CLASS POLICIES and Supply List

Supply List- Bring daily to class

  1. Pens (blue or black ink preferred) and pencils.
  2. Composition notebook (journal entries, informal writing activities)
  3. Wide -ruled loose leaf paper
  4. One folder provided by teacher (kept in class to store work)
  5. Sticky notes or post-its (optional)
  6. Highlighter or colored pencils

7. Computer access/ink/flash drive/printer/paper, etc.

8. Work studied (novel, article, poem, text)

Grading Policy

Grades consist primarily of the 3 P’s. (Participation, Progress, and Performance.)

I do not discuss individual grades during class.

Students may schedule an appointment with me before or after school to do so.

A means, “Above and beyond.” B means, “Basically fine.” C means, “Could’ve done better.” D means, “Didn’t try.” E means excuses, excuses. F means, “Forget about it.”

Extra-credit assignments are not offered.

Class Participation

Naturally, a class that involves the study of language requires you to engage in writing and/or discussion within large and small group settings. Your participation in these activities is essential to achieving success in the course and developing your voice and ideas. All work done in class should be neat and legible. All work prepared outside of class must be typed and error free. Refer to “Taboo” handout. Work that is not proofread, and revised will be returned, ungraded (due dates will not be extended). Crashed computers, dry ink cartridges, and/or missingflash drives, will not extend a deadline in most cases. Copies of work are due at the beginning of class on date due unless prior arrangements have been made or in case of extenuating circumstances.

*The teacher reserves the right to determine validity of extenuating circumstances.


Due to the fact that this class is heavily discussion and seminar, discussion based, consistent attendance is crucial to a student’s continued achievement. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange to make up work. Due dates are absolute unless prior arrangements have been made. If a student is sick or has a pre-planned absence it is her/his responsibility to contact the instructor or class website for missed work. This includes excused, unexcused, and school-related absences. Assignments must be turned in on the due date in order to receive full credit. All homework is due at the beginning of class. When given a schedule for readings and assignments, the dates, of course, are subject to change depending upon the needs of the class and other unforeseen scheduling conflicts. Students are responsible for checking online regularly and/or the classroom make up tray for materials needed.

Major Assignments: Major Assessments will be identified by the instructor and rubrics will be provided. As mastery of frameworks and objectives is paramount; each major assignment must be completed to standard in order to earn credit in this course. Because due dates for Major Assignments are set in advance, they are expected to be turned in the day they are due whether the student is present or not. Students should arrange for the assignment to be delivered to school (or emailed to the teacher) on the due date.Extra day(s) will not be given if absent on day assigned, including excused, unexcused, and school-related absences. Students are responsible for checking assignments/events online and/or communicating with peers or study groups.


Students must treat themselves and others with respect. If you have a laptop and intend to use it for note taking, please stay on task. Students must demonstrate tolerance and sensitivity to information about a variety of ideas, religions, cultures, and works of literature. Students may encounter viewpoints that do not coincide with their personal philosophy. Students may be directly challenged to support their ideas in a large group setting. The goal is not to change personal philosophy, but for students to be exposed to a variety of ideas and that they cultivate their own opinions and learn to support them with persuasive evidence. Attack ideas, not people.

Academic Honesty

At both Secondary and University level,every student is expected to maintain a high standard of academic and personal integrity. Integrity includes honesty, trustworthiness, and reliability. Every student has the right to pursue an education free from the problems caused by any form of intellectual dishonesty. Infractions compromise the integrity of the school and will result in disciplinary or academic probation.Students who have questions as to whether or not something constitutes plagiarism have the responsibility to consult with the teacher prior to submitting the assignment. An Academic Honesty Contract will be signed.


The AHS policy on Personal and Academic Honesty that appears in the student handbook will be enforced. Students who turn in undocumented work products will be charged with plagiarism and receive a zero for the assignment. Honesty, truth, and integrity are central values to our program. In an effort to promote scholarship, and prepare students for college/university expectations, we must act to maintain these values, even to the point of disciplining students who violate them. The following examples illustrate (but are not limited to) common violations of honor and integrity:

  • Intentional or unintentional failure to give credit to the author of words/ideas not your own
  • Using cheat notes or looking at someone’s paper during an exam
  • Giving out questions that are on an exam
  • Giving answers to other students or allowing them to copy your work (reading notes and/or exams)

Students achieve when teachers believe. My goals are to envision and activate the potential of every student. As foundations are built for fulfilling careers, I enjoy a higher privilege—inspire the love of learning. It is through daily small acts that fulfill a bigger vision: sharing ideas and fostering interactions that touch a whole new generation of thinkers and doers, shaping character, and sculpting minds. At the end of this journey, masterpieces will be revealed to the world. My policies and procedures are set forth to improve workflow and ensure students, parents, and teacher share a common understanding of expectations.

Please e-mail me with a simple statement that you read and received this document at the e-mail address below:

Now, I automatically have your information on file and can include you in group contacts. OR, if you do not have internet access, please sign and return this sheet only.

Keep a copy of the hand out for your records.

“We have read and understand our responsibilitiesaccording to the provisions established in this document regarding expectations for English Language Arts.”

Parent Signature x______Date:______

Print Parent Name x______

Best time to reach:______Circle best way to contact: E-mail or Phone

e-mail address:______


Student Signature x______Date:______

Print Student Name x______

e-mail address:______

*Note: Not having a signed/returned copy of this form on file does not exclude students from following these policies and procedures.