DeForest Windsor Fire & EMS District Board Meeting

Thursday, January 12, 2017 5:00PM
DeForest Fire Department, 110 S. Stevenson St.
Training Room


1)Call Meeting to Order and Roll Call – President Wipperfurth called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Present were Bob Wipperfurth from the Village of Windsor, Judd Blau from the Village of DeForest, Don Madelung from the Village of Windsor, Jeff Miller from the Village of DeForest, Chief LaFeber, LuAnn Leggett from the Village of DeForest, Fire Inspector Jon Yaskal, and Office Manager Kay Preston

2)Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance – Led by Miller & Madelung

3)Announcements – None

4)Appearances Before the Board – None

5)Comments/Volunteer Association – None

6)Approve Minutes:

a)December 13, 2016 – Motion to approve by Blau, seconded by Madelung. Motion carried 3-0-1 (Miller abstained)


a)Review and Approve Invoices Paid 12/1/16 – 12/31/16: Motion to approve by Blau, seconded by Madelung. Motion carried 4-0.

b)Review and Approved Fund/Account Balances: Motion to approve by Blau, seconded by Wipperfurth. Motion carried 4-0. Miller asked for clarification on what Impact Fees are/what they are used for. LaFeber will look into this.

8)Chief LaFeber’s Monthly Report/Action Items:

a)Call Update – Final numbers are not in yet, but the total for 2016 is looking to be close to 1,300 calls for service.

b)Call Response Data/WARDS Report – Was distributed to the Board to review

c)EMS Service of the Year – Our department has been nominated for this award for 2016.

d)Awards for Membership – Will be distributed at the February business meeting.

e)Sleeping Quarters – A complaint was made regarding the beds in the sleeping quarters. LaFeber asked for approval to purchase mattresses, bunk beds, and bedding. A motion was made by Miller to approve up to $4,000.00 for the purchase of these items. The motion was seconded by Madelung, and carried 4-0.

f)Old Equipment – LaFeber asked what the Board would like him to do with the gear that is being replaced by new items through the grant that was won. It is not safe to sell to another department for use. Blau indicated that it should be disposed of. The rest of the Board agreed.

Wipperfurth asked LaFeber to (again) forward the Board’s compliments to the membership for their efforts in improving call response time.

9)Fire Inspector Report – Yaskal stated that there are many buildings are coming due for occupancy inspections. This includes the public safety building and the schools.

10)Old Business:

a)Billing for Fire – LaFeber stated that the signed contract will be turned in to LifeQuest and we should be able to start billing within a few days.

b)Wisconsin DOT Corridor Study of Interstate 39/90/94 – Wipperfurth asked that LaFeber analyze the options that are being presented and see what sort of challenges that will pose regarding incident response. He asked that the Board approve the Chief and Fire Board President composing a letter to the DOT regarding these challenges. Motion to approve by Blau, seconded by Madelung. Motion carried 4-0.

11)New Business:

a)Election of officers –
President: Blau made a motion that Wipperfurth be nominated for President. Seconded by Miller. Motion carried 3-0-1, with Wipperfurth abstaining.
Vice President: Madelung made a motion that Blau be nominated for Vice President. Seconded by Miller. Motion carried 3-0-1, with Blau abstaining.

b)Discussion of New Fire Board Entity – Wipperfurth and Miller acknowledged the work that was put into the Board by Paul Blount. Madelung stated that he is pleased to be serving. Blau said that it shows the things that the two communities can do together, and this is a win-win for everyone. Miller expressed that he is anxious to help take the department to the next level.

c)New Lease for Fire/EMS Building – Wipperfurth stated that over the next months, a new lease will need to be put together now that it is the Village of Windsor and the Village of DeForest as the governing municipalities. LaFeber agreed that there will need to be some maintenance/clean-up on the department’s existing facilities. Along with determining who is responsible for carpet/paint/etc.
Miller stated that he is interested to hear what the membership feels needs improvement/repair/updating at the station.

d)IT Services – Leggett explained to the Board that the Village is using a new IT provider, and has done an audit of their network.During that audit, it was found that the Fire Department is still on their network. They had thought that the Fire Department had been on its own network for some time. It was recommended that the Fire Department be separated from the Village. She stated that the Village realizes that this probably won’t happen in 2017 due to the budget already being approved for 2017.
A separate network has been set up for Fire Department members to use for their personal devices.
The Fire Department is also on the Village’s IP Phone system.
Leggett stated there will obviously be cost involved in this process, and that the Village will not leave the department without these services. Wipperfurth thanked her for coming in to share the background on this situation with the Board. He also asked LaFeber and Preston to get some quotes from IT companies.

e)EMS Billing Increase –

After discussion, a motion was made by Miller to raise rates to the following: BLS (Resident)– $700.00; BLS (Non-Resident)– $800.00; ALS1 (Resident)– $800.00; ALS1 (Non-Resident)– $900.00; ALS2 (Resident)– $1010.00; ALS2 (Non-Resident)– $1,110.00; Mileage (Resident) – $15.50; Mileage (Non-Resident) – $17.00; Oxygen – $76.00; Spinal Immobilization – $150.00; BLS On Scene Care (Resident) – $300.00; BLS On-Scene Care (Non-Resident) – $300.00; ALS On-Scene Care (Resident) –$675.00; ALS On-Scene Care (Non-Resident) – $750.00

These rates will be reviewed annually.

The Board did ask for some additional information regarding breakdown on costs for ambulance runs (supplies used, etc.)

f)Process/Discussion for Long-Term Planning –

Chief LaFeber stated that the station does need some work: flooring, paint, possibly more office space. As well as training space for cutting cars/extrication practice. More staffing is needed, as well as filling an EMS Chief position, the possibility of a Paramedic chase car, having the ability to respond to larger building fires (multiple-floor apartment complexes, senior/assisted living, businesses).

12)Schedule for Upcoming Meeting(s): February 6, 2017 at 5:00 p.m., and March 6, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.

13) Adjournment – Motion to adjourn by Madelung, seconded by Blau. Motion carried 4-0, and the meeting adjourned at 6:26 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kay Preston, Office Manager