The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Parkland Health & Hospital System

Children’s Medical Center

Retina Foundation of the Southwest

Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children

Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas


Title of Research:[insert title]

Funding Agency/Sponsor:[if no external funds, state UT Southwestern Medical Center]

Please insert the names of the investigators and those individuals who will obtain consent.

Study Doctors:[insert investigators names]

Research Personnel:[insert research personnel names]

You may call these study doctors or research personnel during regular office hours at [insert phone number]. At other times, you may call them at [insert after hours phone number].

Remove if not applicable

Note: If you are a parent or guardian of a minor and have been asked to read and sign this form, the “you” in this document refers to the minor.


Please read this consent form carefully and take your time making a decision about whether to participate. As the researchers discuss this consent form with you, please ask him/her to explain any words or information that you do not clearly understand. The purpose of the study, risks, inconveniences, discomforts, and other important information about the study are listed below. If you decide to participate, you will be given a copy of this form to keep.

Why is this study being done?

This study is being done to[please complete]. Sample language – The study is being done to find out whether an investigational(non-FDA approved) drug called [insert drug name] can treat your condition better or more safely than standard medication.

Please note: If you are using an investigational drug, drug combination and/or device, please always indicate what is FDA approved and what is investigational, and define “investigational.” For example: “The word “investigational” means the [insert study drug or device or biologic] is still being tested in research studies and is not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).” Refrain from using “medicine,” “treatment,” or “therapy” for the investigational drug or device. Instead, use “study drug,”“study procedures,” study processes,” etc.

Why is this considered research?

This is a research study because [complete this sentence, assuring that all experimental or investigational drugs, devices, and/or procedures are clearly identified and defined].

Sample phrases for unapproved drugs, devices, or procedures:

  • [Insert drug/device name] is investigational and has not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of [insert disease or condition].
  • [Insert drug/device name] has been approved by the FDA to treat [insert approved use].
  • [Insert drug name] is being compared to a standard drug, [insert standard drug name] that has already been approved by the FDA. The researchers are interested in learning which drug is more effective and/or safer in treating your condition/disorder.
  • [Insert procedure] is being compared to the standard procedure [insert procedure here]. The researchers are interested in learning which procedure is more effective and/or safer in treating your condition/disorder.

The following definitions may help you understand this study:Delete definitions that do not apply to this study.

  • Double-blind means neither you nor the researchers will know which [insert applicable term: drug or device] you are receiving.
  • Placebo-controlled means that some participants will get a placebo. A placebo looks like the investigational drug but it includes no active ingredients.
  • Randomization means you will be placed by chance (like a flip of a coin) in one of the study groups. For studies with more than 2 arms, use “like drawing straws” instead of “flip of a coin”.
  • Single-blind means that you will not know which [insert applicable term: drug or device] you are receiving but the researchers will know.
  • Standard medical care means the regular care you would receive from your personal doctor if you choose not to participate in this research.
  • Researchers means the study doctor and research personnel at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas and its affiliated hospitals.

Why am I being asked to take part in this research study?

You are being asked to take part in this study because [name reason/condition here].

Sample Language:

You are being asked to take part in this study because you have high blood pressure.]

Do I have to take part in this research study?”

No. You have the right to choose whether you want to take part in this research study. If you decide to participate and later change your mind, you are free to stop participation at any time.

If you decide not to take part in this research study it will not change your legal rights or the quality of health care that you receive at this center.

How many people will take part in this study?

About[insert number] people will take part in this study at UT Southwestern or [insert Children’s Medical Center, Parkland Health & Hospital System, Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children]. If a multi-center trial, please also insert: “This study also is taking place at a number ofother medical facilities around the country. There will be a total of [insert number] people participating in this research study throughout the United States and/or other countries.”

What is involved in the study?

If you volunteer to take part in this research study, you will be asked to sign this consent form and will have the following tests and procedures. Some of theprocedures may be part of your standard medical care, but others are being done solely for the purpose of this study.

Screening Procedures

To help decide if you qualify to be in this study, the researcherswillask you questions about your health, including medications you take and any surgical procedures you have had.

You may also have to fill out certain forms or have the following exams, tests or procedures:

Sample language

  • Physical exam and medical history;
  • Vital signs;
  • Blood tests;
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG), a tracing of the electrical activity of the heart; and
  • Demographic information (age, sex, ethnic origin).

If applicable:

Group Assignment

If the researchers believe you can take part in this study, you will be assigned randomly (like a flip of a coin) to receive either [insert study drug or procedure] or [insert placebo (inactive substance) or other study arm]. You have a [ ] in [ ] chance of receiving [insert name of the medication, device procedure, etc] or placebo. For studies with more than two arms, use “like drawing straws” instead of “flipping a coin”.

If applicable:

The groupyou will be in is decided by [insert who determines the randomization]. Neither you northe researcherswill be allowed to choosewhich group you are assigned to.

If the study is not blinded, please delete the following paragraph

Neither you nor the researchers will know which groupyou are in. However, the sponsor will release the information about your assignment to theresearchers if it is needed for your safety.

If applicable:

Study Medication/Intervention

Describe the study medication or study intervention.

For example:

If you decide to participate in this study you will take either:

  • 1 tablet of alfa-peg (10 milligrams) twice a day or
  • 1 tablet of pegatron (25 milligrams) twice a day

Procedures and Evaluations during the Research

Explain the procedures and evaluations (as outlined in the protocol). Clearly identify any inconvenient, experimental or painful procedures (such as long clinic visits, keeping a detailed diary between clinic visits, collection of multiple blood samples, etc.)

Specify the amount of blood that will be drawn at any one time in teaspoons, tablespoons or cups.

Specify the number of study visits and the approximate length of time it will take to complete each study visit.

When describing what is involved in the study, please consider using a detailed timeline.

For example:

You will have the following tests and/or evaluations:

Visit 1:

  • physical exam;
  • an EKG and;
  • two tablespoons of blood will be drawn from your arm by needle stick for blood tests.

Visit 2:

  • you will receive the study drug intravenously (into your vein) for two hours
  • you will complete two questionnaires.

Or insert a simple table

The [insert research related test(s)] in this study are designed for research, not for medical purposes. They are not useful for finding problems or diseases. Even though the researchers are not looking at your [insert research related test(s)] to find or treat a medical problem, you will be told if they notice something unusual. You and your regular doctor can decide together whether to follow up with more tests or treatment. Because the [insert research related test(s)] done in this study are not for medical purposes, the research results will not be sent to you or to your regular doctor.

Procedures for storing of extra or left over samples

Please note if DNA testing will be completed on the samples, a separate DNA Consent Form must be completed.

Explain the procedures for the storing of the extra or left over samples and the purpose of storing the samples. This information should include:

  • how the samples will be labeled;
  • whether or not identifiers will be kept;
  • location of where the samples will be kept; and
  • who will have access to the samples.

Insert the following, if the study will collect and use the subject’s social security number.

The researchers will record and use your Social Security Number (SSN) in order to [state intended use]. You do not have to give this information to the researchers; however, it may result in [state what may happen if the subject fails to provide SSN]. This information will remain confidential unless you give your permission to share it with others or if we are required by law to release it.

How long can I expect to be in this study?

Please describe here how long the study will be (in weeks, days or months). Describe also (if applicable) whether you intend to collect follow-up information and how much time that collection will require. For example, until six months after last study drug dose, for the rest of your life, etc.]

You can choose to stop participating for any reason at any time. However, if you decide to stop participating in the study, we encourage you to tell the researchers. You may be asked if you are willing to complete some study termination tests.

What are the risks of the study?

Please note: The risk section should only contain the risks associated with study procedures. Risks of standard medical care procedures that are not required for this study should not be included in the consent form.

Please list only the risks and side effects related to the investigational aspects of the study and any standard of care procedures that are mandated for entry and during the course of the study. Any risks from standard medical care procedures that are not specially mandated should not be included.

For example: A patient who is undergoing joint replacement surgery for osteoarthritis and the surgeon wants to participate in a trial of a new post-operative analgesic. The risks of the general anesthesia or orthopedic surgery do not need to be included in the Consent From. However, for a trial of a drug eluting stents versus medical management all of the risks regarding the stent procedure would need to be included even though the procedure is standard of care.

Study Procedure/Intervention

Because of your participation in this study, you are at risk for the following side effects. You should discuss these with the researchers and your regular health care provider.

[Insert study drug name] may cause some, all or none of the side-effects listed below.

Please list only the risks and side effects related to the investigational aspects of the study and do not list side effects of supportive medications unless the medications are specifically mandated by the study.

Additional template language regarding MRI and gadolinium risks can be found on Forms page of the IRB website located at under the document titled “Additional Template Language for Studies Involving MRI Procedures”.

Please insert a separate section for each study drug/device/procedure. Please include the frequency of the side effects in percentages. Large ranges, such as “2 – 60 %” should be avoided. Since there is no standard definition of frequent, occasional or rare, as a guide, “frequent” can be viewed as occurring in greater than 20% of subjects, “occasional” as 2 – 20% of subjects, and “rare” as less than 2% of subjects. However, frequencies may be adapted to specific study agents. If more specific data is not available, use the largest percent.

For example:

30% of subjects / Occasional
15% of subjects / Rare
Less than 1% of subjects
Serious / Blood Clots in Lungs / Death
Irregular Heart Beat
Less Serious / Low White Blood Cells / Moderate Rash / Itching
Minor / Headache / Mild Rash
Trouble sleeping / Hiccups


  • Headache
  • Trouble sleeping
/ Occasionally
  • Blood Clots in Lungs
  • Moderate Rash

  • Hiccups
/ Serious but Rare
  • Death
  • Irregular Heart Beat

For additional information regarding outlining risks, please review the IRB’s Guidance regarding risks on the website.

Psychological Stress

If the study involves psychological stress, please state. Some of the questions we will ask you as part of this study may make you feel uncomfortable. You may refuse to answer any of the questions, take a break or stop your participation in this study at any time.

Loss of Confidentiality

Any time information is collected; there is a potential risk forloss ofconfidentiality. Every effort will be made to keep your information confidential; however, this cannot be guaranteed.

Please note: for class D medications please use the risk to an embryo or fetus language provided by the sponsor and the FDA instead of, or in addition to, the following template language in the “Risks to Sperm, Embryo, Fetus or Breast-fed Infant section.”

Risks to Sperm,Embryo, Fetus or Breast-fed Infant

Males: Being in this research may damage your sperm, which could cause harm to a child that you may father while on this study. If you take part in this study and are sexually active, you must agree to use a medically-acceptable form of birth control. Medically-acceptable forms of birth control include:

(1) surgical sterilization (vasectomy), or

(2) a condom used with a spermicide (a substance that kills sperm).

Females:If you are part of this study while pregnant or breast-feeding an infant, it is possible that you may expose the unborn child or infant to risks. For that reason, pregnant and breast-feeding females cannot participate in the study. If you can become pregnant, a blood pregnancy test will be done (using 1 teaspoon of blood drawn from a vein by needle-stick), and it must be negative before you participate in this study. If you take part in this study and you are sexually active, you and any person that you have sex with must use medically-acceptable birth control (contraceptives) during the study. Medically-acceptable birth control (contraceptives)includes:

(1) surgical sterilization (such as hysterectomy or “tubes tied”),

(2) approved hormonal contraceptives (such as birth control pills, patch or ring; Depo-Provera, Implanon),

(3) barrier methods (such as condom or diaphragm) used with a spermicide (a substance that kills sperm), or

(4) an intrauterine device (IUD).

If you do become pregnant during this study, you must tellthe researchers immediately.

If the study will include exposure to radiation, please include the following:

Radiation exposure to a woman’s reproductive organs may harm an embryo or fetus. Also, if radioactive materials are used for certain types of scans, harm may come to an embryo, fetus, or an infant who is breast feeding.

Pregnancy tests performed during the early stages of pregnancy do not always reveal pregnancy. Therefore, radiation exposure that includes the reproductive organs will be limited to the first ten days after a woman who can become pregnant has begun her most recent menstrual period. This is standard policy in clinics and hospitals within UT Southwestern. This policy applies unless there is an important medical reason requiring radiation outside this time frame

If minors will be enrolled in the study, please insert the following:

If your parents or guardian asks, we will tell them the results of your pregnancy test or that you are using birth control.