2016 Picasso project application------Template
1. Before you begin: please visit the “how to apply” page on our website.
2. Save a draft of your answers using this template. This will be particularly helpful if you experience technical difficulties.
3. Complete the checklist
4. When you are ready, cut and paste your answers to the online application
5. Attach all supporting documents to online application in PDF or JPEG format (files may not exceed 1MB)
6. Click “Submit” to complete application
7. Click on “PDF” to save a copy for your records
8. The listed “project leader” will receive an email confirmation
9. If you have any questions, or concerns while filling out this application, contact us at .
10. Submit your application online by Friday, November 13, 2015 at 11:59 PM.
Important Notes:
· Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.
· Check your word count. Any information that exceeds the word limits will be deleted.
School Name / Address / Zip
Amount Requested / # students to be served intensively (e.g. every week) *recommended minimum of 1 class/ 30 students. / Grade(s)
$ / # students to be exposed (e. g. once at an assembly) / Grade (s)
Project Title:
Anticipated number of project hours: (recommended minimum of 20 hours)
Name / Email / Phone
Cell phone (For emergency use only)
SCHOOL STAFF TEAM MEMBERS: Picasso Project Team must have at least three staff members
PROJECT LEADER (Must be a school staff member)
Name / Email / Phone
Project Leader cell phone (for emergency use only)
Name / Grade / Phone
Subject / Email
Name / Grade / Phone
Subject / Email
Name / Grade / Phone
Subject / Email
COMMUNITY PARTNERS (e.g. teaching artists, community organizations, volunteers)
Name / Organization
Email / Phone
Name / Organization
Email / Phone
Name / Organization
Email / Phone
Name / Organization
Email / Phone
______ My principal has reviewed this application and budget and certifies that this school has no more than a TOTAL of 2 full time arts teachers combined if you add together all teachers in art, music, drama, dance and digital media.
I attended a Picasso Project Grant Support Workshop (Yes/No) ______
Has the school received Picasso Project funds in the past? (yes/ No) ______
If yes, list each year that your school has received the grant.
______(A full list is available on our website)
I. Identifying Needs for Arts Resources
Please state the number of FULL TIME teachers your school has on staff in these areas:
Visual Arts # full time teachers ______
Music # full time teachers ______
Dance # full time teachers ______
Drama # full time teachers ______
Digital Media # full time teachers ______
Arts Programming: In 150 WORDS OR LESS describe the school’s current arts program(s). Please include:
· Your successes and strong programs.
· Challenges in keeping arts in the school (e.g. loss of staff or resources).
· Any other arts program support (e.g. grants, other partnerships, volunteers, etc.).
School’s Need: In 150 WORDS OR LESS describe the need(s) of the school that you are attempting to address through this innovative project. Examples include projects that seek to:
1. Improve school climate (e.g., issues integrating new students, conflicts between students, parent involvement, student behavior).
2. Increase quality arts instruction and arts opportunities for students.
3. Increase engagement
II. Project Description
Project Plan: In 300 WORDS OR LESS describe in detail the proposed project plan. Please include:
1. The goals for the project—what the school and students will gain/learn.
2. Method for implementation
3. The assessment method: how will you see and measure the impact of the project?
Arts Integration: In 150 WORDS OR LESS Briefly explain how this project will be integrated into academic instruction to engage students and enhance learning outcomes.
School Team: In 150 WORDS OR LESS please provide:
1. The names of at least three school staff members who will be involved in the project.
2. The role of the staff members in the project.
3. How and exactly when you will communicate and collaborate with each other on program planning, implementation, assessment, and trouble shooting challenges.
Community Partners (At least one is required): In 150 WORDS OR LESS please describe:
1. Which specific community partners (e.g. teaching artists, community organizations, volunteers, arts venues or organizations) are closely involved in the project.
2. Why you are choosing your proposed partner organization(s) or artist(s).
3. How and exactly when you will communicate and collaborate on program planning, implementation, assessment, and trouble shooting challenges.
Documentation: In 150 WORDS OR LESS please detail:
1. How you will document your progress and measure impact and outcomes (e.g. written accounts, digital media, etc.)?
2. How you will share these with your class, school and the Picasso Project.
Sustainability: We want to affect positive change in schools. In 150 words or less, describe how you plan to sustain this project at your school. (E.g. creation of a project team that will continue to build connections with the school and community.)
III. Spreading Awareness about Arts Education (Arts Advocacy)
Our grantees are required to participate in advocacy for arts education as a part of their project. (Examples in application guidelines) If this is your first time advocating for arts education, PCCY will help by providing free training sessions for grantees and well as additional support as needed.
Describe in 150 WORDS OR LESS:
1. How you will build awareness and public support for arts education.
2. Who will lead the advocacy activities?
3. Strategies used and placement in the timeline.
IV. Timeline
Provide a specific timeline for the project in 50 WORDS OR LESS per MONTH. Please include:
1. Planning, implementation, documentation and advocacy phases.
2. Weeks, dates and times in as much detail as possible.
V. Executive Summary
Now that you have described your project and advocacy plan, in 150 WORDS OR LESS
· Please summarize it as concisely as possible. Please include:
1. Your project title
2. The main need at your school you will address with the project.
3. Your main goals for the project.
4. A synopsis of the project description.
5. School team and community partners involved.
6. Your advocacy plan.
VI. Supporting Documents:
· Letter of intent from each involved artist or organizational partner. A template letter is available at the Picasso Project website
· All clearances and insurance certificates or affidavits of community partners. (the Picasso Project website)
· 2 additional documents no bigger than 1 MB (max. one page each) that provides an alternative perspective, beyond what is illustrated in your application, to help demonstrate your proposed project. Examples include photos of past arts based projects, brochures of partner organizations and/or resumes of community-based artists that are related to your proposed project.
VII. Budget
· a detailed budget of the project.
· Budgets should accurately reflect project description and goals.
· Budget item prices must be realistic and should be researched and documented.
· A template and sample budget are available on the picasso project website.
· Fiscal Agent Fee: If a Community Partner organization is taking on the responsibility of insuring your teaching artists and managing the grant money, they may ask for a fee of $250 for this service.
2016 Picasso Project Grant Budget Template
Cost $ / Quantity / Total $Equipment & Documentation
Sub Total
Sub Total
Supplies and Materials
Sub Total
Sub Total
Partners examples below
X independent teaching artist coming once a week for 3 hours
Tour at underground theater zone
X organization providing 2 teaching artists / $x/hour $X00 / 4 weeks
Sub Total
Financial management and liability examples below
Clearances $48.75 per artist if needed.
Insurance $250/ teaching artist if needed.
Up to $250 fiscal agent fee if a community partner is managing the finances and liability for your grant
/ Sub Total
/ TotalRevenues:
Picasso Project RequestOther Revenue (e.g. donations, school contributions, other funding sources and IN-KIND items):
Sub Total
____ I/ We developed a project team at my school
_____ I/ We visited Picasso Project Website to see examples, templates and past projects
_____ I/ We attended Grant Support Workshop or Conference Call Click here for dates
_____ I/ We contacted community partners (e.g. teaching artists, community organizations, volunteers, etc.) and potential field trip sites
_____ I/ We acquired all three clearances for teaching artists and volunteers (or affidavits if clearances were not available at time of application)
_____ I/ We acquired certificate of insurance from partner organizations involved
_____ I/ We acquired certificate of insurance from field trip sites
______I/ We acquired Letter(s) of Intent from partner organization(s)
______I/ We created and saved all application answers in a word document (recommended)
______I/ We filled out online application
______I/ We attached supporting documents to online application
_____ Letter(s) of intent from community partners
_____ 2 supporting documents (artist resume, arts org brochure, photos from previous arts based projects at your school etc.)
_____ All clearances, affidavits, and insurance certificates
_____ I/ We received confirmation of receipt from Picasso Project. If you do not receive confirmation, please contact us.
Note: Awardees will be announced in mid December. Those not receiving a grant can request constructive feedback from the review committee. Please refer to www.pccy.org for further updates.
Picasso Project 2016 Application Questions? 215 563 5848 x 22 3