Initial Equality Impact Assessment

Directorate / School/Service / Persons responsible for the assessment / Date assessment completed
Foundation Learning and Student Support / ALS / Michelle Iannantuono
Val Tidmarsh
Jean Day / 13/03/09
Title of the policy being assessed / Additional Learning Support Advice and Procedures
Status of the policy / Revised
1.) What are the aims,
objectives and purpose of
the policy? / To inform NCN staff of procedures for ALS
2.) Does the policy support
other ncn objectives? / Disability Equality Scheme
3.) Who is intended to benefit
from the policy, and in what
way? / NCN Staff and students - to inform staff of the correct places / people / procedures for ALS support to ensure that student benefit from appropriate support put in place.
4.) What outcomes are
anticipated from the policy
being in place? / Staff know where to get advice and students get the correct / most appropriate support.

Initial Equality Impact Assessment

5.) Who are the main
stakeholders of the policy? / Customers / Staff / Partners
NCN Staff
LSC funded students / NCN Staff delivering ALS. / Construction Skills
6.) Are there any concerns
that the policy could have a
negative impactwith regard
to ethnicityand race? / No
What evidence (actual data
or assumptions) do you
have to support this?
7.) Are there any concerns
that the policy could have a
negative impactwith regard
to gender? / No
What evidence (actual
data or assumptions)
do you have to support
8.) Are there any concerns
that the policy could have a
negative impactwith regard
to disability? / NO
What evidence (actual data
or assumptions)do you
have to supportthis?

Initial Equality Impact Assessment

9.) Are there any concerns
that the policy could have a
negative impactwith regard
to age? / No
What evidence (actual data
or assumptions) do you
have to supportthis?
10.) Are there anyconcerns
that thepolicy could have a
negative impact with regard
to sexual orientation? / No
What evidence (actual data
or assumptions)do you
have to supportthis?
11.) Are there any concerns
that the policy could have a
negative impact with regard
to religion orbelief? / No
What evidence (actual data
or assumptions) do you
have to support this?
12.) Could the negative impact
you have identified in
questions 6 – 11 lead to the
potential for adverse impact
if the policy is implemented? / N/A

Initial Equality Impact Assessment

Can this adverse impact be
justified on the grounds of
promoting equality of
opportunity for one group?
Or any other reason? / N/A
Can the impact be mitigated
by existing means? / N/A
If yes, what actions will you
take to mitigate these
impacts and revise the
policy? / N/A
13.) As a result of your
assessment, and any
actions undertaken, should
the policy proceed to a
partial impact assessment? / Yes / If yes, the date of completion for the partial assessment. / 30/03/09
Has this assessment been undertaken by a minimum of three staff? / 3 / Has this assessment been quality-checked by your Diversity Task Group? / Yes
If the policy is new, or requires a decision by governors to revise, has this Equality Impact Assessment been included with the report? / n/a
Have any actions identified in this assessment been included in your School/Service action plan? / Yes
Completed by: / Val Tidmarsh
Jean Day
Michelle Iannantuono / Signed off by: / Michelle Iannantuono