Risk Management Plan: Event name

Event risk management

Risk management is an important part of planning a successful event. As event organisers, you are responsible for creating a safe environment for all volunteers, staff, contractors and visitors.

The risk management process is about working out all the potential risks and issues before they happen and thinking about how to avoid or minimise the risks, or deal with their impact if they do happen.

It may all seem like common sense, but having a plan in place ensures all bases are covered and everyone is on the same page when it comes to dealing with any potential problems once the event is underway.

It is important to work with staff and volunteers to identify potential risks and put the plan together.Everyone involved in running the event should be provided with a copy of the plan once it is complete.

Risk management plan template

Use the template below to get started with a risk management plan for your event.

There are three main steps to completing the risk assessment:

  • Identify potential risks and consequences (the worst case scenario if the risk were to occur).
  • Assess the likelihood of the risk occurring at your event and the level of impact it would have on your event and the people involved.
  • Work out what you can do to eliminate or minimise the chance of the risk taking place or reduce the impact if it does occur.


Descriptor / Description
Almost Certain / Is expected to occur in most circumstances
Likely / Will probably occur in most circumstances
possible / Might (or should) occur at some time
Unlikely / Could occur at some time
Rare / May occur only in exceptional circumstances


Descriptor / Example detail description
Insignificant / No injuries, low financial loss and disruption
Minor / First aid treatment, on site release immediately contained, medium financial loss
Moderate / Medical treatment required, on site release contained with outside assistance, moderate financial loss/political impact
Major / Extensive injuries, loss of production capability, off site release with no detrimental effects, major financial loss, long term loss of critical infrastructure
Catastrophic / Death, toxic release off site with detrimental effect, huge financial loss, permanent loss of critical infrastructure

Note:Measures used should reflect the needs and nature of the organisation and activity under study.


Likelihood / Insignificant
/ Minor
/ Moderate
/ Major
/ Catastrophic
Almost certain / H / H / E / E / E
Likely / M / H / H / E / E
Possible / L / M / H / E / E
Unlikely / L / L / M / H / E
Rare / L / L / M / H / H

E:extreme risk, immediate action required

H:high risk, senior management attention needed

M:moderate risk, management responsibility must be specified

L:low risk, manage by routine procedures

Risk Management Plan: Event name

[The risks below are examples and not meant to be an exhaustive list – consultation with stakeholders and others experienced in risk management will help ensure you have considered the risks comprehensively. Add and remove as appropriate for your event.


RISK (Anything which can prevent the event from being conducted safely.)


POTENTIAL CONSEQUENCE (The worst case scenario consequence if the risk were to occur.)

/ LIKELIHOOD RATING (Rare, Unlikely, Possible, Likely, Almost Certain, from above.) / CONSEQUENCE RATING(Insignificant, Minor, Moderate, Major or Catastrophic, from above.) / OVERALL RISK RATING (Low, Moderate, High, Extreme, from above.) /

PREVENTATIVE ACTION(what can you do to reduce the chance of the risk taking place?)


RESPONSIVE ACTION (what should you do if the risk takes place?)

Participant hit by vehicle during road crossing / Significant injury / unlikely / Major / High / Brief guides & participants before and ensure that crossings on the route have lights / Call ambulance.
Ensure guide has working mobile phone.
Trip hazards / Cuts and scrapes / Possible / Minor / Medium / Encourage participants to wear sensible walking shoes; check route in advance for possible hazards / Ensure guide carries small first aid kit
Power failure
Participant suffers from heat (heat exhaustion)
Bad weather conditions
Severe environmental event such as fire or storm with intense lightning
Damage to public building/structure caused by volunteer, spectator, or participant
Volunteer becomes ill and cannot participate
Food poisoning from food provided
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