Philosophy, Political Science, Economics and Sociology

Senior Fresh

Module Choice Registration 2018/19

Name:Student Number:

Notes on Senior Fresh Module Enrolment

  • Students must choose modules equivalent to 60 ECTS, choosing 20 ECTS modules from three of the four disciplines available (Philosophy, Political Science, Economics, Sociology).
  • Students must take an even distribution of ECTS, 30 in Michaelmas Term and 30 in Hilary Term.
  • Modules chosen in SF year will determine the range of modules available to you in JS and SS years.
  • It is important to consider module prerequisites and programme requirements, which are outlined under each of the relevant years here:
  • Students who do not wish to continue with Economics after their Senior Fresh year may substitute EC2140 and EC2141: Mathematical and Statistical Methods A & B with EC2120 and EC2121: Economy of Ireland A & B. Intermediate Economics (EC2110 and EC2111) is mandatory for students taking Economics modules.

Pathway / Requirements
Economics / EC2110 and EC2111 and EC2140 and EC2141 (subject to point 4 above)
Political Science / 20 ECTS from thePolitical Science modules on offer
Sociology / 20 ECTS fromthe Sociology modules on offer, students intending to take single honor Sociology in their Senior Sophister year must take SO2110, SO2111, SO2160 and SO2161
Philosophy / PI2008 and PI2009

Notes on submitting this form:

  • Students must submit their module selection by emailing this form toby Friday 27th April, 2018. Forms must be sent from your TCD email address.
  • Any queries about programme or prerequisite requirements can be directed to
  • There will be an option to submit a change of mind in the first week of Michaelmas term, all changes will be subject to timetabling constraints. This may be done via email to
  • The lecture timetable will be prepared based on module choices submitted in April.
  • Module prerequisite and co-requisite information is correct at the time of issuing this form, please note that available modules for future years are subject to change.

By submitting this form you are confirming that you are aware of the programme, co-requisite and prerequisite requirements, students will not be permitted to proceed with a degree pathway for which they have not taken the required modules. Please check the box, X


Philosophy, Political Science, Economics and Sociology

Senior Fresh

Module Choice Registration 2018/19


Module Code / Module Title / ECTS / Co-requisites / Prerequisites / ()
PI2008 / History of Philosophy II / 10
PI2009 / Logic, Language and Science / 10


Module Code / Module Title / ECTS / Co-requisites / Prerequisites / ()
EC2110 / Intermediate Economics A / 5 / EC2111
EC2120 / Economy of Ireland A / 5 / EC2121
EC2140 / Mathematical and Statistical Methods A / 5 / EC2141
Political Science
PO2110 / History of Political Thought A: The Greeks to the Renaissance / 5 / PO2111
PO2140 / International Relations A: Theories of International Politics / 5 / PO2141
PO2150 / Comparative Politics A / 5 / PO2151
SO2110* / Introduction to Social Research 1 / 5 / SO2111
SO2140 / Gender, Work and Family 1 / 5
SO2150 / Power, State & Social Movements 1 / 5
SO2160* / Social Theory 1 / 5 / SO2161


Module Code / Module Title / ECTS / Co-requisites / Prerequisites / ()
EC2111 / Intermediate Economics B / 5 / EC2110
EC2121 / Economy of Ireland B / 5 / EC2120
EC2141 / Mathematical and Statistical Methods B / 5 / EC2140
Political Science
PO2111 / History of Political Thought B: Modernity and its Critics / 5 / PO2110
PO2141 / International Relations B: Topics and Treaties / 5 / PO2140
PO2151 / Comparative Politics B / 5 / PO2150
SO2111* / Introduction to Social Research 2 / 5 / SO2110
SO2141 / Gender, Work and Family 2 / 5
SO2151 / Power, State & Social Movements 2 / 5
SO2161* / Social Theory 2 / 5 / SO2160

Please note:Students must take an even distribution of ECTS, 30 in Michaelmas Term and 30 in Hilary Term.
*Note: SO2110, SO2111, SO2160 and SO2161 are prerequisites for any student who wishes to take the Senior Sophister Dissertation SO4200