Traditional folk tale (lesson one)


Australian curriculum Learning objectives

  • ACELT1603[1] Discuss literary experiences with others, sharing responses and expressing a point of view.

Resources required

  • Background informationfor teacher - New Anthropological Study Confirms Fairy Tales Are Ancient In Origin[2]
  • African Folk Tales –Background Information Sheet[3]
  • Captioned online video - Anansi and the Turtle[4] (Duration: 4.40)
  • Anansi and the Turtle group discussion worksheet[5] x class set.
  • iPads/computers
  • Interactive Whiteboard

Lesson outline:

  1. Prior to class, teacher may wish to read the background information on the ancient origins of folk tales.
  2. Teacher discusses with class that folk tales have ancient origins and have been passed down orally for many hundreds of generations. Class brainstorm all the folk/fairy tales that they know. Class informed that they will be viewing a video today of an African folk tale.
  3. African Folk Tales – Background Information Sheet is displayed on interactive whiteboard or printed out x class set for class discussion prior to video being played.
  4. Play Anansi and the Turtlecaptioned video for class.
  5. Students break into groups to discuss the main themes of and reactions to the tale, using the group discussion worksheet as discussion prompts, then completing their own sheets.
  6. Class as a whole discuss the themes and reactions to the story and feedback from group discussion.
  7. Teacher discusses the idea that literature viewed via video may have a different impact on the viewer than the same text presented in a book format.
  8. Class breaks into groups to make a book version of the video.Different groups can be assigned different tasks, such as screenshots(using iPads or computers to screenshot the captioned video of the Anansi and the Turtle video to create a book for class use only);printing, page sequencing, collation and presentation of book(s) N.B. alternatively the book could be created using an eBook creator on iPad.


Students take a copy of the Anansi and the Turtlecollated book home to read and make notes as to whether or not the message or their perceptions have changed, compared to viewing the video version.

Opportunity for further activity

Traditional folk talelesson (Part Two) – to follow

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