Parking Advisory Council Meeting

March 6th 2015

10:00 a.m.

Business Services Conference Room

Building 8, Room 1106


Members Present: Everett Malcolm (Chair), Diane Tanner, Celeste Watkins, Barbara Dupuis, Casey Knowles, Collin Waychoff, Ben Jaeger

Members Absent: Paul Mason, Kellie Woodle, Daniel Koker, Joseph Turner

Others Present: George Androuin (Parking Services), Neal Fisher (Parking Services), Virginia Smith (Parking Services), Crystal Fountain (Parking Services), Bill Strudel (UPD)

The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m.

1.)Permission to audio record the meeting

  • Everett Malcolm made the council aware that the meeting is being recorded to help with the accuracy of the minutes.

2.)Approval of minutes from February 20th 2015

  • No changes of the minutes were recommended by the council.

3.)Update on recommendations forwarded to VP Shuman

  • Everett Malcolm explained the recommendations sent to VP Shuman have been approved regarding restricting specific permit groups to specific areas.
  • Everett Malcolm stated the recommended raise of towing fee was approved but the BOT will need to have a final approval. Everett explained CP Shuman stated the fee will need to include overhead and tax calculations.

4.)Hierarchy of permit sales to specific groups for 2015/2016

  • Everett Malcolm explained the current format for permit sales works very well. Diane Tanner asked the council if transfer students were able to use their transferred hours to still be eligible for the earlier permit sale dates. Collin Waychoff stated the student representatives are fine with the current sales format. Everett motioned for no change to the permit hierarchy with all in favor.

5.)Other issues of concern

  • Ben Jaeger asked if the permit sales hierarchy is distributed to the student body. Neal Fisher replied that the information is on the Parking website only. Neal added sales dates are sent to each credit hour category the week before permits open for sale.
  • Celeste Watkins asked Neal Fisher about an increase in citations issued for parking over space lines. Neal explained patrollers were previously instructed to use their personal discretion when citing “parked over space lines” but many complaints and appeals were filed arguing the amount in which they were parked over said lines. This issue resulted in a new policy of issuing citations for vehicles parked over the line no matter how much they were over and if the citations were appealed, then it would be for the appeals board to decide. Everett Malcolm stated it is important to cite the vehicles that especially park on the ramps because they affect traffic flow and safety.

6.)Final PAC meeting for academic year

  • Everett Malcolm stated the final meeting will be April 10th and invited the council to have any other questions or concerns prepared for that meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m. Prepared by Virginia Smith.