Amherst College

Department of Geology

Geology 32: Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology

Spring 2009

Professor John T. (Jack) Cheney

Lectures: M-W-F, 8:45-9:50 a.m.

Lab: W 1:00-4:00 p.m.

Room: 303 ESNH


Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology by John D. Winter

Petrography of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks by A. R. Philpotts

An Introduction to Metamorphic Petrology by B.W.D. Yardley

Metamorphic Phase Equilibria and PTt paths by Frank S. Spear (‘72)


(1) Class, Lab and Field Trip attendance, on time as a courtesy to all!!

(2) Reading assignments completed prior to class/lab

(3) Written assignments completed on time and THAT THEY ARE YOUR WORK.


(1) Exams 1& 3 20%

(2) Exam 2 25%

(2) Lab Exercises, Problem Sets & Field Trips 30%

(3) Final Project 25 %

Important Dates:

Exam I Week of February 23

Spring Break Week of March 14-22

Exam II Week of March 23

Cape Ann Field Trip March 8, Sunday, all day, 7:00am-9:00pm

Vermont Field Trip April 24-26, Friday night, 7pm, through Sunday, 6pm,

Exam III Week of 4 May

Final Project Due at end of exam period, Friday, May 15



26-Jan 1 PART 1. IGNEOUS PETROLOGY A: Introduction Phil (99,114-123), Wint Ch1

28-Jan 2 Mineralogy and chemistry Phil (100-107), Wint Ch 2,3

30-Jan 3 Norms and the CIPW basalt classification Phil (93-98)

2Feb 4 B: Overview - origin and evolution of magmas Phil (107-113),

4-Feb 5 Rock groups and magma series Win Ch 8 128-142,146-151

6-Feb 6 Tectonic settings of igneous rocks

9-Feb 7 C. Phase Equilibria: Review unary & binary systems Winter Ch 6

11-Feb 8 Introduction to ternary systems Winter Ch 7

13-Feb 9 The system Fo-Di-An Winter Ch 8 142-146

16-Feb 10 The system Fo-An-SiO2 Winter Ch 7

18-Feb 11 The system Di-An-Ab

20-Feb 12 The effects of Pressure and volatiles on phase equilibria

EXAM 1: All Material LECT. 1-12: During week of Feb. 23

23-Feb 13 D. Geochemistry: Introduction to trace elements Winter Ch 9 (1-6)

25-Feb 14 TEL behavior during crystallization and melting

27-Feb 15 Rare Earth Elements Winter Ch 9 (6-12)

2-Mar 16 Sr/Rb isotopes Winter Ch 9 (12-17

4-Mar 17 Sm/Nd isotopes Winter Ch 9 (17-18)

6-Mar 18 continued Winter Ch 10,11&13

FIELD TRIP TO Cape Ann: Sunday, March 8, 2008

9-Mar 19 E. Petrogenesis: Basalts/ MORB Winter Ch 10,11&13

11-Mar 20 Basalts, Plume Winter Ch 14 & 15

13-Mar 21 Basalts, Andesites and Granites Winter Ch 16, 17 &Ch 18


EXAM 2: All previous Material LECT 1-21: During week of 23 March

23-Mar 22 PART 2. METAMORPHISM A: Introduction Win Ch 21, Phil Ch 6

25-Mar 23 B. Rocks and Variables Winter Ch 22

27-Mar 24 continued

30-Mar 25 C. Metamorphic Petrology: An overview Winter Ch 24

1-Apr 26 D. Metamorphism: A Physicochemical Approach

3-Apr 27 continued


6-Apr 28 E. Metamorphism of Basalts: Facies and the ACF Diagram Winter Ch 25

8-Apr 29 F. Metamorphism of Peridotites: An Integrated Approach Winter Ch 29

10-Apr 30 continued

13-Apr 31 G. Metamorphism of Carbonates & Mixed Volatiles Winter Ch 29,30

15-Apr 32 The System CaMS

17-Apr 33 Petrogenetic Grids and Facies Series

20-Apr 34 H. Metamorphism of Pelitic Schists: The AFM subsystem Winter Ch 26,27,28

22-Apr 35 Reactions, Isograds and Petrogenetic Grids

24-Apr 36 Continuous Reactions, Extra Components and Reality

FIELD TRIP TO VERMONT: Friday through Sunday April 24-26

27-Apr 37 Metamorphism; A Thermodynamic Approach: Winter Ch 5

29-Apr 38 Enthalpy, Entropy and the Gibbs Free Energy Winter Ch27

1-Mar 39 Geothermobarometry Winter Ch 27

EXAM 3: All Material- Lectures 22-39 week of 4 May

4-May 40 J. Pelites: The Rest of the Story

6-May 41 Dehydration Melting of the earths crust

8-May 42 K. Regional Metamorphism and Tectonics



28-Jan 1 Classification and Textures of Igneous Rocks Phil (93-139), Winter Ch 2&3

4-Feb 2 Introduction to Igneous Petrography: Basalts Ph (67-79), (124-134),W p182

11-Feb 3 Basalts, Andesite and Rhyolite Winter Ch 16 (293-304)

Winter P316-318, 326-330)

18-Feb 4 Mafic Layered Intrusions Winter Ch 12

25-Feb 5 Ophiolites and the Upper Mantle Wint Ch 13(1-5)&10 (1-4)

4-Mar 6 Granites Winter Ch 17 (12-26)

11-Mar 7 Quiz: Hand samples!!

18-Mar NO CLASS: SPRING BREAK March 15-20

25-Mar 8 Metamorphic Rocks: Classification and Fabrics Phl (151-166),W Ch 22

1-Apr 9 Metamorphic Facies: Petrology of Metabasalts Winter Ch 25

8-Apr 10 Mineral Facies: Ultramafic & Carbonate Rocks Winter Ch 29

15-Apr 11 Pelitic Schists: Barrovian Pelites Winter Ch 28

22-Apr 12 Ultra High Pressure Metamorphism

29-Apr 13 Final Project

6-May 14 Final project