BOX 35387

BROOKS AFB, TX 78235-5387



Wednesday, 29 Jan 2003

Telephone Conference

Commander’s Conference Room

Brooks AFB, TX


BGen Lloyd DoddPresident

BGen Bruce GreenPresident Elect

Col Jay NeubauerSecretary

Col Rick BachmannTreasurer

Maj Michael LaughreyExecutive Officer/Webmaster

Col Tom TravisPast President

Col Dan VanSyocElected Member

Col Doug RobElected Member

Col Chuck FisherElected Member

Col Romie RichardsonElected Member

Lt Col Joe OrtegaElected Member

Col James LittleChairman, Awards Committee

Col Bill ThorntonChairman, Membership Committee

Maj Brent KleinChairman, Resolutions Committee

Col Rick AllnuttChairman, Constitution/ By-laws Committee

Col Ed MardenChairman, Nominations Committee

Lt Col Buck DodsonANG Representative


Col Brian Funke

Col Arne Hasselquist

Col Hadley Reed

1. Standard Agenda Items

a. Call to order - President BGen Lloyd Dodd called the meeting order at 1630 CST. Roll call was conducted and a quorum was present. The meeting agenda can be found at attachment 1.

b. Review of previous minutes - The May 2002 BOG Minutes were reviewed and approved as written. Approved minutes are at attachment 2. (CLOSED)

c. Secretary's Report – Col Neubauer presented the Secretary’s report covering e-mail correspondence since the last meeting. The secretary’s report is found as attachment 3. (INFO)

d. Treasurer's Report – Col Bachmann presented the Treasurer's report in the (Attachment 4). Since the last BOG meeting, the Society has had numerous authorized expenditures but remains solvent with money in the bank. This, in addition to lower then normal sales at the last ASMA meeting in Canada, left the balance lower then is typical but merchandise sales should put the Society further ahead in the long run. (INFO)

e. Committee Reports

(1)Awards –

  1. Col Little reported that the William E. Schafer award has 4 nominations. He will be sending out the nominations for a vote by 3 Feb to be returned by 14 Feb. There are 11 publications competed for the Howard R. Unger Award. The Malcolm C. Grow Award submissions are due on 14 Feb, as are the submissions for the Operational Flight Surgeon Safety Award. The voting panel for each will select a winner by 14 Mar. (INFO)
  2. Information on the Olson-Wegner award should be in by 14 Feb (INFO)
  3. The cost for plaques for the award winners came to $1210. (INFO)
  4. See attachment 5.

(2) Constitution and By-Laws - The Constitution and By-laws are available and up-to-date on the Society web site. Two proposals for changes to the By-laws were submitted. Col Thornton proposed changing the way the AFRC rep is selected. This item is covered under new business. The second proposal suggested changing the limitations placed on the type of financial accounts and amount restrictions outlined by the by-laws. Col Allnutt made a recommendation to the language to two interest bearing accounts, one for Reinartz and one for the Society. After some discussion on concerns about nonprofit/tax exempt status restrictions, this item was tabled until further information is available (covered under new business). (INFO)

(3)History and Archives - No report was submitted. (INFO)

(4)Membership - Col Thornton reported the Society currently has 602 members. The Society lost 11 members since May 2002. There are currently 341 active members, 161 subscribers, 32 provisional members, 54 emeritus and 3 honorary members. Col Thornton recommended redoubling efforts at recruiting at all flight surgeon training courses. Maj Laughrey stated that the Society sponsors a membership lunch for each AMP course. Discussion about membership incentives included ASMA student rates for AMP students, discounts on Society merchandise. Lt Col Oretga, as a member of the ASMA membership committee, stated he would bring the ASMA rate ideas before the committee. The complete report is included as attachment 6. (OPEN: Lt Col Ortega, EDC: May 03)

(5)Program - Maj Chung Seidlecki relinquished the committee chair position to Maj Laughrey. He stated that the Society luncheon would be on Monday, May 5th from 1200-1400 at a yet to be determined hotel in San Antonio. LtGen Taylor will be the guest speaker. The total cost of the lunch last year was $3858. It should be considerably less this year. BGen Dodd asked for topics to submit to LtGen Taylor. BGen Dodd will take the suggestions and provide a list of topics to LtGen Taylor. A committee report can be found as attachment 10. (INFO)

(6) Reinartz Education and Training – Col Fox submitted a report but was unable to attend the meeting. Col Bachmann confirmed that the Society had paid for 600 Mishap Investigation handbooks and Maj Laughrey confirmed they had arrived and were being sold at the Brooks Heritage Foundation. A complete report is included as attachment 7. (INFO)

(7) Resolutions - No report. (INFO)

(8)Nominations – Col Marden reported on nominations for the elected positions opening this year (President elect, Secretary, Members-at-Large)(Atch 8). Col Turner has been nominated for two positions. The BOG voted to remove him from consideration as Secretary and only put him up for election as a member-at-large. BGen Dodd informed the BOG that Col Marden is retiring as of 1 Jun. He asked that those interested should contact him. (INFO)

(9)Web Master – Maj Laughrey reported improvements to the Society web site to include added Society history, indexed Flightlines, and a membership database. Members can now change personal data and pay dues on line. Col Fisher confirmed that Pay Pal works but he could only pay for one year at a time. Maj Laughrey stated he would make the change to allow for multiple year payments. The Webmaster report is at attachment 9. (OPEN: Maj Laughrey, May 03)

(10)AFRC Liaison –No report submitted. (INFO)

(11)ANG Liaison - Lt Col Dodson reported ANG alliance currently has 376 members (of 478 total ANG physicians). Of the members, 194 are current dues paying members. The ANG plans to hold the Health Services Management symposium in conjunction with ASMA again this year. (INFO)

f. Society Social – Maj Laughrey requested the standard $1500 up front money for the Annual Society Social. Two volunteers from the San Antonio area will be working the details for this year’s social. (INFO)

g. Budget Proposals –No new requirements submitted. (CLOSED)

2. Old Business:

a.Maj Laughrey was asked to look into web-based elections at the last meeting. He stated that this could be set up for $2000 with no maintenance costs. After discussion, the BOG elected not to proceed with this method of voting. (CLOSED)

b. The Rienartz committee was asked to submit a proposal for use of the RAM CD. The CD is a reproduction of a video made by Col Rich Williams in 1998. It is sold by the Society at $6.00 a copy. Subsequent to the meeting Col Fox informed the BOG that the Society initially purchased 200 CDs. In August 2000,the Board authorized the free distribution of some of the CDs to the MAJCOMsfor their use in recruiting RAMs. The following is the amount of CDs given:AETC-14, AMC-13, USAFA-2, USAFR-6, ACC-20, AFMC-12, USAFE-10, AFSOC-10, HQAF/SG-10, PACAF-12, Col Bisson-1, and Col Dan Eldredge-10. Last year SheliaKlein arranged for the individual to again reproduce 200 CDs for almost cost(~$1.50). We currently have ~ 195 CDs. We are selling them for $6 ($4 forSociety and $1.50 for BHF). The BOG chose to closed this item without further action. (CLOSED)

c.Col Little brought up the issue of non-MAJCOM flight surgeons and their participation in the Malcolm Grow award during the last meeting. Col Travis tasked the Awards Committee to research the issue and bring recommendations to the BOG. Col Little researched this issue and found no interest in expanding the award to include nominations from non-MAJCOM sources. (CLOSED)

3. New Business:

  1. Proposed change to By-laws to clarify appointment of AFRC rep to Board of Governors – Col Thornton asked that we change the method of appointment. After discussion and review of the Constitution and By-laws, the BOG determined that the AFRC surgeon could delegate the appointment to whomever he chose, requiring no change to By-laws to meet Col Thornton’s proposal. (CLOSED)
  1. Proposal to review and submit our review of "One Desert Jet Turner: A Perspective on Youth, Fighter Aircraft, and Cold War" to the Flightlines newsletter. The book is about a former F-16 maintainer who wrote of his experiences during the cold war. Maj Laughrey reported that the publisher had asked that the Society review the book and recommend it to boost sales. The BOG determined that the Society could not endorse the book outright. There would be no problem if someone were to review the book and submit the review to the editors for Flightlines publication. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine might also publish the review. (CLOSED)
  1. Proposal for the RAM 2005 class to update the Flight Surgeon’s Checklist/Proposal for placing the Flight Surgeon’s Checklist, Mishap Investigation Handbook and Ultimate CD on three year rotations for updating by corresponding RAM class. Agenda items c. and e. were discussed together. Col Richardson warned that the RAM classes are very busy but if Reinartz committee clarified the requirements/scope and gave enough lead-time, each RAM class could take on the rotating project. The course director could handle quality assurance. Col Travis also suggested that the BOG review the products before publication. The BOG approved the proposal. (CLOSED)
  1. New Chairperson for the History and Archives Committee. Maj Laughrey nominated Col Reed. Col Reed agreed to take on the duty and BGen Dodd approved the selection. (CLOSED)
  1. Rollover of CD. Col Bachmann stated that one of the Society Certificates of Deposit ($6000) is coming due. He asked whether the Society should roll the CD over or put the money back into the money market account. The interest rate is 1.8% vs. 1.51% (an annual difference of $28 per year in interest). The BOG elected to move the money into the money market account. (CLOSED)
  1. BGen Dodd offered to look into the non-profit/tax exempt status of the Society and determine what restrictions might apply to assets, profits and money management. (OPEN: Maj Laughrey, ECD: May 03)

4. Adjournment- BGen Dodd adjourned the meeting at approximately 1900. The next meeting time and location are to be determined at a later date.

Respectfully submitted,Reviewed and approved,


Jay C. NeubauerLloyd Dodd




1. Jan 2003 BOG Meeting Agenda,

2. May 2002 BOG Minutes

3. Secretary’s Report to the BOG

4. Treasurer's Report

5. Award Committee Report

  1. Membership Committee Report
  2. Reinartz Educations and Training Committee Report

8. Nomination Committee Report

9. Webmaster News

10. Program Committee Report





USAFSAM/CC Conference Room, 29 Jan 2003

1630 CST

Brooks AFB, Texas

1. Standard Agenda Items

a. Call to order and attendance roll call (BG Dodd)

b. Review of May 2002 Minutes (Col Neubauer)

c. Secretary's Report (Col Neubauer)

d. Treasurer's Report (Col Rick Bachman)

e. Committee Reports

(1) Awards (Col Little)

(2) Constitution and By-Laws (Col Allnutt)

(3) History and Achieves (TBD)

(4) Membership (Col Thornton)

(5) Program (Maj Siedlecki)

(6) Reinartz Education and Training (Lt Col Fox)

(7) Resolutions (Lt Col Klein)

(8) Nominations (Col Marden)

(9) Web Master (Maj Laughrey)

(10) AFRC (TBD)

(11) ANG (Lt Col Dodson)

f. Society Social

g. Budget Proposals

2. Old Business:

a. Web-based elections (Item 3b(2)), May 2002; – Maj Laughrey)

b. RAM CD (Item 3d, May 2002 – Lt Col Fox)

3. New Business

  1. Proposed change to By-laws to clarify appointment of AFRC rep to Board of Governors – Col Thornton

b. Proposal to review and submit our review of "One Desert Jet Turner: A Perspective on Youth, Fighter Aircraft, and Cold War" to the Flightlines newsletter. – Maj Laughrey

c. Proposal for the RAM 2005 class to update the Flight Surgeon’s Checklist – Maj Laughrey

d. New Chairperson for the History and Archives Committee – Maj Laughrey

e. Proposal for placing the Flight Surgeon’s Checklist, Mishap Investigation Handbook and Ultimate CD on three year rotations for updating by corresponding RAM class – Col Fox



BOX 35387

BROOKS AFB, TX 78235-5387



Wednesday, 6 May 2002

Peribonca Room

Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel

Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Col Tom TravisPresident

BGen Lloyd DoddPresident Elect

Col Jay NeubauerSecretary

LtCol Robert YohoExecutive Officer

Col Mark EdigerPast President

BGen Peach TaylorPast President

Col Mike FerrellElected Member

Col Arne HasselquistElected Member

LtCol Karen FoxElected Member, Reinartz Committee Chair

LtCol Chuck FisherElected Member

Col James LittleChairman, Awards Committee

Maj Thomas ClarkeChairman, History and Archives

Maj Chung SiedleckiChairman, Program Committee

Col Bill ThorntonChairman, Membership Committee

LtCol Lester HuffFlightlines Editor

Col John BurkinsAFRC Rpresentative

LtCol Buck DodsonANG Representative

Maj Michael LaughreyWebmaster

1. Standard Agenda Items

a. Call to order - President Tom Travis called the meeting order at 0700. Roll call was conducted and a quorum was present. The meeting agenda can be found at attachment 1.

b. Review of previous minutes - The Jan 2002 BOG Minutes were reviewed and approved as written. Approved minutes are at attachment 2. (CLOSED)

c. Secretary's Report – Col Neubauer presented the Secretary’s report generated by Col Thornton who acted in Col Neubauer’s place during a prolonged TDY. The secretary’s report is found as attachment 3. (INFO)

d. Treasurer's Report – Lt Col Yoho presented the Treasurer's report in the absence of Col(s) Berg (Attachment 4). Since the last BOG meeting, one of the Society CDs has been rolled over and one has been cashed and transferred to the Reinartz savings account. The CD was cashed in anticipation of increased costs at this year’s AsMA meeting. Overall, the Society has a current account balance of $26,984.06 a decrease of $228.37 over the 1 Jan 2002 balance. (INFO)

e. Committee Reports

(2)Awards –

  1. Col Little reported that the William E. Schafer award has 5 nominations but one clear winner after the vote. Six publications competed for the Howard R. Unger Award. The Malcolm C. Grow Award had 10 submissions. Space Command did not provide a submission. (INFO)
  2. Col Little brought up the issue of non-MAJCOM flight surgeons and their participation in the Malcolm Grow award. After brief discussion Col Travis tasked the Awards Committee to research the issue and bring recommendations to the BOG. (Open: Awards Committee, EDC: Jan 03)
  3. The Olson-Wegner award will continue even thought the 4F AFSC is merging with the 4N/4E career fields. (INFO)
  4. The cost for plaques for the award winners came to $1070. (INFO)

(2) Constitution and By-Laws - No report submitted. (INFO)

(3)History and Archives - No report was submitted. Maj Clarke will be moving and is resigning as chair. (INFO)

(4)Membership - Col Thornton thanked Lt Col Yoho for scrubbing the database. He reported the Society currently has 613 members. The Society added 38 new members since May 2001 and “retired” 72 delinquent members for a net loss of 34 members. There are currently 359 active members, 179 subscribers, 11 provisional members, 50 emeritus and 4 honorary members. In addition, Guard membership has almost doubled. Lt Col Yoho stated he would be at the Society table to check membership status, update the database and take checks for dues. The Society is still pitching at each AMP course. The complete report is included as attachment 5. (INFO)

5) Nominations – No report submitted.

Col Travis reported the results of the 2002 elections:

Elected Members:Col Romie Richardson

LtCol Steve Holt

LtCol Joe Ortega

Treasurer:Col Rick Bachman

Pres-Elect:BGen Bruce Green

(6)Program - Maj Chung Seidlecki presented a report on the Society lunch to be held at the Sheraton Hotel, May 6th from 1200-1400. She reported that the room seats 275 people but a final count was not available at the time of the meeting. The head table was set to seat 8. Dr. Mitchell, the guest speaker had arrived as of Monday morning with his two daughters. BGen Murray was scheduled to introduce the speaker. Maj Seidlecki arranged for SSgt Crane to do photography. The total cost of the lunch was $3858. (INFO)

(7) Reinartz Education and Training - The Society purchased 500 copies of the Ultimate Flight Surgeon CD at a cost of $838.00 ($1.68/disk). In addition, 200 Society coins were ordered at a cost of $290 but RAM coins were received. The RAMs may be interested in purchasing these coins. Two hundred additional coins are being ordered. There is a planned rewrite of the Aircraft Mishap Investigation Handbook. The Society has 43 copies of the Handbook. The Flight Surgeon Guide is due for an update next year. 200 copies with covers are still available for sale. A complete report is included as attachment 6. (INFO)

(8)Resolutions - No report submitted. (INFO)

(9)Web Master – Maj Laughrey reported that all past Flightlines have been scanned onto the website. The most recent Flightlines are put on the site six months after publication. The website also includes a history section, all past award winners with a description of each award, all BOG meeting minutes and an officers listing. The website is also much more user friendly. In addition, new security rule require that the officers listing page now have a login and password for access. The Webmaster report is at attachment 7. (INFO)