Breeding Contract for the 2005 Season for Live Cover

This certifies ______herein referred to as Mare Owner, has engaged one breeding to BLAZIN ON THROUGH for the 2005 breeding season by live cover for the following mare:

Mare name:______Breed:____Reg #______Yr Foaled____

Sire:______Dam: ______.

Mellissa Low-Buckley, the stallion owner will herein be referred to as Breeder. This service is engaged subject to the following:

The mare owner agrees to the breeding fee of ______. A non refundable booking deposit of ______is payable upon the execution of this breeding contract. This fee is applied toward the stud fee. The stud fee is a one time fee per season. The Stud fee includes chute fees.

The mare owner will contact the Breeder at least 1 month before the approximate breeding date and the date of the mare’s arrival. The board at Richard Pyke Performance Horses during her breeding time, will be a fee of $10 per day dry, $12 a day wet will be for mare care. Before the mare (and foal if at her side) arrives on our premises, she must have a current negative coggins. She must also have had flu/rhino/tetanus vaccinations and wormer within 3 months of arrival. She should also have a negative uterine culture and be free of disease or illness.

The mare owner agrees to let either our veterinarian ( Dr Paton and Associates) or their own vet administer tranquilizer to the mare if the mare does not stand satisfactorily for breeding rendering breeding dangerous for the stallion or the handlers of the stallion/mare. ie: kicking, charging etc. The stallion owner and employees of Richard Pyke Performance Horses will however try to make the breeding as uneventful and as safe as possible for the stallion, mare and handlers.

If the mare (or foal if at the mare’s side) contracts any illness, is injured in any way or any other medical circumstances occur, the Mare Owner gives The Breeder/Richard Pyke Performance horses permission to call either the Mare Owner’s vet or our attending veterinarian without first contacting the owner. However, we will attempt to call the owner first by phone before any treatment occurs. If we think it is a serious situation that needs immediate attention we will not wait to contact the owner before treatment occurs.

The mare owner will accept all responsibility for all vet bills on the mare (and foal if applicable) while in our care whether we phone the vet or the mare owner does.

Should the mare not settle during the 2005 season, should the mare abort or not have a live foal (standing and nursing) the Mare Owner is entitled to a re-breeding during the 2006 season for the same mare. Only the breeding is free all other fees apply. The following conditions apply for the re-breeding guarantee:

Breeder must be notified of the aborting or death of the foal within 2 days by phone or 1 week in writing. This notice must:

1)Be accompanied by a signed statement by a licensed veterinarian stating the loss of pregnancy, death of the foal and that the foal did not stand and suck prior to death.

2)The mare must have been checked in foal within 3 weeks of breeding date and re-checked between 45-60 days after the last breeding date and the breeder must have been informed in writing of the mare’s condition at theses checks.

3)The mare must have received Rhino vaccinations at 5,7 and 9 months of pregnancy.

The Breeder, Richard Pyke and all Richard Pyke Performance Horses employees or agents or attending veterinarian(s) will not be held accountable for any damage to the mare whether by death, disease, injury,infection or otherwise and by any cause whatsoever. The Mare Owner therefore holds Breeder, Richard Pyke Performance Horses, RPPH employees and agents harmless from any liability for any and all damages associated therewith.

The Mare Owner agrees to bring a photocopy of the mare’s papers with this contract, a copy of the negative coggins and all emergency phone numbers for the mare. The Mare Owner also agrees to have the mare checked for pregnancy as soon as possible, but within 3 weeks of breeding and notify the Breeder of the results. A Breeders Certificate will be issued by Breeder after all expenses have been paid and upon notification of the birth of the foal.

Should the above stallion die or become unfit for breeding, but the Mare Owner has paid an advance breeding fee, then the mare owner will receive a refund for paid breeding fees less the non-refundable booking deposit. All other breeding expenses do not apply.

The 2005 season shall be from February 1st until June 1st

I understand and accept the above agreement.

Mare Owner______Date______