IMC-SoCal Newsletter /
Institute of Management Consultants Southern California Chapter / April 2009
Dear IMC,
Here's a quick look at our events:
·  April 3 - LAX Breakfast
The Lakes Golf Course, El Segundo
·  April 3 – HR Interest Group
Please RSVP: (310) 938-0908
·  April 9 - OC Breakfast
Mimi's Café, Irvine
·  April 17 - SFV Breakfast
Carrow's Restaurant, Tarzana
·  April 21 – Brown-Bag Series
UCLA Extension, Westwood
A quick look at upcoming events in May. More info to follow by email and in the next newsletter:
·  May 1 - LAX Breakfast
·  May 1 - HR Interest Group
·  May 12 – Operations SIG
·  May 12 – Dinner Meeting (This month we meet on the second Tuesday of the month!)
·  May 14 - OC Breakfast
·  May 15 - SFV Breakfast
/ In This Issue:
Letter from the Editor
Upcoming Events:
Brown-Bag Event
Regional Breakfast Meetings
Special Interest Groups (SIG)
·  Listing of all SIGs
·  NEW: International Consulting
Member Articles
Member News
Next Newsletter
Letter from the Editor
Dear Newsletter Readers:
Spring has sprung and a lot of change is in the air!
New Programs:
We have been working hard on getting things done and adding more value to our members and guests with new programs coming up, such as the IMC SoCal “Brown Bag” series at UCLA Extension.
New Website:
We are in the process of moving our current website to IMC USA’s new website feature. This will take some time and might be a bit challenging, but in the end, we it will be worth it.
Need for Chapter Officers for 2009/2010:
We have many more ideas and we are inspired by the results our membership survey. What we need are more dedicated volunteers and Chapter Officers for 2009/2010, who are willing to make a difference and move our Chapter forward.
We encourage all IMC members to consider becoming part of the Chapter’s leadership team by contacting Margaret Chock, CMC or Jerry Savin, FIMC, CMC.
Join our Leadership Team!
Anita S. Katzenbach
Newsletter Editor & Marketing Chair
Phone (310) 428.4563 or email at .
Chapter Meeting

IMC SoCal will set the tone for the new BROWN BAG SERIES at UCLA Extension
Starting on April 21, 2009 from 5:30-8:00PM with a Panel Discussion on:
The Changing Nature of Work and its Impact on Consulting
Certainly, the way clients work and function has changed significantly since October 2008, when the economic recession began in earnest. Almost everyone hopes President Obama’s recovery programs will succeed in restoring the economy and confidence in it to former levels. But when the recession is over—however long that might take—will our clients return to doing business the way they did before the recession? More important to us consultants, will we be able to sell and provide services to our clients in the same way we have in the past? If the recession was even partially caused by trends that were changing the manner in which work is performed, then the end of the recession will not result in a restoration in how consulting firms succeed.
On April 21, a panel of consultants will explore these questions:
1.  Will our clients continue to do business as they have done in the past?
2.  What trends and forces are driving changes in the way work is performed?
3.  What will work look like during and after the recession?
4.  What changes should consultants make to sell and provide our services to clients in the future?
5.  What should consultants do now to prepare for any changes we will have to make to succeed in our businesses?
Everyone is invited to bring their own “Brown Bag” dinner. Rather than eat and listen, the evening will be more like a roundtable discussion with the panelists leading the discussion, expressing their ideas, posing questions, encouraging responses from the audience.
Presenters: Chris Christensen, CMC, MBA; Robert A. Josefek, Ph. D.; Rodolfo R. Rosales, MA and Ivan M. Rosenberg, Ph.D. The session will be very interactive and moderated by Jerald M. Savin, FIMC, CMC, CPA.
Please register early: Because of room size, the meeting will be limited to 30 participants, including panelists.
Meeting: April 21, 2009
UCLA Extension, Westwood
Time: 5:30-8:00pm
Jerry Savin,(310) 229-8947 at
To RSVP and learn more about this event click HERE.
Chapter Meeting May 12, 2009, Afternoon Session & Evening Presentation:
Case Study Applications for Management Consultants
Joe Herold, Principal of The Herold Consulting Group, Robert Josefek, Ph.D., President of Josefek Associates Inc. and Barbara A. Mather CMC, MBA, President, Mather Consulting Group, Inc.
The sessions for the IMC SoCal May meeting will focus on the importance and value of case studies for consultants. The evening session, facilitated by Barb Mather and Bob Josefek, will put consultants in small groups to collaborate and work on actual case studies. To set the stage for the evening workshop, Joe Herold will facilitate an afternoon session to present and discuss various applications of case studies, including building case studies for marketing your business.
1.  What is a case study?
2.  Applications:
a.  Adult learning
b.  Problem-solving
c.  Collaboration
d.  Marketing
3.  Building a case study for marketing – participants will begin working through a template to build their own case studies for their websites or other marketing collateral
The evening session will include the discussion around two sample case studies. Barb and Bob will facilitate smaller group discussions, and each group will have an opportunity to share their ideas and recommendations for each case with the larger group. We hope that you will enjoy the value of sharing ideas, approaches, and strategies in a safe learning environment as an example of applied, experiential learning that is most effective for practicing consultants.
Meeting: May 12, 2009
Ayres Hotel, Hawthorne
Time: 4:30-8:30pm
Coordinator: Barbara Mather, CMC at , Phone (310) 348-1959.
More info to follow by email.
Regional Breakfast Meetings

Kristine Quade Presents:
Influencing Global Organizations Using Principles from Complexity Science:
We are trained, as professionals, to look at data and sort for patterns in market trends, decision making, organizational behavior, etc. What we notice is limited by choices made when defining data at the beginning. This initial bias can preclude important information from emerging and affect how we work with our clients. Those who understand the power of patterns know that influencing them is an effective way to create change.
Working with patterns requires the ability to be open to what these patterns reveal about what is already present. By taking action to influence patterns, we can have great impact more quickly.
Participants will learn:
·  How to use the Landscape Diagram, which compares and contrasts organized, self-organizing and random work in organizations
·  How to determine the evolution of patterns
·  How to identify three Attractor Patterns that can be used to sort trends
·  Understanding of the key leverage points for Attractor Patterns and multiple options for action.
Meeting: May 1, 2009 (The first Friday of each month)
The Lakes Golf Course, El Segundo,
Time: 7:30-9:00am
Coordinator: Barbara Mather, CMC at , Phone: (310) 348-1959.
To RSVP and learn more about this event click HERE.
Please note that if you have RSVP'd that you will be attending LAX-Area Breakfasts in the future, we ask that you contact us 24 hours prior to the event if you need to cancel and will not be able to attend that scheduled event.
How to Gain a Competitive Edge for Your Consulting Practice
With John Rodolff, President, Venture Builder, Inc.
What makes your practice unique? Is it your customer service? Your expertise? Your years in the industry? But wait. Isn't that just what your competitors say about themselves? Standing out from your competition is especially important in the current economy, where consultants are losing contracts, have their hours reduced, and are being pressured to cut prices.
Join us at our Orange County IMC Breakfast on Thursday, April 9, when San Diego's John Rodolff explains how to differentiate your practice to improve your client acquisition and retention. You will learn how to develop a competitive advantage by:
·  Identifying unique competences or assets in your practice
·  Understanding the inside reality of your target market, and
·  Delivering distinctive values that your market recognizes and wants
Don't miss this informative breakfast meeting, which will also be a great networking experience with your fellow consultants in the greater Orange County area. This session will include plenty of opportunity for questions and interaction, and you are guaranteed to come away with ideas that you can implement immediately to enhance your competitiveness.
Meeting: April 9, 2009 (The second Thursday of each month)
Mimi's Café, Irvine,
Time: 7:00-9:00am
Coordinator: Harald Weiss at , Phone: (949) 786-1403x
To RSVP and learn more about this meeting click HERE
The What, Why and How of Blogging
presented by Douglas Welch
The New Media is here to stay and blogging is an important part of it. So how do we as consultants capitalize on this new media. We need to know What is blogging, Why is it important for us to learn and use and How do we blog.
In a few short years the New Media - social networking, blogging, podcasting have completely changed the way we market, provide our services and build our client relationships. It is both exhilirating and scary. This month's meeting is our opportunity to learn from a fellow consultant that was a early adopter and has become a professional. Please invite others to hear this important presentation.
Meeting: April 17, 2009 (The third Friday of each month)
Carrows Restaurant, 18355 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana,
Time: 7:30-9:00am
Coordinators: Lynda Roth, via email to:
Phone: (818) 227-5025
To RSVP and learn more about this meeting click HERE
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/ Special Interest Group Programs

If you are interested in learning more about our Special Interest Group (SIG) programs or
to RSVP please contact the SIG coordinators below:
Consultants meet Consultants & Clients (CmCC-SIG):
Meeting: The third Thursday of each month.
Contact Jerry for more details on the meeting in April.
Rutter, Hobbs Davidoff, Century City
Time: 7:30-9:00am
Coordinator: Jerry Savin, FIMC, CMC at Phone: (310) 229-8947.
Human Resources SIG:
Meeting: April 3, 2009 (The first Friday of each month after the LAX Breakfast)
The Lakes Golf Course, El Segundo,
Time: 7:30-9:00am
Coordinator: Joe Herold, at Phone: (310) 938-0908
Marketing Roundtable:
NEW - Marketing Roundtable / Group 2:
Coordinator: Jerry Savin, FIMC, CMC at Phone: (310) 229-8947.
IMC Operations Management SIG:
Meeting: May 12, 2009 (always preceding the Chapter’s monthly dinner meeting)
Ayres Hotel, Hawthorne
Time: 2.45-4.00pm
Coordinator: Pete Crosby, CMC at , Phone: (310) 606-2095.
NEW: INTERNATIONAL Management Consulting SIG - Starting in May or June 2009:
Management Consultants and those who are interested in consulting on an international level or related issues are invited to join this new special interest group. We will be sharing best-practices and lessons learned, working on international case studies and professional development topics, as well, as helping each other to develop their network and create an active referral base.
If you like to learn more about this group or consider joining, please contact Anita Katzenbach.
Meeting: For more info and to RSVP please contact Anita.
Coordinator: Anita Katzenbach at , Phone: (310) 428-4563.
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/ Member Articles

Total Rewards in an Era of Pay-For-Performance
by Larry Comp and Terry L. Comp
It wasn’t too long ago that the hot topic across Corporate America was the anticipated skills shortage, and how to prepare for the upcoming “talent war.” In anticipation of this doom and gloom scenario, forward-thinking companies intensified their efforts to determine why employees leave & join organizations, and how to structure their “Total Rewards Programs” to better attract and retain talented team members. Some looked to models such as the 4-Quadrant Total Rewards Model, below, to guide them in their efforts to become an “Employer of Choice” and, therefore, minimize the likelihood of experiencing an exodus of quality team members. To read the article, please click HERE.
Larry Comp CMC and Terry Lauter Comp are Principals with LTC Performance Strategies, Inc. (formerly Humanomics, Inc.). They can be reached at and . For more information, visit
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/ Member Articles & News

Tailoring Risk Management to Increase Effectiveness on Your Project
Dr. Edmund H. Conrow CMC, PMP will be the featured speaker at the April 6, 2009 Project Management Institute L.A. Chapter Dinner meeting at the Proud Bird Restaurant in Los Angeles, CA 90045. He will be speaking on: "Tailoring Risk Management to Increase Effectiveness on Your Project" and addressing a number of issues that commonly exist when transferring a risk management process to a new project or improving an existing risk management process on a current project. Please visit the following URL for additional information and reservations:
Social Media and Web 2.0 Applications
Dr. Robert Josefek is presenting “Social Media and Web 2.0 Applications". The program sessions will take place in Monterey CA the week of April 1, 2009. This is part of his involvement with the Center for Executive Education at the Naval Postgraduate School. Dr. Josefek is President of Josefek Associates Inc. Dr. Josefek is President of Josefek Associates Inc., for more information please email to .
Strategic Change Management for Energy Efficiency Program Implementation
ASK Business Consulting Group launches a new Strategic Change Management package to promote and improve Energy Efficiency and Clean Tech Program Implementation for German, Hungarian and U.S. Corporations in California. For more information, please contact Anita S. Katzenbach at .
/ Next Newsletter

The Deadline for the May Newsletter: April 30, 2009.