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A meeting of the Parish Council was held on the 2nd February 2015 at 7.30 p.m. at The Wells-Cole Community Centre.

Present – Mr. J. Kemp in the Chair supported by Messrs T. Bunce, P. Cross, R. Harrold, B. Hinkins, J. Laws, M. Nichols and Ms. M. Baldwin. Mr. C. Carter (District Councillor) was also present.

1. Apologies for Absence: Apologies received and accepted from Mrs. P. Grieff, Mr. R. Cooper and C. Jordan (County Councillor)

2. Declaration of Interest in Items on the Agenda: No councillor declared an interest in the Agenda items.

3. Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 5th January 2015 were taken as read, proposed by the Chairman and unanimously agreed and signed.

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes and Action List:

·  Registration of Coburg Lane – Mr. Laws said he had not received the maps to distribute to show where people had walked over the years – Clerk will contact Mrs. P. Grieff to check.

·  Tree at Community Centre needs inspecting – The Chairman and Mr. R. Harrold had attended to this.

·  Registration of Church Green – on Agenda

·  Hedge alongside the Mere The Chairman said Mr. Buscall’s hedge trimmer was doing the rounds and would attend to this in due course.

·  Road surface breaking up at the entrance and further along the Oval – reported to Highways – nothing heard - report again.

·  Lack of dropped kerbs in the parish – Highways asked about an assessment for the accessibility of all kerbs for disabled users – nothing heard – Clerk will chase – still nothing heard – Clerk will chase again.

5. Resolution to Adjourn the Meeting for Public Participation and District/County Councillor Reports: The Chairman closed the meeting and reminded the public that this is the only time they can speak.

A parishioner said that there has been a car parked outside Primrose Cottage on Chequers Lane at night without lights on and it could easily be hit if a driver was unaware that it was there. Clerk to contact the owners.

A parishioner said there had been an accident on the bridge on Cley Lane that morning and asked if priority signs could be installed. There are also large puddles near the bridge after rainy periods. The Clerk said that the Council had asked for priority signs on the bridge but had always been refused- will contact Highways again and also report the standing water.

A parishioner spoke re the proposed development of 25 houses on Chequers Lane. A Petition signed by 50+ people in the vicinity had been sent to Breckland. The Chairman asked if this only appeared as one objection to the plan and it was confirmed that it was only one entry on the website. Parishioners should be urged to write separate letters of objection. The application is for 25 houses but it is clearly stated that a further 3.7 HA is set aside for further development.

A parishioner said that Saham was still being described as a “Service Centre Village” with a shop and Post Office despite the fact that these services no longer exist in Saham. Mr. C. Carter said he will look into the Service Centre issue but said the plan has not been called in to Committee yet and this suggests there is no scope for allowing it to go further.

The Chairman reopened the meeting.

6. Correspondence:

·  Email from a parishioner re oak tree on the playingfield – There is a large tree on the Playingfield immediately behind the properties Numbers 26, 27 and 28 The Oval which is subject to a TPO but is posing a threat to properties and residents. The email suggests it is need of some sympathetic pruning and Mr. M. Nichols has looked at the tree. It looks healthy but there is a large branch which needs attention. It was agreed the Clerk ask for three quotes for the necessary work.

·  Information re changes affecting the ability to provide Affordable Housing and Open Space – Local Planning Authorities can no longer rely on Policies DC4 (Affordable Housing) and DC 11 (Open Space) to contribute to affordable housing or open space for housing schemes up to and including 10 dwellings or total floor area of no more than 1000 sq.m.

7. To Approve Accounts for Payment:

The following accounts are due for payment:-

·  Mrs. J.S. Glenn - £497.55 – made up of Salary £477.56

Broadband £19.99

·  P.E. Garner & Son - £240 – hedge cutting at the Playingfield

·  CGM - £883.90 – grounds maintenance at the WCCC and Churchyard

·  Mrs. P. Nichols - £101 – Community Car Scheme – half repayable by Breckland

·  Mr. J. Horn - £35 – computer repairs

·  CAB - £100 – donation

·  Wayland Partnership - £400 – donation

·  Wayland First Response - £250 – donation

The Clerk said that the desktop computer had been unreliable for the past month and had been to Julian Horn for repair. Problems still persist in that it will not always start correctly and it can either go in for further repairs or the Council can buy a new tower. It was agreed to continue with attempts to repair it.

The payment of the above accounts was proposed by Mr. R. Harrold, seconded by Mr. T. Bunce and unanimously agreed.

8. To Consider Planning Matters: Planning Permission received to Plan 32PL/2014/1268/F – proposed two storey side extension at Mill Corner Cottage, Cley Lane and Plan 3PL2014/1262/F – conversion of existing detached building to self contained holiday let accommodation at The Horseshoes House, Bell Lane. The following plans were discussed:-

·  Plan 3PL/2114/1358/F – removal of condition 10 on 3PL/2011/1305/F at Ash Farm, King Row, Shipdham – no objection

·  Plan 3PL/2014/1373/F proposed extension and garage at The Croft, 69 Hills Road – no objection. Mr. P. Cross declared an interest and did not vote.

·  Plan 3PL/2015/0009/F – residential development – erection of 4 bungalows and double garages at The Croft, 69 Hills Road – no objection. Mr. P. Cross declared an interest and did not vote.

·  Plan 3PL/2015/0100/F – new Eco-Dwelling on land adjoining Locket Ridge, new turning and revised visibility splay at junction – no objection. Mr. Hinkins noted that this is the first Plan to submit a Community Infrastructure Levy Form.

·  Plan 3PL/2014/1340/F – residential development of 25 houses with associated access and landscaping works at Chequers Lane. Mr. B. Hinkins read a paper he had prepared on this plan. The proposal is for approximately 1 HA and it is clearly stated that a further 3.7 HA is set aside for further development. It is within the LDF site 0.19 but is outside the development boundary and the extra land set aside could accommodate approximately 90 dwellings – an increase of 11% growth. Chequers Lane is an uncategorized road and with the forthcoming proposal for 73 dwellings in Saham Road, Watton and the 29 Clayland builds under construction this area will become a major route to Ashill, Swaffham, Dereham and the A47. There are no job opportunities in Saham and people will have to travel further distances and this will not help our carbon footprint. The 1.8m footpath is not achievable as this would cover most of the ditch along the front of this proposal and this ditch takes all surface water from the area. Part of the proposal is in a zone 1 flood risk area and the area cannot cope with extreme downpours at present. Many road gullies have been added to the area over a period of time and all discharge into this ditch – any further hard standings will increase this. Within the proposal, surface water disposal will use SUDS. There will be a large amount of hard standing and topography falls towards Chequers Lane and is chalk/clay. When SUDS meet capacity this will create an outfall into the existing ditch. The concerns are – County will have to address school places (not a planning issue); there is little chance of employment within the village and people will have to travel to other towns which does not bring prosperity to Saham through employers; Watton Medical Practice is in special measures and will need to be addressed (not a planning issue); there is no mention of improvements in facilities or infrastructure in any planning proposals; most planning applications are outside the development boundaries and this is unplanned expansion and cannot be controlled for our village needs. Sustainable Development is about planning for a better quality of life, insuring that economy, social and environment impacts are balanced and the use of natural resources are considered and should not impact on further generations. This application is not viable, sustainable or deliverable for Saham’s needs now or in the future.

Mr. B. Hinkins said that the Council needs to look again at its plan for the Village.

Other points raised are the parking of vehicles whilst the site is under construction – near to two road junctions; the fact that the site in question was not considered suitable for the development of the 10 social houses that were built on Pound Hill and the fact that Saham Toney does not meet the criteria for a Service centre Village.

Clerk to draft a letter for approval by councillors and Charles Carter before submission.

9. To Discuss the Progress of the Registration of Coburg Lane: - Papers filed.

10. To Discuss the Registration of the Church Green: The Clerk said papers are lodged.

11. To discuss the Wells-Cole Community Centre: The insurance documents had been received and were in order. It states in the policy that Audited Accounts were seen as at the 20th February 2013. It also states that they require Audited Accounts for the Hall and any subsidiary Companies every 12 months.

The Clerk said that the Management Committee now needs to be asked to comply with the Trust Deed. The present committee members need to resign before the AGM which is held at the Annual Parish Meeting. They then need to bring the names of 5 representative members who are willing to serve on the Management Committee to that meeting. There will then be 3 people elected from the Annual Parish Meeting to serve on the Committee. A further 3 members maybe co-opted in due course if necessary. At the first meeting of the Committee following the Parish Meeting the Committee appoints a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer from the elected committee. A report for the past year and the Accounts for the past financial year must be presented to the parish at the Annual Parish Meeting. It was agreed the Clerk write to the Management Committee informing them of this.

There were also some Health and Safety Executive requirements that need to be met:-

·  Electrical installations must be correctly installed, modified or repaired and then inspected and tested by a qualified electrician before being put to use.

·  Gas appliances must be tested by Gas Safe registered engineer.

·  There must be fire risk assessment completed and adequate fire safety measures must be in place. There must be an evacuation plan with fire drills once a year. The fire alarm must be tested regularly. Regular checks must be made to ensure escape routes and fire exit door are unobstructed and adequate for the number of people using the hall.

·  All users must be provided with the information the need to operate safely.

It was agreed to also point out these requirements and ask for the necessary certificates.

12. To Consider Reports from Outside Organisations: The Clerk said that during January Speedwatch had recorded 4 vehicles exceeding the speed limit in 4 locations over 4 hours. Speedwatch has been affected by the weather and illness during this period.

The Clerk read the Playpark Report. Mrs. B. Harrold said all the equipment is in good working order. There are some brambles along the edge of the dog walking path near the mound that will need to be reduced before growth starts and there are a large number of mole hills which will need attention. Mrs. Harrold also asks that the Council give consideration to replacing the W.I. seat that fell into disrepair and had to be removed from the front of the WCCC. – suggesting the Council could raise money to replace the seat by holding a raffle. It was agreed to discuss this when the weather improves.

Mr. P. Cross said the Consultation on a Proposal to Federate the Primary Schools of Parkers and Caston was incorrectly worded and will be reissued.

13. Items for the Next Agenda (not for discussion): The following items to be on the February Agenda:- Registration of Coburg Lane and Registration of Church Green.

14. To Confirm the Date and Time of the Annual Parish Meeting as Monday 20th April 2015 at 7.30 at the Wells-Cole Community Centre

15. To Confirm the Date and Time of the Next Meeting of the Parish Council –Monday the 2nd February 2015 at 7.30 at the Wells-Cole Community Centre.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.35 p.m.

Parish Matters

The following matters to be reported to Highways:-

·  The footpath on Pound Hill near Parker’s Close is breaking up- this also applies to Richmond Road.

·  The road markings at the Hills Road T junction need repainting.

·  Parking on The Oval near numbers 5, 6 and 7. Numerous parked vehicles made it difficult for ambulances, bin men and road sweeper to access the properties. Also report this matter to the Police.

·  The watercourse down the side of Ploughboy Lane is blocked. There is also something draining across the road causing a hazard.

For information Mr. B. Hinkins said BBC Radio Norfolk visited the parish on Sunday as part of its Treasure Quest programme.

2nd February 2015