“Learning through Excellence

Excellence through Learning”


Sherbourne Walk

Farnham Common



Telephone:01753 642923



School Core Purpose

We consider that the core purpose of our school is to achieve excellence through a natural love of learning in a happy, creative and respectful environment. Ourstaff encourage children to work hard, to behave appropriately and to take pride and pleasure in their own achievements as well as those of others.

School Location and Site

Farnham Common is a Buckinghamshire villagelocated three miles south of Beaconsfield. The Natural Nature Reserve of Burnham Beeches is within walking distance.

The JuniorSchool lies tucked away at the end of Sherbourne Walk on the very attractive MountFarm executive housing development that was built in the late 1950s.Children who have reached their seventh birthday come to the school not only from the official catchment area of Farnham Common and Hedgerley but also from other nearby villages.Its principal feeder school is FarnhamCommonInfant school. The school is regularly oversubscribed, currently having 237 pupils.

In addition to the usual facilities the main school building includes a dining roomand modern kitchen, which serves hot meals to pupils and staff, a large IT suite,and a well-equipped library.In recent yearsa detached block has been built providing a suite for the performance arts and a technology area including a kitchen.Other facilities include an outdoor classroom anda large sports field.

Teaching and Learning

The school has two form entrywith eight classes in all. All teaching members of staff work on general curriculum development, but the basis of our organization is through subject leadership.Teachers and teaching assistantsin the year team work together to plan and teach the curriculum.The role of classroom teaching assistants has been well developedin supporting the teachers, by working with groups of pupils in and out of the classroom and by teaching whole class lessons as their experience develops.Dedicated staff also supportSEN pupils.

The school teaches a broad based curriculum as laid down in the Education Act with strong effective subject leaders.There is a very considerable focus on the use of Information and Computer Technology across the curriculum.There is a well developed Homework policy, agreed with parents, with much material being transferred electronically through the Virtual Learning Environment.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Thanks to whole staff involvement,the school provides an outstanding number of lunchtime and after school activities including sporting, cultural, musical, academic and social. We take part in many inter-school competitions,including Mini Enterprise.

The schoolhas a long tradition of sporting activity and achievement, with an emphasis on the involvement of all the children. Table tennis, football, netball are played with great energy and a highlight of the year is the annual school run. The school does extremely well in competitive sport at local, county and national level.

Children are strongly encouraged to join in the extra curricular activities and they generally do this with enormous enthusiasm.A reputation for sportsmanship and success has been developed over the years, often reflected in celebration assemblies. We aim to sustain this level of commitment and achievement.

OurHouse competition has been recently revamped and children earn house points for good work and desirable behaviour. Competition for House Cups is intense and often noisy.

Other valued features of the school are the annual Year 6 “Outward Bound” week at the River Dart and the range of theatrical productions which bring pupils, staff and parents together in furious activity.


Our parents are very involved in their children’s education and have high expectations.

The school has a thriving Parent Teacher Association, which contributes greatly to the life and funds of the school. Parents in general are extremely supportive of their children and involved in school activities. We are extremely grateful to the many parents who help in the library, in the classrooms, on school trips and by providing transport and support for sporting fixtures. Members of staff work hard to create active and positive relationships with parents, in addition tomore formal parents’ consultation evenings.


The children reflect their parents’ positive approach to education and the school. They are enthusiastic and keen to attain the high standards of work and behaviour expected. The children are proud to wear school uniform with house colours.

The children achieve well in the end of year Key Stage 2 tests, particularly at level 5 and above. In 2012 the percentage of children achieving level 4 or above averaged 90% across Maths and English.Achievement at level 5+ was 51% in English including 2 pupils at level 6; achievement at level 5+ in Maths was 47.5% including 6 pupils at Level 6. In addition 56% of pupils achieved Level 5+ in Science.

Detailed results can be seen at:

Each year our Year 6 children sit the secondary school selection exams (11+) to determine whether they should attend grammar or upper schools. The school has an excellent track record in terms of the number of children moving on to grammar schools.

About 12% of our pupils are on the Special Needs Register.

Pupils enjoy being involved in the running of their school. There is an active elected School Council which meets regularly and is often very vocal. Pupils also spend time on charity activities.

Staff Development

Staff development is very important in the school.We have a process for mentoring Newly Qualified Teachers which includes an afternoon’s release each week.NQTs are frequently encouraged to move on to another school to gain experience after a few years. Staff members attend training courses in line with the needs of our School Plan and in areas for development identifiedduring their annual Performance Management reviews. The school has a good track record in advancing teacher assistants through to full teacher status, and in recent years several teachers have move on to Headships in other schools. Outside of formal development processes, there is a strong mutually supportive rapport amongst the staff.

The Governing Body

The school benefits from a highly supportive Governing Body, with a full and stable membership giving freely of their time and wide-ranging expertise. They are fully involved in the development of the School Plan and school self evaluation process.


The school has been inspected by Ofsted on four occasions.It has twice been identified by Her Majesty’s Inspector for Schools as an ‘Outstanding’ provider of education – in 1996 and in 2006. On the other two occasions it was rated “Good with outstanding qualities”.

Our Community

Ours is a CommunitySchool and links to local organisations in Farnham Common and surrounding villages are very important to us. We have strong connections with the adjacent Sports Club, a local running club, our Parish Council,the local Rotary Club, theCommunity Library and other active village groups. We aim to strengthen these links and maintain the school as a focus for village activity.

The Post

Please see the attached Job Descriptionand Person Specification for further information regarding the post.

We look forward to receiving applications from suitably qualified candidates accompanied by a supporting letter focussing on the requirements outlined in the Person Specification.

March 2013

Farnham Common Junior SchoolMarch 2013Page 1 of 3

Information Sheet