2015Shell Lake Afterschool Outdoor Learning Evaluation Summary

A Qualtrics survey was printed out for2-4th graders to fill out on the last day of 4-H Afterschool. Twenty three students were present on that day. Each week, different youth were participants so this survey did not capture all of their responses, and most were not there for every class. Almost half of the students indicate that they did not enjoy Afterschool, and one third said that they wouldn’t do more outdoor activities if offered with 4-H Afterschool. Students indicated that they gained in all areas except their comfort exploring the outdoors (which remained the same, and was lower than any other indicator either before or after the class). They gained most in their confidence to build a shelter they could stay in overnight.

1. How would you rate your experience in Afterschool this year? (23 total)

Figure 1: Experience in program

2. Please rate your experiences before and after the class related to each of the following topics.

1 = Strongly Disagree

2 – Disagree

3 = Agree

4 = Strongly Agree

Figure 2: Skill growth through program


1. I understand how to geocache

2. I am comfortable using snowshoes

3. I am comfortable exploring the outdoors

4. I am confident I could build a shelter I could stay in overnight

5. I understand the 7 Leave No Trace principles

6. I follow some of the Leave No Trace principles when I am outdoors

7. I understand some of the culture of India

8. I shared with others what I know about India

3. What topics were you at Afterschool for?

Figure 3: Attendance

4-7. What was your favorite/least favorite topic? Why?

Figure 4: Favorite and least favorite topics


  • I like to build shelters (2)
  • Exploring the pond is cool.
  • Exploring the pond was fun and our group got to explore and learn new things.
  • I like ponds.
  • We saw frogs and fish in the pond.
  • I liked the pond because geocaching is boring.
  • We got to show people what we learned by doing skits (2)
  • The skits were fun. (2)
  • When snowshoeing you walk on snow.
  • We got to go in different directions (on snowshoes).
  • It was the first time I've been snowshoeing!
  • I don't go snowshoeing a lot.
  • Snowshoeing is fun.

Least favorite:

  • India classes had a lot of coloring.
  • I don't like learning about other cultures.
  • Geocaching as boring.
  • Snowshoeing is hard. (3)
  • I always fall down snowshoeing.
  • I don't like heavy shoes to snowshoe.

8. What can you use in the future from what you learned?

  • About what to do with friends
  • If the snow is deep, put on snowshoes
  • How to survive outdoors and build shelters (2)
  • I can share with others what I learned (3)
  • Don’t be afraid of nature
  • How to use a compass when I am going somewhere.
  • About India

9. If there were additional sessions related to outdoor activities in the coming school year, would you like to attend them?

Figure 5: Likelihood of attending more afterschool outdoor programs