Simonds, C. J., Hunt, S. K., & Simonds, B. K. (2014). Communication as Critical Inquiry (5th ed. for Illinois State University). Boston, MA: Pearson Custom Publishing.

(Access Codes to eTexts available at campus bookstores—See below).

Simonds, C. J., Hunt, S. K., & Hooker, J.F. (2014). Communication as critical inquiry:

Supplementary materials packet. Champaign, IL: Stipes Publishing.

E-TEXTBOOK: You are required to have an e-Text Access code for Com 110, which will allow you to access the textbook as well as other materials necessary for the completion of the course. The E-book can be purchased at the Barnes and Noble bookstore in the Bone Student Center or the Alamo II. You will register this code with Pearson as well as with your instructor so please do not discard this access code. Access codes may only be registered once per student and will go offline once the semester is completed. The access code is required in order to access class materials (i.e. textbook, participation assignments, review material) and to upload student speech outlines to the MediaShare website. MediaShare will be used for the informative and persuasive speeches.

SPIRAL WORKBOOK: The other item that you will need to purchase is the student workbook at the Communication Resource Center (location stated below). This contains activities and evaluation forms that you will need to complete COM 110. This book should be purchased during the first week of class.

SPIRAL WORKBOOK PURCHASING PROCEDURES: Students will purchase the spiral workbook (Com 110 Communication as Critical Inquiry) through the School of Communication online store using a credit, debit, or monetary gift card. The website can be found at the following address:

The workbook will cost $31 plus tax and will be available for the students to pick up in the Communication Resource Center located in the lower level of Fell Hall, Room 34, 1-2 business days after the online purchase. Students will need to show their ISU ID card and Resource Center workers will verify they have purchased the book and give it to them at that time.

COM 110Student Workbooks Available

in the Communication Resource Center

located in the lower level on Fell Hall, room 34.

Hours of Operation:

Room34, the first week

Monday, January 12th– 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Tuesday, January 13th – 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, January 14th – 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, January 15th – 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Friday, January 16th – 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Room Fell 034, the second week

Monday, January 19th – CLOSED

Tuesday, January 20th – 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday, January 21st – 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Thursday, January 22nd – 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Friday, January 23 – 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


- A three ring binder (no more than 1") - to be used for portfolio assignment

-Some mechanism that can record at least 8 minutes of video that can be uploaded to a computer (Smartphone, tablet with video capabilities, laptop with web cam, or a friend/classmate with said technology).


-Divider tabs - to be used for the portfolio assignment

- Note cards (4 x 6 or smaller) –to be used for speeches



1) Students will become more competent communicators (using knowledge, skill, motivation, and judgment).

2) Students will become more critical consumers and producers of ideas and information (using analytical reasoning skills in the reception, collection, and presentation of ideas).

3) Students will conduct background research necessary to develop well-informed presentations.

4) Students will evaluate the communication skills of others (identifying effective and ineffective aspects of oral presentations).

5) Students will become more competent in communicating in small group discussions (articulating and defending their own ideas as well as listening to and considering the ideas of others).

6) Students will become more effective communicators in a democracy (demonstrating ethical communication, considering multiple perspectives on controversial issues, and managing conflict).


EXAMS: There will be a midterm and a final exam each worth 100 points. These exams will assess your understanding of communication concepts and theories, as well as your application and integration of material. Students are required by the University to meet during their final exam time.

SPEECHES: Each student will present three speeches:
a. Informative speech (5-7 minutes; at least 4 sources)

1.  Assignment can be found on page 12-13 in your workbook.

2.  Grading criteria can be found on pages 14 and 15

3.  With this speech you are required to turn in:

a.  Instructor Evaluation Form (pg. 16)

b.  Self-Evaluation Form –Completed (pg. 21)

c.  Outline and reference page-final version due the first day of speeches (example on pg. 23-37)

b. Group presentation (18-22 minutes; at least 10 sources)

1.  Assignment can be found on page 44-45 in your workbook.

2.  Grading criteria can be found on 46-47

3.  With this speech you are required to turn in:

a.  Instructor Evaluation Form (pg. 48)

b.  Peer Evaluation Sheets-due the day you present (pg. 49)

c.  One collective outline and reference page (examples on pgs. 50-58)

d.  Group Journal

c. Persuasive speech (6-8 minutes; at least 6 sources)

1.  Assignment can be found on page 61-62 in your workbook.

2.  With this presentation you are required to turn in:

a.  Instructor Evaluation Form (pg. 63)

b.  Outline and reference page (examples on pgs. 67-71)

*The page numbers mentioned above refer to your spiral workbook unless otherwise noted.

*Speeches that do not reach the minimum time limit or exceed the time limits by more than 30 seconds will be docked from the “Overall Impression” category (listed on the evaluations in your spiral books) as well as any content that was not covered. Students will be made aware when certain time limits are nearing. I will stop speeches when they reach 30 seconds over the time limit, to ensure every speaker is able to deliver on his/her speech day.
All three speeches must be completed to pass the course. Each presentation will be evaluated on content and delivery. Specific details will be clearly outlined in class. Typed outlines and references are required for each (a sample will be provided in the textbook and/or spiral workbook) and are to be turned in prior to presenting. Speeches cannot be delivered without having turned in a hard copy of the outline. All outlines and references are due on the first day of speech presentations. Failure to turn in an outline and reference page on the due date will result in a 50 point deduction from your speech grade. You will always have the opportunity to submit a preliminary outline to me at least a week prior to your speech date in order to receive feedback. Outlines will NOT be accepted through email. Additionally, if you fail to give your speech on the assigned day you MUST complete that speech in the speech lab for an audience of 3-5 people (that you provide), at a scheduled time with your instructor in order to pass this course but will receive a 50 point deduction.

The Illinois Articulation Initiative is designed to allow students to transfer course credit between institutions. The IAI requires that all Com 110 students present at least three speaking opportunities that include research and are five minutes, or longer, in duration.

SPEECH LAB: Though it will not be required for this course, you are encouraged to visit the speech lab at least once during the semester to practice your speech. The use of the speech lab and the return of the form (found in the beginning of your spiral workbook on pages 5, 6, or 7) will be worth 5 points of extra credit ONCE during the semester. It is recommended that you plan a visit to the speech lab at least one week before your speech so you have enough time to synthesize the feedback received from the attendant and incorporate it into your speech. You cannot schedule your speech lab appointment on the same day as you present your speech. Ultimately, the speech lab can be a useful tool in improving the quality of your speech and public speaking skills. To schedule time in the speech lab, call 309-438-4566 or visit in person. The speech lab is located on the lower level of Fell Hall, room 32. Make an appointment at your earliest convenience since the speech lab fills up fast. If you need to change or cancel your appointment, you will need to call the Speech Lab or stop by in person 24 hours in advance. If you skip your appointment without notifying the Speech Lab, you will be blacklisted; meaning you will not be able to use the Speech Lab at any point in the semester.

COMMUNICATION IMPROVEMENT PROFILE (CIP): This is the first major assignment in the class and which will also be included in your Portfolio. This is a short paper in which you will analyze your own communication style, strengths, and weaknesses and discuss what your goals and expectations are for your improvement in this course. The paper will also discuss a plan of action that you will use to achieve those goals. The CIP assignment details can be found on page 77 of your workbook.

With your CIP paper you will turn in:

1.  Grading Criteria and Evaluation Form (pg. 78)

2.  CIP Template- Completed (pgs. 79-80)

3.  Critical Thinking Self Assessment Pre-Test (CTSA) (pgs. 81-82)

4.  Ethical Communication Self Assessment (ECSA) (pgs. 83-48)

PORTFOLIO: This is a collection of material accumulated over the semester represents your insights, observations, experience and reflections on communication. This is your opportunity to see material evidence of your accomplishments. In this paper, you will reflect on your experiences as a COM 110 student. Specifically, you will explain how the material learned in this class can be applied to your personal and professional life. You will also discuss ways you have improved as a communicator throughout this class, as well as the areas in which improvement is still necessary. The directions for the synthesis paper can be found on page 85 in your workbook. You may also find page 87-88 the Synthesis Paper Template helpful when brainstorming for your paper.

With your synthesis paper you will turn in:

1.  Synthesis Paper: Grading Criteria and Evaluation Form (pg. 86)

2.  Portfolio Evaluation Form (pgs. 75)

3.  CTSA & ECSA Post-Test (pgs. 89-90 & 91-92)

4.  As well as the required CIP and all 3 speeches (TBA).

PARTICIPATION (P2P): To receive full credit for participation each student must complete all knowledge questions from the Preparing to Participate (P2P) sections found in the textbook from chapters 1 through 17 in order to prepare for discussion. All participation assignments MUST BE TYPED, STAPLED, has 1 inch margins, free of grammatical and spelling errors and in full sentences. (See assignment format below for detailed description). These will function as a study tool for exams. These notes will be collected at the end of each assigned class period and the points cannot be made up. If you are absent on a day a P2P is due you may not turn in the assignment late, unless you have an excused absence. P2P assignments are worth 5 points each. This may not sound like much, but they add up quickly. Do not let your grade suffer because of P2Ps. It is suggested that students take notes on their P2P assignments as there will be information we will cover in class that will not be in their P2P assignments.
ACTIVITIES: You are expected to come to class and be prepared to engage in activities and discussion with your peers. I do not want to lecture on notes you have already read and I KNOW you do not want to listen to a lecture you have already engaged in. Throughout the semester you will experiment with introduction speeches, short impromptu speeches and various in-class group activities. Activities will be done in class and cannot be made up. Detailed instructions will be given at the appropriate times. Ex: Pop quiz, in-class activity, topic selections, group journals, concept mapping, one-on-one meeting, and in-class workdays. These activities fall under the TBD points below as they vary by day.

Informative Speech 100 pts
Group Presentation 100 pts
Persuasive Speech 100 pts
Portfolio 100 pts

CIP Paper 30

Speech Materials 20
Synthesis Paper 40

Portfolio Appearance 10
Midterm 100 pts
Final Exam 100 pts
Participation 80 pts
Activities TBD
*Assessment and point values are subject to change*

ASSIGNMENT FORMAT: Please make your headings for ALL assignments uniform. If you do not follow this format you will lose points. I will provide an example, which I will expect you follow. Though your work will be double spaced (with the exception of your outlines), 12pt font and will have 1 inch margins, Times New Roman Font, free of grammatical and spelling errors the heading should be SINGLE SPACED and on the first page ONLY for all assignments. (HINT: In order to get this format on word Highlight the text, go to Paragraph, then Line spacing and click single, then check the box that says "Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style" Taadaa!) See below for example.


Section Number

As noted earlier, a stapler is suggested for this class. All assignments MUST be stapled prior to turning them in. I will not accept any assignments that are not stapled together in a professional manner. Please be sure to take into account proper spacing after paragraphs and periods.


1.  You are expected to come to class prepared to discuss and participate in activities associated with the readings. Being absent will deprive you of valuable class discussions and will also prevent you from fulfilling certain graded in-class activities, which cannot be made up. Attendance is taken every class time, including in-class workdays.

2.  I understand that “life happens” and there may be days that you make the choice to not attend class. Each student may have 2 absences without being penalized, no matter what the creative excuse may be. Use them wisely. After 2 absences, 5 points will be deducted from your participation grade for each additional day that is missed. You are always responsible for all materials distributed in your absence. Any additional notes taken on a day you miss are your responsibility to obtain from a fellow student. You may not turn in missed assignments after you have been absent without a documented excuse. If you decide to be absent without a documented excuse on an exam day, it may result in a ZERO.