
PBO Maintenance Procedures and Checklist

Tools, Equipment, and Software Needed:



  1. PBO enclosure key
  2. PBO padlock key (ask regional engineer for PBO key number) for gates, trailers, etc.
  3. Two security torque Drivers (for dome and solar panel mounts)
  4. Laptop with serial port and Ethernet cable (standard and crossover)
  5. Multimeter
  6. White or appropriate color spray paint.
  7. Zinc oxide
  8. Wire brush
  9. Cable Ties
  10. Hand held GPS
  11. Digital Camera
  12. Standard tool kit, with small flathead screwdriver for tightening terminal block screws.
  13. Antenna building tool kit. Some cable and connectors, both straight and elbow.
  14. Silicon.
  15. Oil for locks.
  16. Spare radio antennas (yagi, red bull, and whip) with pigtails.
  17. CDMA recon software.
  18. Proxicast firmware upgrade procedures.
  19. Flexcharge timer, pre-programmed in-office.
  20. Proxicast firmware 326XF3C0
  21. NetRS Firmware 1.1-2
  22. PBO NetRS config file 0.7.
  23. VSAT head assembly (if engineer is trained to repair VSAT)
  24. Spare radio, diagnostic software, and PBO slave/master configuration.
  25. Intuicom programming cable.
  26. Cell phone and/or satellite phone.
  27. Install report
  28. Orange safety vest for roadside stations (required by state law).
  29. Scrub brush for cleaning domes.
  30. Spare Huber Shuner lightning protection
  31. Spare back panel



Maintenance Procedures:

Be sure to use the Maintenance Checklist to verify completion of maintenance items. Completed checklist is to be submitted to the PBO Regional Engineer after the maintenance report (with quality assurance evaluation) are entered into the database system.

  1. Inspect Enclosure. Are there signs of tampering, rust, or other damage? Apply white or other appropriate spray paint, if necessary. Check nuts and U-bolts. Is the enclosure secure? Tighten down nuts, if necessary. Lubricate locks and seals if necessary.
  2. Open enclosure.
  3. Inspect Batteries. Are terminals corroded? Are batteries deformed or are there other signs of damage?
  4. Inspect Huber-Shuner lightning protection.
  5. Check battery voltage upon arrival with solar breaker on. Then turn off solar breaker. Check battery voltage and solar voltages (orange blocks) with solar breaker in off position. Turn solar breaker back on. Record open circuit solar voltage and battery voltage with solar system on, take note if battery voltage with solar system off is significantly less than with solar system on.
    Note: Turn off load breaker when working on the receiver or communications devices.
    Note: Turn on before closing the enclosure door!

  1. Inspect communications in-office and in-field.
  • Proxicast CDMA modem

a)Is the modem powered?

b)Can you ping the modem?

c)If questionable, run CDMA signal strength tool.

d)Can you transfer a file?

e)Configure CDMA modem. Confirm modem firmware to 326XF3C0. IMPORTANT: Set timer to reboot modem every 720 minutes. See instructions below:

  • Login to modem using ssh (ask regional engineer for username and password)
  • From the main menu, type 24 enter, 8 enter
  • Type “sys restart display” (to view current settings)
  • Type “sys restart timer 720”
  • Type “sys view autoexec.net” (to view autoexec.net)
  • Type “sys edit autoexec.net” (to edit autoexec.net)
  • Type “i” (to go to insert mode)
  • Type “sys restart timer 720” (at : prompt)
  • Type “x” (to save and exit)
  • Type “sys view autoexec.net” (to view new settings)
  • VSAT

a)Is unit powered? Can you ping the VSAT? Can you ping the receiver?

b)Check clear plastic head on RF head for signs of damage (punctures, cracks). Replace head assembly, if necessary.

  • Radio

a)Is the radio powered?

b)Is the slave radio connected to the master (Carrier detect light green)?

c)Replace slave radio, if necessary. Configure slave from installation report.

  1. Inspect NetRs:

a)Is the NetRs powered?

b)Can you access the NetRS webpage?

c)Is NetRS “bonkers”?

d)Replace NetRS, if necessary.

e)Are satellites being tracked? If not, investigate the source of the problem (Cable, antenna, receiver, etc). Build new cable, if necessary.

  1. Inspect terminal block. Tighten screws, if necessary.
  2. Take closeup photos of all hardware inside the enclosure. Close and lock enclosure door.
  3. Inspect Monument. Are there signs of tampering or other damage to the monument. Is there rust forming in the welds? If so, remove rust with wire brush and spray with zinc oxide.
  4. Inspect dome. Are there cracks in the dome? If so, note GPS time and replace dome. Do the screws need to be tightened? If so, tighten screws. Clean dome with scrub brush and water, if necessary.
  5. Inspect all exterior cabling. Does the liqui-tight conduit show any signs of damage? Are connectors secure? Are there any signs of damage caused by animals to the conduit or to any other exposed cable?
  6. Inspect solar array. Are panels damaged? Dust panels, if necessary. Are there any sign of tampering? Are the panel inter-connect connections secure? Tighten, if necessary.
  1. Take photos of any irregularities in the site, external equipment, or new equipment.

Back in the office:

  1. Double-check your work by checking the SOH and QC plots.
  2. Submit maintenance form online at: archaia.unavco.org. Be sure to include any relevant results of #1-15 above. Verify s/n and firmware for any rx, antenna, or communications device that has been changed (Be sure to note both old and new s/n in the maintenance report).
  3. Upload photos taken to the appropriate maintenance sub-folder in the PBO Image Management System. Folder should be titled by date yyyymmdd, for example 20050103 for January 3, 2005.

PBO GPS Operations Maintenance Checklist

PNUM ______Date & Time______Engineer ______

Maintenance Notes: ______



ATTN / Maintenance Item / Notes
 /  / Inspect enclosure, enclosure post. Rust?
 /  / Inspect grounding and surge protectors.
 /  / Inspect batteries and power system. Note battery and solar voltages. / Solar switch off:
Batt ____ V
Solar ____ V
Solar switch on:
Batt ____ V
 /  / Inspect communications gear.
 /  / Inspect NetRS.
 /  / Inspect/tighten all terminal blocks.
 /  / Inspect Monument. Rust?
 /  / Inspect Dome. Clean?
 /  / Inspect all exterior cables and conduit.
 /  / Inspect Solar System. Clean?
 /  / Site area: clear and safe?
 /  / Site area: vegetation?
 /  / Site access: clear and safe?
 /  / Site Security: sufficient?