April 7, 2008

The Underhill Conservation Commission met at Town Hall on April 7, 2008, at 7:00 PM, with 6 members attending; they were Tom Kichura-Chair, Ellen Eccleston – Treasurer, Karen McKnight, Trevor Squirrell, Betty Moore, and Mary Pacifici –Secretary. Also present were; Chris Murphy –Town and Planning Administrator, Faith Ingulsrud, Bernie Pientka, and Gary Sawyer were present to be interviewed by us.

We discussed the Rules of Procedure and decided to adopt the Rules as written.

The Commission was asked to state its purpose, what projects had it been working on, and what had we done to help the Town. We had considered working on the Class III wetlands to fill in the remaining information needed for an overlay on the map information recently completed by Ed Moore. Information of this type of wetlands would greatly help the Planning and Zoning Commissions when property owners wish to expand their building projects into present wetlands.

The candidates were next interviewed for their interests in joining the UCC. Faith Ingulsrud has strong points in land use planning and regulation, watershed conservation, and land management, which would aid our CC.

Bernie Pientka is a Fisheries Biologist in VT Department of Fish and Wildlife in northwestern VT. He can do GIS mapping, also.

Gary Sawyer has worked for State of VT as a Forester since 1978.

After our commission had discussed the combined benefits of the new people, we voted them in as new commissioners. Now our commission feels we can really start and get projects accomplished.

Chris had spoken to the VLCT concerning a training course for the CC members. The Commission decide against meeting on a Saturday morning for this and asked that it be held on a regular meeting night, either 5/12/08 or 6/9/08.

Both Ellen Eccleston and Andy Grab are leaving our commission, leaving 8 Commissioners. We haven’t decided whether to have another person as the ninth member.

Voting of new officers was next. The Chair will be Tom Kichura, Secretary will be Karen McKnight, and Treasurer will be Mary Pacifici. Vice-chair will be Betty Moore. . Mary has been ordered to send in the dues from Underhill CC to the AVTCC – VLCT organization for this year.

Meeting adjourned at 9:10PM.

Respectively submitted,

Mary Pacifici