Notes of Neighbourhood Plan Meeting 11thJune 2014

1. Introductions the meeting was attended by:

Sally Novell-Baker, Sean Teatum,Neil Bird,John Rowland,Chris Warren, Joyce Shaw, Alan Chilver,Mike Brayand Katherine Bowlan.GUEST: Debbie Wood Community Seniors Worker - Social Isolation

Apologies:Juliet Hindson, Sue SargentandSimon Birnstingl

2. Update on progress since last meeting

  • Received a £6.2K grant from locality but unable to provide physical support
  • Ran Hoola Hoop Event for Community Engagement and big THANK YOU to Sally for all her hard work
  • Wrote to SDNP to seek info on Wildlife/Ecology report for Cement Works
  • Wrote to HDC re extending NP boundary to take in all Cement Works
  • Produced Flyer for NP Events
  • Sought update from SDNP re: meeting with Hargreaves, Dudman etc.
  • Had phone call from Rydon Homes re: Pound Lane Development
  • Attended Henfield PC NP Parish Plan Review session with AiRS,
  • Written to Hargreaves re: Cement Works Tour

3. Update on Previous Actions

4.2 White Elephant has become Uncle Bob thanks to sally and is available for all events

4.3 Waiting Update from Juliet on Youth Café feedback. Ongoing

4.4 Separate meeting on Cement Works on hold waiting more info.Sean Ongoing

4.5 Waiting feedback from Simon on Ecology action. Ongoing

4.6 Katherine waiting for the UB biodiversity records from Wild Life Trust. Now Received

4.7 Parish Infrastructure issues in hand with Simon & Parish Clerk Ongoing

4.8 Produced Flyer for ‘What we are Doing’

4.9 Anger re ‘What Ifs’ - Cement Works & Infrastructure seem to be good areas to engage.

4.10 Involving Nisa and all in our cause. Waiting Nisa feedback from Juliet.

4. Review of Focus Groups/ Agenda Items

1)Next CE event is FUBS school fete on 21st June. All volunteers welcome. Will set up stall, raffle, questionnaires, Uncle Bob etc. and publicise possible Cement Works visit

2)Beeding Cement Works continues to engage, written to Site manager and MD of Hargreaves to seek a meeting and share common goals. Possible site meeting on 10th July. Action Sean

3)Use of consultants:AiRS have been invited to give us an assessment and cost to engage.Action Sean

4)Pound Lane continues to provoke debate, no real evidence as yet that Planning permission has been sought.

5)All asked to continue to consider new sites for development that we can produce list to review ACTION ALL

6)Focus Groups not progressing well enough.

7)Enviromental & Countryside need to hold another meeting ACTION SIMON

8)Local Economy need more help and engage with Businesses ACTION NEIL

9)Housing & Development need to start identifying sites for review ACTION SEAN & SALLY

10)Community & Infrastructure need to engage the schools and lead on infrastructure ACTION JOHN & JULIET


The Upper Beeding School Fair 21st. June,

The 3Bs Annual Garden Fete Tinkers Lane Bramber12th. July

Small Dole Summer ShowMackleys field 16th. August

Rising Sun Beer Festival, Aug BH

6, Social Isolation: is becoming a huge issue for many. According to The Times “two in five elderly people rely on their television or pet as their main source of companionship, and the number saying they are usually lonely has topped a million for the first time.” Debbie Wood said it was herintension to start up a Link Visiting Scheme across the three towns of Steyning, Bramber & UB.Debbie explained in more detail and Sean said that a better forum for this would be the Parish Council Meeting but we would highlight the situation as we see it in our NP and what action could be done to help.

7. Next Steps /AOB

NEXT MEETING IS 23rd.July in the HUB at 7.30PM

Notes Neighbourhood Plan Meeting 11/6/14 Version 1 Sean Teatum