, 26.3, 26.6, 27.1, 27.2,
Supplemental Instruction
IowaStateUniversity / Leader: / Kelsey
Course: / Bio 211
Instructor: / Dr. Holscher
Date: / 8-31-09


  1. Who first developed the binomial nomenclature system? Carolus Linneaus
  1. What are the two components of the binomial nomenclature format?

genus and species

  1. Give an example of this format:

homo sapiens


  1. What is the primary criterion in the methodology of cladistics?

Common ancestry is the primary criterion used in cladistics.

  1. A true clade is:
    a. monopyletic
    b. paraphyletic
    c. polyphyletic
  1. Draw an example of a clade:

Three Domain System

  1. What are the domains are found in the three-domain system?




Characteristics of Prokaryotes

1. List four characteristics of prokaryotes:

able to live in extreme environments

first organism on earth


have a diameter of around 0.5-5 micrometers

2. Name and draw the three common shapes of prokaryotes:

Cocci (spherical) / Bacilli (rod-shaped) / Spriochetes (spiral)

3. A gram-positive__ bacteria has a thick cell wall made of peptidoglycan that causes it to appear purple_ during gram staining.

4. A gram-negative bacteria has a thin layer of peptidoglycan sandwiched between two membranes that causes it to appear _pink/red_ during gram staining.

5. Match the following prokaryotic cell structures with their function:
1. capsule __a__

2. fimbriae __c__

3. sex pili __d__

4. flagellum __b__

5. endospores __e__

6. List and describe the three ways in which prokaryotes perform genetic recombination:

Transformation / Transduction / Conjugation
A prokaryotic cell takes up foreign DNA from its surroundings. / Bacteriophages move bacterial genes from one host to a different host. / Two bacterial cells temporarily join and transfer the material between them.

7. Describe the four modes of nutrition in prokaryotes:

Photoautotrophs / Chemoautotrophs / Photoheterotrophs / Chemoheterotrophs
Use light energy to drive synthesis of organic compounds. / Oxidize inorganic substances to use as a carbon source. / Use light energy and must obtain carbon in organic form. / Must consume organic molecules for energy and carbon.

8. Write in the name of the oxygen-use type that matches the given definitions:

Obligate aerobe / Obligate anaerobe / Facultative anaerobe
Require oxygen for cellular respiration, cannot grow without oxygen. / Are poisoned by oxygen, cannot grow in the presence of oxygen. / Use oxygen if it is present but can also grow without oxygen.

9. What is the most important role that prokaryotes play in the biosphere?

Decomposers- break down corpses, waste, and dead plants which releases carbon and nitrogen.

10. Describe the four types of ecological interactions that exist between prokaryotes and other organisms:

Symbiosis:a relationship in which two species live in close contact

  • Mutualism: both species benefit
  • Commensalism:one species benefits, the other is neither harmed nor helped
  • Parasitism:a parasite eats the tissues or fluids of its host, which harms the host


1. Name the three types of extremophiles, and describe their living conditions/preferences:

Halophiles / Thermophiles / Methanogens
Either tolerate or prefer highly saline environments. / Thrive in extremely hot environments. / Obtain energy by using carbon dioxide to oxidize hydrogen gas, releasing methane as a waste product.


1. True or false: All bacteria are pathogenic (harmful). _False

a. If this is false, give an example of a non-pathogenic (beneficial) type of bacteria:

Many are found in human intestines. We have a mutualistic relationship with these bacteria and depend on them to help digest some foods we eat.

2. __Exotoxins___ are poisonous illness-causing proteins secreted by bacteria and other organisms. An example of this type of toxin is _cholera_.

3. _Endotoxins______are components of the outer membrane of some types of bacteria that are released when the cell walls break down. An example of this type of toxin is _salmonella_.

4. List four ways in which bacteria and/or archaea are being used in research, technology, and industry today:

Food production- cheese and yogurt

Bioremediation- use of organisms to remove pollutants from soil, air, and water

Production of natural plastics

Modification of vitamins, antibiotics, and hormones