1818 Advanced College Credit Program

English 190—Advanced Strategies of Rhetoric and Research

Ste. Genevieve R-II

Course Syllabus

Fall 2009

Instructor: Mary S. O’Brien

Contact Information: Room 14

(573) 883-4500

Availability: 6th hour Planning

Course Objectives:

·  for the advanced student who has mastered the skills taught in English 150—The Process of Composition (11th grade with Ms. Speight)

·  studies the more complex structures of language with respect to its logical and persuasive possibilities.

Course Description:

·  This college course emphasizes the development of the skills of analytical reading of fiction and nonfiction, critical thinking, and research methodology. The purpose is to help students integrate their own reasoned opinions with the fruits of reading and research, in order to produce coherent, persuasive writings. This course engages students in critical reading and writing, with emphasis on argumentation and adaptation to various audiences. Skills and methods required to write university-level research papers are taught.

·  While it is not required for students to pay St. Louis University for college credit, all students enrolled in the class will be required to do the same college assignments.


·  Students must have taken and passed English 150—The Process of Composition during junior year.

o  It is strongly recommended that students earned an A or B throughout English 150. Students who earned a C or below in English 150 could encounter problems if they remain in this class.

·  Students must have at least a 3.00 grade point average in order to take this college class for St. Louis University credit.

o  If students have less than a 3.00 grade point average, it is strongly recommended that they change their schedules.

Typical Learning Activities:

·  regular writing activities, both in class and outside of class, using traditional and technological mediums (examples: free-writing exercises, impromptu writing, journal entries, article summaries, annotations, projects, questions, etc.)

·  approximately 3-4 essays of 4-5 pages each (i.e., approx. 1000-1200 words each)

These essays will engage students in the use of strategies that will make their writing more effective. Students will practice the writing process with each essay.

·  regular reading of both fiction and non-fiction, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation of supplemental writings. Students will practice reading “rhetorically,” evaluating writing for its potential effectiveness in reaching specific audiences.

·  university-level research—students will use the writing process to write a university research paper of 8-12 pages (i.e., approx. 2000-3000 words).

Method for Determining Final Grade for Course:

·  Assessments equal 60% of the grade. Assessments can include any work completed independently during class time.

·  Other assignments equal 40% of the grade. These assignments include any work completed in groups or work assigned to be completed outside of class.

Late Work Information:

·  No late work is accepted in this college class unless the student receives special services from Ste. Genevieve R-II.

o  If students are receiving special services from Ste. Genevieve R-II, they will be allowed to submit late work according to the special services late work policy. Situations include the following:

§  students who have an IEP in communication arts

§  students enrolled in the Pride program with Mrs. Hoover

·  Only students with excused absences will be allowed to make up any missed assignments according to the high school make-up work policy.

Key Information Essential to Student Success in Course:

·  All major writing assignments must be completed using a word processor, following MLA guidelines. MLA guidelines have been taught throughout high school, so students should be familiar with the system. Each major writing assignment must be typed using 12-pt. Times New Roman or Arial font, and with one-inch or default margins.

·  Floppy disks/Flash Drives will not be accepted as evidence that an assignment has been completed. Paper copies are required.

·  No papers will be emailed to me unless given permission because of special circumstances.

Academic Integrity Statement: This class holds the same standards of academic integrity as other classes at Saint Louis University. Complete, specific college guidelines are available at