COMMITTEE: Membership
Current Goals / Status of Goals / Next Steps/Action Needed1. Develop a plan to increase membership
- Retain existing members
- New members
- Partners
- Work with the Executive Director to set up meetings with Chapter Membership chairs / Increased membersip from new members and "lost chpater" renewed should show an increase in members / Continue to grow membership
2. Membership database / In Testing / Implement
3. Work with the Executive Director to develop a membership plan that includes chapter development.
• Focus on strategies of new members, partners, retaining existing membership.
• Ideas to establish chapters in states that currently do not have a chapter / Work with Executive Director on direction to take
Develop communicaton to share with inactive states and members
4. Worked with committee to develop a questionaire to be sent out to all members. / Questionaire crated and keyed into Survey Monkey. / Need to get final approval and have sent out to members.
Other work completed since last board meeting:
As an outcome from the membership group brainstorming session the following activities have been started:
Steve has been working to get our "lost chapters" back into the fold.
We're still working on other lost chapters and hope to get them back in.
Steve has set up another conference call. Three suscessful states president's are going to speak to success factors on what works for them in recruiting and maintaining membership.Membership growth is important as it helps to carry out our overall mission which includes providing quality benefits and services to members.
Because chapters play an important role in membership growth, the presidents of three IAWP chapters will share their share their success stories during an upcoming conference call scheduled for Tuesday March 13, 2018. Illinois, Washington State and New York chapters respectively, will share their strategies for increasing membership, and answer important questions including:
•Where do we find prospective members?
•How do we retain the members we already have?
•Who should be on the chapter membership team, and why?
•How to increase chapter meeting attendance?
•What are some alternatives to meetings that members want?
Any member involved or interested in growing membership at an IAWP chapter is invited to participate in this conference call meeting.
Working on Testing of the implemented membership database. Minor cosmetic changes are needed that do not affect the function of the system.
Oregon is working with Steve on a chapter level to make sure the system is functional for chapters and not just at the member level.
Work/Tasks to complete before next board meeting:
Continue to work on "lost chapters" and members as well as gain new members.
Bring other members and chapters into the online membership system.
Have Survey Monkey questionaire sent out to members.
Items for the board meeting agenda (discussion or vote):
Proposal put forth to implement an annual set date for a Membership Day. Proposal was made that June 11th each year is set up as an Association Membership day in which all chapters perform some sort of membership function on that day. Some simple ideas could be like a chili feed, ice cream Sunday day, rootbeer float day or a little more involved coul be a lunch time speaker or small training. These events would be free to members and a small fee to non members. If the non member choose to join the association, then the function would be free for them as well.
International Association of Workforce Professionals: Board Committee Report