TO: Staff

FROM: Jack W. Payton, Superintendent

RE: Report of May 18, 2011 Regular Board Meeting

1. The board recognized the following students who won first place in their division in the “Child of Appalachia” writing contest sponsored by the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio:

a. Abraham Blain

b. Maggie Clagg

c. Brody Sauer

2. Jack W. Payton, Sandy Perry, and Beth Covey presented an update on the Race to the Top grant.

3. The board passed the following resolutions:

a. accepting the high bid at public auction for the sale of Clay Elementary and approve the Quit-Claim Deed

b. for Financial Literacy and College and Career Readiness in grades 7 and 8

c. authorizing membership in the Ohio High School Athletic Association for the 2011-2012 school year

4. The board approved the following resignations for the purpose of retirement:

a. David Brown, effective May 27, 2011 (last day of work)

b. Charlene Kilgore, effective April 30, 2011 (last day of work)

c. Ann Moody, effective May 27, 2011 (last day of work)

d. Jack W. Payton, effective July 29, 2011 (last day of work)

e. Cheryl Sheard, effective June 10, 2011 (last day of work)

5. The board approved the following resignations:

a. Tina Christian, effective May 27, 2011 (last day of work)

b. Lori Hayes, effective May 27, 2011 (last day of work)

c. Anna Peterson, effective May 27, 2011 (last day of work)

6. The board approved the following administrator additional 2011 summer work days at each individual’s per diem rate:

a. Michael Brace - up to 20 additional work days

b. Marsha Haner – up to 20 additional work days

c. Andy Hout – reimbursement for up to 20 vacation days

d. Bill Foster - up to 20 additional work days

7. The board employed Zachary McCoy as Assistant Treasurer, effective on or about May 23, 2011 at Step C-6 of the Administrative Salary Schedule.

8. The board approved the list of supplemental contracts for the 2011-2012 school year.

9. The board approved the following list of temporary summer help for the period May 31 through August 19, 2011 on an as-needed basis at $7.30 per hour:

a. Shannon Bevins h. Todd May o. LuEllen Scouten

b. Cinnamon Broyles i. Jim Phillips p. Greg Shipley

c. Brenda Harrison j. Chelsi Radvanyi q. Nick Stapleton

d. Miranda Johnson k. Harla Saunders r. Jody Wilcoxon

e. Michael Kingery l. Jamie Saunders s. Andrea Wiseman

f. Anthony Logan m. Walt Saunders

g. David Lyons n. Kyle Scouten

10. The board approved the list of graduates, pending completion of the necessary requirements for graduation as certified by the High School Principal at the graduation ceremony.

11. The board approved the revised policy DID, Inventories (Fixed Assets).

12. The board approved “Family Literacy Night” at the Gallipolis City Pool for 19 nights at $250.00 per night ($4,750.00), to be paid from IDEA and Title I funds.

13. The board accepted the following donations:

a. $50.00 from the GAHS Class of 1961 in memory of Paul W. Evans

b. $50.00 from the GAHS Class of 1961 in memory of Anne Magnussen

c. $460.00 from the Gallipolis FFA Alumni Association

d. $500.00 from the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio, award to Maggie Clagg

e. $500.00 from the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio, award to Brody Sauer

f. $200.00 from the Holzer Clinic Foundation - 2011 Science Award

14. The board approved stipends (at the tutorial rate and not to exceed $528.00 per person) for teachers who participate in local professional development activities during June and August. Payment will be through Title IIA Professional Development Funds, Title I Funds, Title I ARRA Funds, and IDEA Funds.

15. The board accepted support and services from the University of Rio Grande/Rio Grande Community College and Gallia-Vinton ESC as they implement the “Gallipolis Focus on Science Education” grant.

16. The board approved participation of GAHS students in the Ohio High School Fishing Championships to be held on July 9, 2011.

17. The board approved the License Agreement with the Gallia Academy High School Athletic Boosters to place a temporary storage and concession stand building on school property at GAHS.

18. The board approved the proposal from Dynamix Engineering Ltd. for the AEP Grid Smart program.

19. The board approved the OMNIE Memorandum of Understanding to place a speech-language pathologist student intern for the 2011-2012 school year. The district will pay $26,000.00 plus medical insurance and retirement benefits.

20. The board approved the proposal from American Appraisal Associates, Inc. to conduct a full physical inspection and inventory of the district assets at a cost of $6,300.00.

21. The board approved the contract with Julian & Grube, Inc. to assist in preparing general purpose financial statements in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles for FY11 at a cost of $6,900.00.

22. The board approved the following change orders:

a. E-016 e. GR-23.0-010

b. GR-06.0-047 f. W-06.0-050

c. GR-23.0-008 g. W-06.0-051

d. GR-23.0-009 h. W-06.0-052

23. The board approved the revised Five Year Forecast.