Whitman Middle School

Philadelphia/New York City

June 4-7, 2013

Day 1 - TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 2013

7:00 AM 3- 57 passenger Deluxe Motor coaches arrive at Whitman Middle School

7:15 AM Depart WHITMAN MIDDLE SCHOOL with brown bag lunch from home to eat on-route

Bus 1 and 2:

12:45 PM Arrive at the National September 11 Memorial – "In its powerful, yet simple articulation of the footprints of the Twin Towers, "Reflecting Absence" has made the voids left by the destruction the primary symbols of our loss. It is a memorial that expresses both the incalculable loss of life and its consoling renewal, a place where all of us come together to remember from generation to generation."

1:00 PM Admission to the Memorial

Bus 3:

1:15 PM Arrive at the National September 11 Memorial

1:30 PM Admission to the Memorial

3:30 PM Visit Madame Tussauds

Walk to Dinner

5:30 PM Arrive at Dallas Barbeque for dinner (241 W 42nd)

6:30 PM Head to the Broadway Theatre

7:30 PM Broadway Show – Spiderman, Foxwoods Theater, 213 West 42nd Street, New York

(Approx. 2 hours 30 minutes)

10:00 PM Travel to your hotel – The Meadowlands Plaza - 40 Wood Ave - Secaucus, NJ


Private Security provided this evening from 10:30 PM – 5:00 AM.

Day 2 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2013

7:30 AM Full breakfast buffet included at hotel

8:30 AM Load coaches and depart your hotel.

9:00 AM Meet your local guides for a tour of the city that never sleeps which will include: 5th Avenue, Wall Street, Ground Zero, and more.

1:00 PM Pizza Lunch at Sbarro’s – lunch to include 2 slices of pizza, small salad, dessert and fountain drink

2:30 PM This afternoon visit the Intrepid Museum - New York City’s Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum Complex is a dynamic, interactive and educational journey for all ages. The museum’s mission is to honor our heroes, educate the public and inspire our youth.

5:00 PM Shark Ride – Bus 1 & 2

6:00 PM Shark Ride – Bus 3

7:00 PM Dinner on own at Rockefeller Center

Group will eat downstairs in the food court hall area

8:30 PM A visit to the Top of the Rock Observatory

Private Security provided this evening from 10:00 PM – 5:00 AM

Day 3 - THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2013

7:30 AM Full Breakfast buffet included at hotel

8:15 AM Departure for Philadelphia

10:30 AM Arrive in Philadelphia

10:30 AM National Constitution Center for the presentation of

Freedom Rising. Paid by check including a credit from Pam’s group

11:30 AM Lunch by voucher at the Bourse Food Court

Group 1 - 45 people

12:30 PM Check into security for Independence Hall

1:00 PM 30 minute tour of Independence Hall

1:30 PM Visit the Liberty Bell

2:00 PM Visit Liberty 360

Group 2 - 45 people

1:00 PM Check into security for Independence Hall

1:30 PM 30 minute tour of Independence Hall

2:00 PM Liberty Bell

2:40 PM Visit Liberty 360

Group 3 - 45 people

1:00 PM Liberty Bell

1:40 PM Visit Liberty 360

2:00 PM Check into security for Independence Hall

2:30 PM 30 minute tour of Independence Hall

Group 4 - 45 people

1:00 PM Visit Liberty 360

1:30 PM Check into security for Independence Hall

2:00 PM 30 minute tour of Independence Hall

2:30 PM Liberty Bell

All Groups

3:00 PM Board the coaches and drive to the Art Museum to climb the Rocky Steps and have a group photo before departing Philadelphia

4:00 PM Depart for hotel no later than 4:00 PM

6:00 PM Return to the hotel to freshen up before going to our dinner event.

7:00 PM Depart for Medieval Times for dinner and show

7:30 PM Show begins

10:00 PM Return to hotel

Private Security provided this evening from 10:00 PM –5:00 AM

Day 4 - FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 2013

6:30AM Full breakfast buffet included at hotel prior to checking out of your hotel.

7:30 AM Depart for the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island – from New Jersey

If not running yet – group will take a 1 hour narrated cruise from the New York side at 10:00 AM – first cruise of the morning

Lunch on own - TBD

1:30 PM Depart for home

7:00 PM Approximate time of arrival at WHITMAN MIDDLE SCHOOL

The following price is based on**:

Quadruple occupancy / $ 700.00
Triple occupancy / $ 741.00
Double occupancy / $ 805.00
Single occupancy / $1,010.00

Payment Schedule:

1.  October 26, 2012 $ 250.00 ($100.00 non-refundable)

2.  December 14, 2012 $ 150.00

3.  February 15, 2013 $ 150.00

4.  April 26, 2013 $ 150.00