Lesson 1

Relation With Old Testament Prophets

Page numbers below are for those who study out of the NIV Pew Bible. If you do not have one, ignore the page numbers.

All the scriptures remain the same.

NOTE: As you read the Old Testament, keep in mind God never runs ahead of mankind. He deals with us where we are, even when we're barbaric.

Came Upon/Into


Numbers 24:1-2; 31:8(pg. 155) Normally Balaam resorted to what practice to prophecy for the king of Moab? ______Apparently he believed in several gods, and was willing to add the Lord of the wandering Israelites to his list. When he saw the Israelites, Who CAME UPON this PAGAN so he could speak a true prophecy? ______He never prophesied again after this time. What happened to him a little later? ______

Judges 3:10f(pg. 234) When God's Spirit CAME UPON Othniel and he became the supreme judge of Israel, the Spirit helped him keep ______in the land forty years.

Judges 6:34; 7:12,21God's Spirit CAME UPON Gideon, helping him defeat with his army of 300 how many Midianites? ______

Judges 11:1, 29, 33God's Spirit CAME UPON Jephthah, enabling him to destroy how many towns of the enemy? ______

Judges 14:6God's Spirit CAME UPON Samson, giving him power to tear what apart with his bare hands? ______

Judges 14:19Another time God's Spirit CAME UPON Samson so that he was strong enough to kill how many of the enemy single handedly? ______

Judges 15:14-15Once more God's Spirit CAME UPON Samson and he was able to break what? ______Then he took the jawbone of a donkey and killed how many of the enemy? ______

1 Samuel 11:2,6,11(pg. 270) God's Spirit CAME UPON King Saul, enabling him to lead his army to destroy the army of what people? ______

1 Samuel 16:13When Samuel anointed David as the next king, God's Spirit CAME UPON David as it had all the others previously, except it stayed from ______.

Why the exception? Perhaps because David wrote most of the Psalms over a period of forty years until his death.

1 Samuel 19:18-20When King Saul sent someone to capture David so he could kill him, David was hiding with Samuel and his prophets. Who did God's Spirit COME UPON so that they began prophesying? ______


1 Samuel 19:21-23Although God had earlier rejected Saul as king (15:26), when Saul went to personally capture David so he could kill him, what happened to him? ______

1 Chronicles 12:14-18(Pg. 403) When God's Spirit CAME UPON the thirty warriors from Gad, He helped them decide to come to ______in his ______.

2 Chronicles 15:1, 8(pg. 434) When God's Spirit CAME UPON Azariah, he encouraged King Asa to listen to a prophet's words and take ______.

2 Chronicles 20:14-15When God's Spirit CAME UPON Jaha-ziel, he was able to tell King Jehoso-phat that he should ______be ______or ______because of the ______army, for the battle was not theirs but ______.

2 Chronicles 24:20-21When God's Spirit CAME UPON Zechariah, He helped Zechariah declare in front of everyone that, since they'd forsaken God, he'd ______. He must have also given him courage when he refused to recant, for what did the people do as a result of his message? ______

Ezekiel 2:2-3(Pg. 804) When God's Spirit CAME UPON (translated NIV "came into") Ezekiel, He literally ______Ezekiel to his ______. Then He told him, "I am ______you."

Did the Holy Spirit make Ezekiel fall backward to the floor? ______

Ezekiel 3:24-27When God's Spirit CAME UPON (translated NIV "came into) Ezekiel the next time, he did what a second time? ______Then He told him to go into his house where his enemies will bind him and perhaps question him. But God's Spirit made him ______and unable to rebuke them. After they grew impatient, God's Spirit opened his mouth and told him what to ______.

Ezekiel 11:5When God's Spirit CAME UPON Ezekiel next, He told Ezekiel to tell the Israelites that He could read their what? ______

Acts 10:44-46When God's Spirit CAME UPON Gentiles who were hearing the gospel from Peter, they did what? ______

When was the only other time this phenomenon of people speaking in languages had occurred (Acts 2:1 & 14)? ______Who was it given to at that time? ______

What nationality were the Apostles? ______

What nationality were these people Peter preached to? ______

Do you see the significance of an external showing of the H.S. on these two groups? It fulfilled the prophecy to pour God's Spirit on ALL PEOPLE, not just Jews.

Acts 11:15Later when Peter explained to the Apostles and elders in Jerusalem what had happened so they would accept Gentiles into the church, he said God's Spirit came on them in the same way "He had come on us ______

THE BEGINNING OF WHAT (Acts 2:1,47-KJV)? ______

WHO IS "US" (Acts 2:14)? ______

Acts 19:2-7These people had never heard of Who? ______They had only been baptized with John's baptism. So Paul baptized them into the name of the ______. Then, placing his hands on them, God's Spirit helped them speak in ______and ______.

NOTE: A similar incident had happened earlier with people who had been baptized only in the name of Jesus, in which case, the apostles gave them the Holy Spirit. But in this case, they had not been baptized in the name of Jesus because they apparently didn't even know Jesus had come and didn't know there was a Holy Spirit. Because of their confusion, Paul baptized them first, then gave them the Holy Spirit next so they would see for themselves there was a Holy Spirit. Normally, they had to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19, pg. 967).


1.The Holy Spirit often “came upon or into someone” temporarily.

2.The Holy Spirit sometimes “came upon or into” someone who was not saved.

Lifted Up/Caught Up/Went Up/Brought Up


2 Kings 2:9-11(pg. 356) With the power of God's Spirit, Elijah WENT UP to ______in a ______.

2 Kings 2:16These prophets, students of Elijah's, decided to look for Elijah because perhaps God's Spirit had both PICKED him UP and then ______him ______somewhere else.

Ezekiel 3:12-13(pg. 804) God's Spirit LIFTED UP Ezekiel to somewhere where he could hear the sound of ______of the living creatures.

Ezekiel 3:14God's Spirit LIFTED UP Ezekiel and took him away, even though he resisted, because God's strong what was on him? ______

Isaiah 63:12 (pg. 726) refers to the Holy Spirit as being the ______of God's power.

Ezekiel 3:15Ezekiel lived near the Kebar River (see 1:1 & 2). In verse 12 Ezekiel praised the Lord where? ______How could that explain why he was angry to be returned to his home? ______

God's Spirit can not only take us to heaven, but He can return us to earth also.

Ezekiel 8:3God's Spirit LIFTED Ezekiel UP and took him (through a vision) to what city and building in the country of Palestine? ______

Ezekiel 11:1-2At another time, God's Spirit LIFTED Ezekiel UP and took him back to the Temple in Jerusalem where he saw leaders of the people ______evil.

Ezekiel 11:24While still in the state of a vision, God's Spirit LIFTED Ezekiel back UP and returned him to the other exiles in ______

Ezekiel 37:1Another time, God's Spirit BROUGHT him UP and set him down in the middle of a ______.

Ezekiel 43:1-3Yet another time, God's Spirit BROUGHT Ezekiel back to Jerusalem to which gate? ______This, too, was a vision (v. 3)


Ezekiel 43:5Then God's Spirit LIFTED him UP and brought him into the inner court of what? ______

NOTE: Remember, the Temple was destroyed at this time. This is a vision to reassure the Jewish exiles that they will indeed return to Jerusalem some day and rebuild their Temple some day.

2 Corinthians 12:1-2(pg. 1126) Centuries later, Paul, referring to visions and revelations, inferred that it was he who was CAUGHT UP to where? ______

Ephesians 2:13, 18(pg. 1134) God promises all Christians that, although formerly away from God, we have been BROUGHT ______through the ______of Christ. Near now, but some day actually in God's presence!


1.Being lifted/caught/brought up almost always referred to a vision.

2.But to Christians, the Holy Spirit through the blood of Christ lifts us up.

Carried By

1 Kings 18:12(pg. 346) Elijah told Obadiah, a devout believer in God (v. 3-4) to tell King Ahab where he was hiding. But Obadiah objected, saying, "I don't ______the Spirit may CARRY you."

Acts 8:39f(pg. 1064) After Philip baptized the Ethiopian, God's Spirit TOOK Philip AWAY and he reappeared where? ______

2 Peter 1:20-21(pg. 1180) God's Spirit CARRIED ALONG who as they wrote Scripture? ______

Revelation 17:3(pg. 1202) God's Spirit and the angel CARRIED John into a ______.

Revelation 21:10(pg. 1206) God's Spirit CARRIED John to a ______great and ______. What did he see there? ______

NOTE: Still John was already in his holy city. Revelation 21:2 and Ephesians 5:25, 32 (pg. 1136) says who is the holy city? ______


1.Being carried by the Holy Spirit almost always referred to a vision.

2.But to prophets, the Holy Spirit carried the words of God to the writings of the prophets

Rested On

(Very Important)


NOTE: Below you will see a stark difference in those above who experienced brief strength from the Spirit and what happened to a few of the specially chosen ones of God.

The word translated "rested" is from the Hebrew word "nuach" and is also translated lie down, be at rest, to stay.

Numbers 11:25(pg. 141) On whom did God's Spirit come and then REST? ______Who had had the Spirit before them? ______

Did the Spirit rest on these 70 elders permanently, however? ______

Who introduced the Law (Exodus 20:22; 21:1, pg. 74)? ______

Who appeared at Jesus' transfiguration (Luke 9:29-31, pg. 1004)? ______

Who did he give part of God's Spirit on him to (Numbers 34:9, pg. 206)? ______

2 Kings 2:15(pg. 356) God's Spirit, which had RESTED ON ______just transferred Himself to rest on who? ______

Who introduced the Prophets (1 Kings 17:1, pg. 345)? ______

Who appeared at Jesus' transfiguration (Luke 9:29-31, pg. 1004)? ______

Who did he give part of God's Spirit on him to (2 Kings 2:9-11, pg. 356)? ______

Isaiah 11:1-2(pg. 673) God's Spirit will REST ON a what/who (be sure and capitalize this word)? ______

NOTE: Some translations call "stump" the "root." King David was the son of Jesse. Notice that Branch is capitalized, indicating divinity. Notice duplication of gifts of the H.S. that the apostles gave in their time.

9:1Where was the Branch of David to live? ______

Where did Jesus live (Matthew 4:13-14, pg. 936)? ______

9:2What was he to do for believers walking through the shadow of death? ______

Who brought light to people in shadow of death (Matthew 4:15-16, pg. 936)? ______

Who was the Branch (Matthew 21:7-9, pg. 955)? ______

9:6 This prophesied one will grow up to be called by what four titles? ______Since Jesus called God's Spirit "another " Counselor in John 14:16-17, pg. 1046, who was the first Counselor? ______

Colossians 2:9 (KJV) says in Christ is the fullness of the ______in body form.

To whom did the Spirit come down from heaven and REMAIN ("rest") ON (John 1:29,33-34)? ______

Who introduced the Christian era (Hebrews 8:6, 13, pg. 1166)? ______

Who was transfigured when Moses and Elijah appeared (Luke 9:39-21, pg. 1004)? ______

Who did he give part of God's Spirit on him to (John 20:19-20,24, pg. 1052)? ______What did he call the previous two eras (Luke 16:16, pg. 1014)? ______

Zechariah 6:5, 8(pg. 920) The God of the whole world is predicted to give His Spirit REST in countries north of Palestine. What continent is north of Palestine? ______

Who lives there primarily? Jews or Gentiles? ______

NOTE: The Middle East never has really accepted Jesus. What was the first stronghold of Christianity? Europe, beginning in Turkey, Greece, and Italy. (See the book of Acts.)

Acts 2:1-4(pg. 1056) On the Day of Pentecost, God's Spirit came to REST ON who (see 2:14)? ______

NOTE: The word translated "spirit" literally means breath or wind.

Genesis 2:7(pg. 2) God formed man and "breathed into his nostrils the ______of life" and man became a living being.

John 3:5-8(pg. 1029) When Jesus explained the Holy Spirit to Nicodemus, he used what phenomenon to do so? ______

Who had the power to impart the Spirit to others (Acts 8:18)? ______

1 Peter 4:14(pg. 1179) The Spirit of God's glory RESTED ON (1:1,2) all who have been ______according to the ______of God the Father ______of the Spirit for ______to Jesus Christ and his blood.

List what God's glory is. (See Exodus 33:18-19, 34:6-7) ______

CONCLUSIONS (this is major!):

The Holy Spirit only rested on three people in the history of the world:

a. Moses, who introduced the Law. He passed it on to Joshua, but Joshua couldn’t pass it on.

b.Elijah, who introduced the age of the Prophets. He passed it on to Elisha, but Elisha couldn’t

pass it on.

c.Jesus’ Apostles, who introduced the Church. The Apostles passed it on to early Christians, but they couldn’t pass it on.

In The

Numbers 11:25(pg. 141) God's Spirit came down to Moses in what? ______

Luke 4:14(pg. 995) Jesus, currently in the province of Judea to be baptized, returned to the province of Galilee IN THE SPIRIT of ______

NOTE: The word translated "power" is from the Greek word "dunamis" which is also translated "mighty works" and "miracles." Apparently it was at this time that Jesus obtained the ability to work miracles. Also it could also be that Jesus was suddenly transported by the Spirit from Judea to Galilee. That would certainly have made word spread about him.

Romans 9:1(pg. 1097) Paul's ______was confirmed IN THE SPIRIT.

Romans 14:17-18(pg. 1102) The Kingdom of God is ______, ______, and ______IN THE SPIRIT.

How do we serve Christ, and thus have the true joy of the Holy Spirit (John 14:15, pg. 1046)? ______



2 Corinthians 6:6(pg. 1122) What five traits are associated with being IN THE SPIRIT? ______

Ephesians 6:18(pg. 1137) We are IN THE SPIRIT every time we ______How often? ______

If praying "in the Spirit" means praying in "unknown tongues" would it be wrong to pray in a language people know? ______

Colossians 1:8(pg. 1142) We are IN THE SPIRIT whenever we express what? ______

Hebrews 6:4-6(pg. 1164) Even though we have experienced being IN THE SPIRIT, can we fall? ______

NOTE: Many other scriptures indicate they can repent and return if they want. See for example Acts 8:22 (pg. 1064).

Jude 20(pg. 1190) We are IN THE SPIRIT when we do what? ______

Revelation 1:10(pg. 1191) Considering Ephesians 6:18 and Jude 20 above, what do you think John might have been doing when he was IN THE SPIRIT? ______

What was the one significant day of the week for Christians (see Matthew 28:1 (pg. 966)? ______

Revelation 4:2While John was IN THE SPIRIT he saw what? ______


1.We are in the Spirit when we are godlike.

2.If people claim we are in the spirit when we pray in tongues, then when we do not pray in tongues,

we cannot be in the spirit. (Inconsistent logic.)