Invitation for Tenders

TENDER NOTICE NO.: 06/2013-14

1 / Ministry/Division / Ministry of Water Resources
2 / Agency / Bangladesh Water Development Board.
3 / Procuring Entity Name / Executive Engineer Satkhira O & M Division-1, BWDB, Satkhira
4 / Procuring Entity District / Satkhira
5 / Invitation for / (i) Re-sectioning of Embankment (ii) Construction of Retired Embankment
(iii) Slope Protection work by CC block under climate change trust fund.
6 / Invitation Ref No / Memo No. 1T-4/92(50)
7 / Date / 15.01.2014
8 / Procurement Method / National Competitive Tender (NCT) / Open Tendering Method (OTM)
9 / Budget and Source of Funds / Development, GOB (climate change trust fund)
10 / Development Partners (if applicable) / N/A
11 / Tender Package No. / Sat-1/06/W-01, Sat-1/06/W-02 & Sat-1/06/W-03 as per Sl. No. 19 below
12 / Tender Package Name / As per Package List (Sl. No. 19 below)
13 / Tender Last Selling Date / 05.02.2014 (Up to Banking hour).
14 / Tender Closing Date and Time / Date: / 06.02.2014 / Time: / Up to 12.00 Hrs. / If any abnormality of the dropping day occur due to unavoidable circumstances, the tender closing date as well as the opening of the tender will be automatically shifted to the next normal working day at the same time.
15 / Tender Opening Date and Time / Date: / 06.02.2014 / Time: / at 15.00 Hrs.
16 / Name & Address of the office(s) / Address
- Selling Tender Document / a) Janata Bank Ltd. Bankal Branch, Satkhira
b) Sonali Bank Ltd. KDA New market Branch, Khulna
c) Janata Bank Ltd Dilkusha Corporate Branch, 29, Dilkusha,C/A. Dhaka.
- Receiving Tender Document / a) Office of the Executive Engineer, Satkhira O&M Division-1, BWDB, Satkhira
b) Office of the Executive Engineer, Khulna O&M Division-1, BWDB, Khulna
c) Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Satkhira
d) Office of the Police Super, Satkhira
- Opening Tender Document / Office of the Executive Engineer, Satkhira O&M Division-1, BWDB, Satkhira
17 / Place / Date / Time of
Pre-Tender Meeting / N/A
18 / Eligibility of Tenderer / Any individual(s) firms who fulfill the qualification(s) criteria of the package as stipulated in the Tender Data Sheet (TDS) & other conditions of the tender documents.
19 / Brief Description of Works:
Package No. / Identification of Package / Location / Price of tender Document (Tk) / Tender Security
Amount (Tk) / Completion
Time in days
Sat-1/ 06/W1/2013-14 / Re-sectioning of Embankment from km. 5.670 to km. 6.370 = 1.000km, from km. 7.180 to km. 8.950 = 1.770km, from km. 9.630 to km. 10.750 = 1.120km, from km. 11.260 to km. 11.760 = 0.500km, from km. 11.820 to km. 11.870 = 0.050km, from km. 11.970 to km. 12.270 = 0.300km, from km. 12.320 to km. 12.360 = 0.040km, from km. 12.460 to km. 12.510 = 0.050km, from km. 12.580 to km 12.630 = 0.050km, from km. 12.710 to km. 12.760 = 0.050km, from km. 12.840 to km. 12.900 = 0.060km, from km. 14.060/0.000 to km. 14.060/0.290 = 0.290km, from km. 25.000 to km. 26.000 = 1.000km, from km. 27.300 to km. 28.000 = 0.700km, from km. 33.500 to km. 34.000 = 0.500km, from km. 36.800 to km. 37.200 = 0.400km & from km. 41.200 to km. 41.600 = 0.400km, from km. 51.920 to km. 52.590 = 0.670km & from km. 53.090 to km. 54.440 = 1.350km, Total = 10.000km Under Rehabilitation of Polder No.- 3 due to effect of climate change Project During the year 2013-2014. / Debhata,
Kaligonj / 750.00
(Tk. Seven hundred
fifty only) / 2,13,000.00
(Tk. Two lakh
Thirteen thousand only) / 90 days
(Ninety days)
Sat-1/ 06/W2/2013-14 / Construction of Retired Embankment from km. 14.060/0.390 to km. 14.060/0.710 = 0.320km, from km. 17.090/0.000 to km. 17.580/0.550 = 0.550km, & from km. 17.650/0.000 to km. 17.758/0.200 = 0.200km, Total = 1.070km Under Rehabilitation of Polder No.- 3 due to effect of climate change Project During the year 2013-2014. / Debhata / 750.00
(Tk. Seven hundred
fifty only) / 2,08,000.00
(Tk. Two lakh
Eight thousand only) / 90 days
(Ninety days)
Sat-1/ 06/W3/2013-14 / Slope Protection work by CC block allong the left bank of Ichamati River from (A) km. 18.050 to km. 18.190 = 140m, km. (B) km. 18.700 to km. 18.735 = 35m & (C) km. 19.200 to km. 19.245 = 45m, Total= 220m at Town Sreepur Enmabkment in C/W Rehabilitation of polder no. 3 due to effect of Climate Change Project under Satkhira O&M Division-1, BWDB, Satkhira During the year - 2013-2014. / Debhata / 1500.00
(Tk. One Thousand Five hundred
only) / 2,55,000.00
(Tk. Two lakh
Fifty five thousand only) / 120 days
(One hundred Twenty days)
20 / Name of Official Inviting Tender / Md. Abdul Mannan Khan
21 / Designation of Official Inviting Tender / Executive Engineer, Satkhira O & M Division-1 BWDB, Satkhira
22 / Address of Official Inviting Tender / Satkhira O & M Division-1, BWDB, Satkhira.
23 / Contact details of Official Inviting Tender / Tel.No.0471-62446
a)  The procuring entity reserves the right to accept any Tender or to reject any or all tenders at any time prior to contract award.
b)  If the tenderer submits any false/incorrect or forged certificate, the tender will be outright rejected.
c)  Work order will be issued after getting approval from the Competent Authority. Bill of the work will be prepared only after getting fund. No claim for payment of bill will be entertained without having fund in place.
d)  The work should be completed in all respect within stipulated time pried.
e)  Any information about the tenders will be available in the office of the undersigned during the office hours.

N.B.: `icÎ weÁwßwU evsjv‡`k cvwb Dbœqb †ev‡W©i & CPTU Gi I‡qe mvB‡U cvIqv hvB‡e|

(Md. Abdul Mannan Khan)

Executive Engineer

Satkhira O & M Division-1

BWDB, Satkhira.

Memo No. 1T-4/92(50) Date: 15.02.2014

Copy forwarded for kind information/information and wide circulation to :

1.  The Director General, CPTU, IMED, Planning Commission, Block No.12, Sher-e-Banglangar, Dhaka.

2.  The Chief Engineer, South-Western Zone, BWDB, Khulna.

3.  The Superintending Engineer, Khulna O&M Circle, BWDB, Khulna.

4.  The Director, Contract & Procurement, Cell, BWDB, WAPDA Building, Dhaka.

5.  The Director, Publicity Cell, BWDB, WAPDA Building, Dhaka.

6.  The Deputy Commissioner, Satkhira.

7.  The Superintendent of Police, Satkhira.

8.  The Executive Engineer, Satkhira O&M Division-2, BWDB, Satkhira/ Khulna O&M Division-1, BWDB, Khulna/ Khulna O&M Division-2, BWDB, Khulna /Bagerhat O&M Division, BWDB, Bagerhat.

9.  The Executive Engineer, LGED / DPHE / PWD / RHD, Satkhira.

10.  The Deputy Director, Regional Accounting Center (RAC) BWDB, Khulna.

11.  The Manager, Janata Bank Ltd, Bankal Branch, Satkhira, with 7(seven) sets of Tender documents. (Note-1).

12.  The Manager, Sonali Bank Ltd, KDA New Market branch, Khulna, with 5(five) sets of Tender documents. (Note-1).

13.  The Manager, Janata Bank Ltd Dilkusha Corporate Branch, 29, Dilkusha,C/A. Dhaka with 3(three) sets of Tender documents. (Note-2).

14.  The President/Secretary, Press club, Satkhira

15.  Estimator/Divisional Accountant/Div. Head Clerk of this Division.

16.  Mr./ M/s......

17.  Notice Board.

Note-1: The above indicated numbers of sets of Tender Documents are sent herewith for selling to the intending Tenderers up to 05.02.2014 during banking hour at the rate (Which is shown in the tender notice) per set. The sale proceeds shall be credited to the Deputy Director, Regional Accounting Center (RAC) BWDB, Khulna, SB Account No. 34055746, Agroni Bank Ltd., KDA New Market Branch, Khulna.. Unsold Tender Documents along with the copy of the credit advice may kindly be sent to the undersigned as earliest.

Note-2: The above indicated numbers of sets of Tender Documents are sent herewith for selling to the intending Tenderers up to 05.02.2014 during banking hour at the rate (Which is shown in the tender notice) per set. The sale proceeds shall be credited to the Deputy Director, Dhaka Regional Accounting Center (RAC) BWDB, Dhaka, STD Account No. 36001008, Janata Bank Ltd., Dilkusha Corporate Branch, 29 Dilkush C/A, Dhaka. Unsold Tender Documents along with the copy of the credit advice may kindly be sent to the undersigned as earliest.

Executive Engineer,

Satkhira O&M Division-1,

BWDB, Satkhira.