2 Frith Bank BOSTON PE22 7BA - 01205 876224

The meeting of Carrington Parish Council, was held on Tuesday 25TH August 2015 in Carrington Village Hall
Present: Cllr. K. Rundle, Cllr. Mrs S. Brown, Cllr. Miss K. Taylor, Cllr. Mrs R. Quinnell, Cllr H. Epton, Cllr A. Paul, Cllr. J. Thompson and clerk to the Council, Mrs V. Clark.
Also Present, County Councillor C. Mair, District Councillor T. Ashton and 2 members of the public

No matters were raised in the public forum

1.  APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE with reasons

Apologies were received from Cllr. Mrs J. O’Connor and on proposal from Cllr. Mrs S. Brown, seconded by Cllr. Mrs R. Quinnell all resolved to accept the reasons given

Apologies were also received from District Cllr Jones

2.  NOTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 28/7/15 to be approved as the minutes

On proposal from Cllr. Miss K. Taylor, seconded by Cllr. Mrs R. Quinnell, all resolved to approve them as the minutes of the meeting and they were signed by the Chairman

3.  DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST (if any) – None received


1)  Police – No report received

2)  Parochial Church Council – Nothing to report

3)  District Councillors – Cllr. N. Jones & Cllr. T. Ashton

Cllr. Ashton Spoke about the Southern area meeting and possible changes to the structure and the Town & Parish Scrutiny meeting. He also informed the members of the Woodland Trust community tree give away; they have 4,750 free tree packs to give away

4)  County Councillor – Cllr. C. Mair

Cllr. Mair informed the members that he still has ‘Big Society’ funds available, and he would like to hear views and experiences of school transport, broadband & mobile signals

5)  War Memorial – Mr F. Hunt

Mr Hunt explained that more will be known regarding the cleaning and re-lettering of the Memorial when the contact at the Co-op returns from holiday.

6)  Neighbourhood watch/Lincolnshire Alert – Call 01522 558399 to sign up for updates

Other than the usual advice to lock & mark all property there has been many reports of scams, online, telephone, auction sites etc. and the advice is only use reputable companies online & don’t give your details to people you don’t know

7)  New Bolingbroke Town hall – Cllr. Mrs S. Brown

Cllr. Brown Reported that the hall has now been awarded the grant however the planning dept. has asked that the plans be re-submitted & because the builder has given the quote some time ago, there will be extra costs, so works will not start yet

8)  Carrington Village Hall

Mr F. Hunt informed the members that they had received letters of support for the village hall in regards to the need for a disabled toilet and the gents to be re-vamped and the application for funding has been sent

9)  Emergency Plan Meeting – Mr P Martin

In the absence of Mr Martin who is collating the information, Cllr. Miss K. Taylor informed that the members that the group have all spoken to members of the community to get a names of those that are prepared to give support if ever needed, the next Meeting will be Sept 22nd


1)  Footpath disappeared due to turf encroaching South

Highways have confirmed that due to lack of funds they will no longer be repairing any footways. Volunteers in the community have cleared a section of this & will carry on when able to

2)  Post Box at Shorts corner

Cllr. Mrs S. Brown met with Mr Matt Warman M.P on behalf of the council to inform him of the history of this issue. No Communication has yet been received from Royal Mail so the clerk has written to Mr Warman asking for an update

3)  Post Office area & Crescent - Due to flooding of some properties, Highways cleared some pipes last year and will be back to deal with pipes that were filled with concrete.
Highways informed the council that there is still more investigation work to be done before they can put forward a final scheme for funding

CHAIRMAN…………………………………………………… Tuesday, 29 September 2015

4)  Newsletter for new residents

Members of the council have suggested companies that might like to advertise in the community booklet. The next stage is for the clerk to contact these companies & start putting the pamphlet together

5)  Village green & footpath from Church to New Bolingbroke Town Hall – Funding

Cllr. Mrs S. Brown, Cllr. Mrs J. O’Connor & the clerk met to go through grant papers, next dead line for applying is 31st January to be informed by April 2016 & the clerk is to meet construction companies on site

6)  Play Area – Litter, bin emptying, new bin & shelter

David Pocklington from street cleaning stated, they are trying to reduce the number of bins and as it is on parish land they would not empty it whatever the size even if we were to purchase one from them. In previous conversations with the district council the clerk was told that they would not provide or empty a wheelie bin.

At the moment the person cutting the grass on parish land has to clear the area of rubbish & because there is so much of it, depose of it at the local tip. As this is extra to what he is paid for all members agreed that a thank you letter will be sent.


1)  Solar park - S/203/01106/15 – Letter

On behalf of the council a letter was sent to ‘Your Shout’ with regards to the community fund

7.  FINANCIAL MATTERS – Previously sent to councillors

1)  Bank statement as of 30/7/15 £7665.23

2)  Accounting statement as of 21/8/15 £7350.23

The difference is £315 made up of 2 chqs that were not presented by 30th July (Date of last bank statement)

Chq 509 £195 & 510 £120 - On proposal from Cllr. J Thompson, seconded by Cllr. A. Paul all resolved to agree the figures on items 7: 1 & 2 as correct


3)  Carrington Village Hall – £12 - Hire charge 25/8/15

On proposal from Cllr. Mrs R. Quinnell, seconded by Cllr. A. Paul all resolved to approve the payment

8.  STANDING ORDERS – Discussion & approval to bring up to date

All members have received the model standing orders the next step is for the clerk to send the amended version


Highways contacted the clerk regarding the Duck Sign in Chapel Road – They had received a complaint that it was stopping the grass on the verge being cut probably.

The members of the council agreed that there was no need for the sign to be removed which would take financial pressure off highways who have no spare funds.


1)  Southern Area Meeting – Evolving Area Committees - Next meeting Tuesday 15th September 2015

·  This has been booked with Carrington Village Hall

·  New format – Views of the proposed changes can be sent to the committee

2)  Sibsey Lancaster Memorial Annual Service in the Field – 4th Oct 2.30pm PE22 0UA (Follow signs) followed by free refreshments in Sibsey Village Hall - Posters will go up shortly.

3)  Rundle & Epton’s ‘Steam Up’ Sunday 11th October 2015 from 10am – All proceeds go to 3 local charities

4)  Lincs Rural Housing Ass – Guide for Parish Councils - A guide was given to the members of the council

5)  ELDC – Housing benefit, change in circumstances - Leaflets will be posted on the boards

6)  LALC News No. 155 – This was emailed to all members

11.  PARISH FACE BOOK PAGE – ‘Carrington with New Bolingbroke Parish Council Parish Council’ - Update

The page has 35 people following it in the first week, photos have been taken of different views in the area and some have been posted & put on the website – Suggestions of views have been asked for. Events in and around the area will be posted on the page


Tuesday 29th September 2015 in New Bolingbroke Town Hall – A list of future meetings have been sent to all members and will be posted in the usual places

13.  ANY OTHER MATTERS for discussion only or next agenda

The Clerk gave an update from the meeting with the clerk from Stickney


CHAIRMAN…………………………………………………… Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Minutes of meeting 25 August 2015 – Page 368