I understand that this is a student oriented and education focused trip. I understand that by agreeing to accompany this trip my primary purpose is to act as a chaperone and to assist the designated teachers/program organizers and WorldStrides staff as much as possible. I will respect the authority vested in the designated staff. I agree to assist whenever requested with their efforts to conduct the program safely and in accordance with school and WorldStrides guidelines, and to effectively manage the prescribed itinerary. I also understand that the above guidelines were developed by WorldStrides and agreed upon by the teachers/program organizers and WorldStrides Course Leader.

As a chaperone, I specifically agree to:

q  Set the example for our students by being timely, cooperative, helpful and respectful of others, particularly the designated school and WorldStrides staff.

q  When talking to students, treat them as you would want to be treated . Be aware of your tone of voice , no put downs , things not appropriate for students to hear as well as you setting a dress code to follow.

q  Take care of and distribute “ daily allowances ” of cash or travelers cheques to students each day if spending money is sent for the student to use.

q  Take care of all important student materials such as Passports / Identification , Airline tickets , Meal vouchers and Passes to all sites until they are needed to be handled by the students at the time.

q  See that our students arise each morning in a timely manner for breakfast.

q  See that our students are properly dressed and fully prepared for the day’s activities.

q  Accompany and assist our students, school and WorldStrides staff throughout the day.

q  Assist during meal times and planned evening activities.

q  Check our student rooms periodically to ensure quiet and lights-out.

q  Keep our students together and orderly at the airport and while on tour. Check student rooms before departure to assure that nothing is left behind.

q  Report any discipline and/or health problems to school and WorldStrides staff.

q  Help in any emergency situation.

q  If requested, accompany and supervise any student with a discipline, health or family problem at the hotel or medical facility, or home to their parents/guardians.

q  Immediately bring any vendor-related concerns to the attention of the WorldStrides staff.

q  Understand the trip is for the students. I will remain in the back or other designated position, allowing the students to be at the front, and allow the students to dialogue when asked questions.


I have thoroughly reviewed the above and understand my assistance is vital to a smooth-running, optimal and enjoyable experience for all involved. By my signature below, I hereby stipulate I am 18 years of age or older, and that I fully understand these responsibilities and agree to assume the role of chaperone.

Chaperone’s Printed Name:______

Chaperone’s Signature:______Date: ______

Program Leader’s Printed Name:______

Program Leader’s Signature:______Date:______

WorldStrides ö 590 Peter Jefferson Parkway, Suite 300 ö Charlottesville, VA 22911 ö www.worldstrides.com ö 800-999-7676