Sport England

NGB Relationship Manager

Secondment Opportunity (12 months)

Salary: £45,650 (London)

This is a post based in our offices in 21 Bloomsbury Street

Sport England has an ambitious target to get more people doing more sport and to deliver a lasting sporting legacy from the 2012 Games. Working with a range of partners, including National Governing Bodies of Sport, we will be investing lottery and exchequer funding to encourage young people to regularly play sport and continue with this interest into their adult life. This means building a world-class network of clubs, coaches, facilities and volunteers in every community and building partnerships fit for a new era in sport.

We are seeking to second a NGB Relationship Manager to join our NGB & Sports team who is passionate, committed and experienced in this area of work. We need a person who can drive change, enthuse their colleagues, work across boundaries, influence policy and build effective partnerships. Are you up to the challenge? You will have lead responsibility within Sport England for engagement with allocated sports to ensure delivery of the Sport England strategic objectives and add value to the work of the CEOs and Boards of the NGBs in delivery of the Sport England objectives.

The closing date for receiving applications is 4pm on Wednesday 29th April 2015.

As a secondee the post-holder will remain an employee of their existing organisation, and should gain the approval of their employer in advance of applying for this role. Sport England will meet the employment costs of the secondment, and a secondment agreement will be put in place between Sport England and the employer.

Sport England actively promotes diversity in employment and sport and welcomes applications from all parts of the community.

To apply please forward a copy of your CV and a covering letter to uoting NGBRM

Job Description: NGB Relationship Manager

Level: / 4 / Team/Directorate: / NGB and Sports
Salary Range: / £45,650 (London) / Contractual Status: / Secondment
Responsible to: / Strategic Lead NGB Relationships / Budget Post Holder Directly Accountable For: / £0
Direct Reports: / None / Single item sign off: / £0
Location: / London / Work Pattern: / Full-Time
Job Purpose: / Lead responsibility within Sport England for engagement with allocated sports to ensure delivery of the Sport England strategic objectives.
To add value to the work of the CEOs and Boards of the NGBs[1] in delivery of the Sport England strategic objectives.
To advocate for those sports with key stakeholders including national and local government.
Key Duties and Responsibilities / Accountabilities and Objectives
Development of a thorough understanding of the respective sports/disciplines, their strategies and specific interventions aligned to the delivery of Sport England strategic objectives. / Conduct on-going evaluation of progress, check and challenge of implementation against agreed milestones, the delivery of the Sport England grow, sustain and excel outcomes.
Provide on-going analysis of progress across a portfolio of sports.
Development of effective working relationships and a position of influence with CEO’s, Senior Managers and Boards within allocated NGBs / Provide NGBs with high quality advice, a sounding board and challenge.
Provide assistance as needed to the NGBs on strategy, business development, monitoring of overall performance and accountability for Sport England’s total investment in the NGB.
Secure provision of specialist services by other Sport England Centres of Excellence or external providers.
Ensure that NGBs are operating within a framework of good governance and robust controls.
Ensure that NGBs are having sufficient regard for under-represented groups.
Recognise and showcase interventions delivering agreed outcomes, in particular those exceeding expectations.
Support the NGB to identify any interventions failing to deliver outcomes, and identify and agree alternative approaches acceptable to both the NGB and Sport England.
Advise, share learning and contribute to the minimisation of resource duplication across the sector.
To be the Sport England advocate for specified sports at a senior level within local and national government, and other key stakeholders as appropriate. / Build sound relationships and networks within national and local government to influence policy, including the adoption of specific measures, and align resources to the delivery of Sport England’s strategic objectives via National Governing Bodies of Sport.

The above is provided for guidance and is not an exhaustive list of all accountabilities that the role holder may have over time.

Additional Key Skill Requirements

Criteria / Essential / Desirable
Education / Qualifications /
  • Educated to degree level or equivalent vocational qualification in any discipline or equivalent experience.

Experience /
  • Extensive experience operating at SMT or Director level in a public or private sector organisation or experience of negotiating at a senior level, and working in partnership with NGBs (e.g. from within Sport England or another partner organisation).
  • Experience of either at least one aspect of an NGB's work, relevant to Sport England's strategic objectives, e.g. talent development, community sport development or increasing participation; or relevant experience of governance, member based initiatives or work with the voluntary sector.
  • Previous experience from within a sporting NGB, or other governing body.

Abilities / Skills / Knowledge /
  • The ability to influence to the point of decision, at a senior level identifying appropriate arguments and using them to influence behaviour.
  • Excellent communication skills, with the ability to write and present clearly and effectively to a senior audience.
  • A sound understanding of the wider environment in which NGBs operate
  • Excellent analytical and problem solving skills, using innovative approaches to removing blockages to achievement.
  • Developed budgetary and financial skills.
  • Intermediate IT skills in MS Office.