1.  Focus on desirable behavior

2.  Model, motivate, teach & reinforce desirable behavior

3.  Reduce attention to undesirable behavior

4.  Avoid coercion & punishment--they increase avoidance, “get even” & escape behavior in your child & corrode your relationship with your child

5.  Maintain a close, positive relationship--it increases your ability to influence your child


1.  Questioning

2.  Arguing

3.  Sarcasm

4.  Force

5.  Threats

6.  Criticism

7.  Despair/pleading/helplessness

8.  Logic


1.  Proximity (arm’s reach)

2.  Touch

3.  Facial expression match emotion

4.  Voice tone match emotion

5.  Interested body posture

6.  Reflect feelings (empathy)

7.  Open-ended questions (not “why”)

8.  Listen more than talk

9.  Ignore junk behavior

10.  Avoid coercives


1.  Specify behavior

2.  Reward value matches effort

3.  Immediate (3 seconds after)

4.  Sincere, positive facial expression,

voice tone, body language

5.  Interested body posture

6.  Ignore junk behavior

7.  Avoid coercives


1.  Proximity (arm’s reach)

2.  Stop the behavior (blocking)

3.  Prompt appropriate alternative

4.  If not doing it (3 seconds),

model/guide child to do it

5.  Praise/touch appropriate behavior

6.  Reinforce immediately (3 seconds)

7.  Ignore junk behavior

8.  Avoid coercives


1.  Say nothing about junk behavior

2.  Do not react to junk behavior

3.  Pay attention/reinforce other child

who is behaving appropriately

4.  Reinforce immediately (10 seconds)

when child behaves appropriately

5.  Avoid coercives


1.  Time (away from behavior)

2.  Place (uninterrupted)

3.  Set positive tone (praise previous

behavior, specify reinforcer)

4.  Define expected behavior (specific)

5.  Brief empathy, if emotion expressed

6.  Brief rationale, only if child asks

7.  State consequences for compliance

& noncompliance

8.  Negotiate as needed

9.  Have child state expectation and

consequences for doing/not doing

10.  Praise child’s restatement

11.  Ignore junk behavior

12.  Avoid coercives


Make Contract

1.  Daily expectations (behaviors) clear and stated in positive terms

2.  Weekly expectations clearly/positively stated

3.  Expectations reasonable for current level

4.  Immediate consequences for meeting/not meeting expectations (earn/not earn)

5.  Delayed consequences for meeting/not meeting expectations (earn/not earn)

6.  Consequences match value of behavior

7.  Plan when to evaluate daily/weekly

Review Contract

8.  Begin on a positive note

9.  Praise any effort the child made

10.  If expectation was met, deliver consequence

11.  If expectation was not met, use empathy than have child restate contract expectations/consequences

12.  Ignore junk/Redirect back to topic

13.  Avoid Coercives