Since commerce is concerned with the distribution of goods from producer to consumer, it is logical to put a question: how is that goods reach consumers? There are several distribution channels which goods can follow from the producer to the consumer. The traditional distribution chain operates through the following steps:

This traditional way of marketing through a wholesaler is often by-passed by manufacturers or growers, who sell direct to retailers or to consumers. Large retailers who have space and money to buy in large quantities frequently obtain their stocks directly from the manufacturer not from the wholesaler. This is the case of such large groups as Marks & Spencer, Littlewoods, Debenhams, etc. It may also happen that manufacturers sell to mail order companies who sell goods to consumers by mail order catalogue.

Mr John West is a big merchant. He is a wholesaler dealing in cotton and wool manufactures. He buys and sells in large quantities. His main line comprises table and bed linen and clothing for men and women. He has been dealing in this line for over twenty years and owns a network of warehouses situated in several parts of the country and conveniently situated for onward distribution. He is one of the leading suppliers who operate nationwide. He supplies large companies and distributors as well as sole traders with a wide variety of manufactures which are appreciated for their best quality and original designs. He usually follows the market trend and tries to stock new styles of clothing which meet his customers' requirements.

He has got a large experience in the line he trades in and is known to be as a qualified and reliable man. Last month he made a bulk purchase from a Lancashire manufacturer. He bought a big lot of cotton items which he now wholesales to distribution companies and retailers all over the country. He generally sells for cash. Sometimes, however, when dealing with small retailers, he grants good terms of payment or sells by monthly instalments. His selling prices are not expensive. He quotes low prices to enable his customers to make big purchases. In this way he succeeds in facing the keen competition by other firms and facilitates the replacement of enormous stocks of goods to make room for new more fashionable models. Since he holds prices down, he makes big sales and considerable profits.

He has employed a number of clerks skilled in bookkeeping and data processing as well as other people handling storing, distribution and delivery of the goods. He needs a substantial amount of capital to finance his large warehouses and to pay the salaries of the salesmen he sends round to obtain orders from retailers. He has also to finance several showrooms which give him the opportunity of promoting the sale of goods by means of effective displays which are appreciated as being an eye on the latest fashion. Showrooms in suitable centres enable retailers to see the goods in comfort


for sale, on salein vendita

for cashin / per contanti

on credita credito

by instalmentsa rate

by monthly instalmentsa rate mensili

by quarterly instalments a rate trimestrali

on hire purchasea rate

cheapa buon mercato

expensivecaro, costoso

at the price ofal prezzo di

at a low pricea prezzo basso

at a high pricea prezzo alto

at such a pricea tale prezzo

at competitive pricesa prezzi di concorrenza

at a considerable profitcon un forte guadagno

on the terms statedalle condizioni indicate

on the terms agreed uponalle condizioni concordate


Mr Wilson is a wine importer. He buys wine from Italy / Il sig.Wilson è un importatore di vini. Egli compra vino dall'Italia
Mrs Page sells wool manufactures at cheap prices / La signora Page vende manufatti di lana a prezzi convenienti
We cannot sell at so low a price: there would be no profit / Non possiamo vendere a un prezzo così basso: non ci sarebbe alcun profitto
We do not think it convenient for us to accept the terms you stated in your offer / Non riteniamo conveniente che noi accettiamo le condizioni da voi indicate nella vostra offerta
Mr Pink is a used-car dealer. He buys and sells second-hand cars / Il sig. Pink è un commerciante di macchine usate. Egli compra e vende macchine di seconda mano
Mr Brown is a businessman. The line he deals in includes purchase and sale of real estates. / Il sig.Brown è un uomo di affari. Il genere in cui commercia include la compravendita di proprietà immobiliari.
This banker offers a wide range of financial products and services. / Questo banchiere offre una ampia gamma di prodotti e servizi finanziari.
I am a commercial correspondent and handle business letters, telexes, telephone calls and secretarial duties. / Sono corrispondente commerciale e mi occupo di lettere commerciali, telex, chiamate telefoniche e compiti di segreteria.
Our competitors quote lower prices because they offer poor quality goods. / I nostri concorrenti praticano prezzi inferiori perchè offrono merce di qualità scadente.

to deal - dealer - deal

to deal in (dealt-dealt)occuparsi di, trattare, commerciare in

to deal withtrattare, fare affari con

to deal with an orderdar corso a un ordine

dealercommerciante, (ri)venditore, negoziante

coal dealercommerciante di carbone

area dealeragente di zona

main dealerconcessionario principale

to do a deal with s.o.fare un affare con qlcu.

to make a dealfare, venire a un accordo

dealingcomportamento, negoziazione, transazione

a dealuna trattativa, una operazione

hire-purchase dealoperazione rateale

trade dealofferta promozionale (per i commercianti)

a smart dealun affarone

it's a dealaffare fatto!

a deal of, a good deal ofmolto, una grande quantità di

We do not deal in this line / Non trattiamo questo genere
He deals in woollen gloves / Egli tratta guanti di lana
We deal with Messrs. Scott & Co. / Noi commerciamo con la ditta Scott & Co.
This is a cash dealing / Questa è una negoziazione per contanti
Tom Benton is a coffee dealer / Tom Benton è un commerciante di caffè
Jim Hutton is a dealer in furs / Jim Hutton è un commerciante di pellicce
We get a deal of mail / Noi riceviamo molta corrispondenza

to shop, shop, shopkeeper

shopnegozio, bottega

shopkeepernegoziante, esercente

shop assistantcommesso

shopperacquirente, compratore

shopperssacchetti di plastica col nome del negozio

shop signinsegna di negozio

shop windowvetrina di negozio

shops' hoursorario dei negozi

retail shopnegozio al dettaglio


to keep a shoptenere, gestire un negozio

to shopfare compere, fare acquisti

Most people do not like to go to shops; they prefer going to the supermarket / Alla maggior parte della gente non piace andare nelle botteghe; preferisce andare al supermercato
Shop assistants are generally kind to customers and advise them while doing shopping / Le commesse sono generalmente gentili verso i clienti e li consigliano mentre fanno gli acquisti
Alan Clyde is a shopkeeper. He keeps a large retail shop / Alan Clyde è un esercente. Gestisce un grande negozio al dettaglio
There is an Italian suit shop at the street corner. The shop windows display men's and children's suits / C'è un negozio d'abbigliamento italiano all'angolo della strada. Le vetrine espongono vestiti per uomo e per ragazzo

to purchase, purchase, purchaser

to purchaseacquistare, comperare

to make a purchasefare un acquisto

purchaseacquisto, compera

purchase on creditacquisto a credito

bulk purchaseacquisto in blocco, all'ingrosso

cash purchaseacquisto per contanti

hire purchaseacquisto a rate

instalment purchaseacquisto a rate

purchase departmentufficio acquisti

purchase money / priceprezzo d'acquisto

purchase requestrichiesta di acquisto

purchaseracquirente, compratore

purchasingacquisto, d'acquisto

purchasing conditionscondizioni d'acquisto

purchasing managerdirettore agli acquisti

purchasing orderordine d'acquisto

purchasing powerpotere d'acquisto

purchasing valuevalore d'acquisto

This year we have made a bulk purchase of men's shoes / Quest'anno abbiamo fatto un acquisto in blocco di scarpe da uomo
I always prefer to make cash purchases / Preferisco sempre fare acquisti per contante
We do not yet know the purchasing conditions / Noi non conosciamo ancora le condizioni d'acquisto
We have received a purchasing order from Messrs. N. Preston & Sons / Abbiamo ricevuto un ordine d'aquisto dalla ditta N.Preston & Figli
Mr Logan is the new purchasing manager / Il sig. Logan è il nuovo direttore agli acquisti
The purchase department is on the 2nd floor, room n.10 / L'ufficio acquisti è al secondo piano, stanza n.10
I think that a hire purchase is more convenient in this case / Penso che un acquisto a rate sia più conveniente in questo caso
Considering the relative purchasing conditions, we should like to purchase on credit / Considerando le relative condizioni d'acquisto, gradiremmo acquistare a credito


The forms of industrial and commercial organisation and the patterns of ownership and control are varied. The main categories of organisation are: unincorporated businesses (sole traders and partnerships), of which there are more than 1 million; incorporated companies; and public sector enterprises, which are owned by the Government. Incorporation means that companies are entered on an official register of companies. At the end of 1989 there were over 1.2 million companies on the register, although about 14 per cent of these were in liquidation or in the process of removal. About 11,000 of the companies were public limited companies. Although not numerous, co-operative enterprises increased in number from about 900 in 1979 to about 1,500 in 1989.

Nationalised Industries. The electricity supply industry in Great Britain is being privatised, which will leave as the major nationalised industries British Coal, British Rail, the Post Office and London Transport. The managing boards and staffs of the nationalised industries are not civil servants. However, the boards are responsible to ministers, who appoint the chairmen and members. Ministers are responsible for agreeing with the industries their general strategies and have the power to give general directions as to how the industry should be run, but are not involved in day-to-day management. The Government's policy is to encourage the nationalised industries to behave as far as possible as commercial enterprises. This is carried out through the financial framework, set by the Government, within which the industries are expected to operate. The main elements of the framework are: clear government objectives for the industries; regular corporate plans and performance reviews; agreed principles relating to investment appraisal and pricing; financial targets and performance aims; external financial limits; and systematic monitoring.

Industrial Financing. Over half of companies' funds for investment and other purposes are internally generated. Banks provide the chief external source of finance, but companies increasingly turned to equity finance from the mid-1980s. The main forms of short-term finance available in the private sector are bank overdrafts, trade credit and factoring (making cash available to a company in exchange for debts owing to it). Types of medium- and long-term finance include bank loans, the mortgaging of property and the issue of shares and other securities to the public through The International Stock Exchange. The leasing of equipment may also be regarded as a form of finance. Other sources of finance for industry include the Government, the European Community and specialist financial institutions. The 1980s were particularly notable for the growth of schemes involving venture capital (equity funds made available by financial institutions in support of innovative or other new and growing business ventures).

(Adapted from Britain 1991: An Official Handbook)

to appreciate / gradire, rendersi conto / to carry out / eseguire
to arrange / provvedere, disporre che / to collect / ritirare, raccogliere
to be interested in / interessardi di / to correspond to/with / corrispondere a
to buy / comprare / to deal in / trattare, commerciare in


to appreciategradire, apprezzare, rendersi conto

We would appreciate further information on the above items / Gradiremmo ulteriori informazioni sugli articoli di cui sopra
Your opinion in this respect would be greatly appreciated / Gradiremmo molto la vostra opinione in merito
We appreciate that you have to cope with a keen competition / Ci rendiamo conto che dovete affrontare una forte concorrenza


to arrangeprovvedere, occuparsi, disporre che

Costruzione: to arrange + for + object + to-infinitive

arrangementaccordo, intesa

to make an arrangementaccordarsi, mettersi d'accordo

We have arranged for the cases to be loaded tomorrow / Abbiamo disposto che le casse vengano caricate domani
We have made an arrangement to pay on open account terms / Ci siamo accordati di pagare a condizioni d'acquisto a credito


to be interested ininteressarsi di, avere interesse per


to take an interest ininteressarsi di

to take no further interest indisinteressarsi di

to arouse interestsuscitare interesse

to lose interest inperdere interesse per

We are interested in the machine tools you advertised in Trade in Europe of this week / Ci interessano le macchine utensili che avete reclamizzato in Trade in Europe di questa settimana
We regret informing you that the articles you are interested in are sold out / Ci dispiace informarvi che gli articoli che vi interessano sono esauriti
We are pleased to inform you that the range of products displayed in your stand has aroused our interest / Siamo lieti di informarvi che la gamma di prodotti esibiti nel vostro stand ha suscitato il nostro interesse


to buy - bought - boughtcomprare


We have bought some good quality paper / Abbiamo comprato della carta di buona qualità
The goods we buy from them are cheap / La merce che compriamo da loro è a buon mercato
These stickers were bought at the stationer's / Questi adesivi furono comprati dal cartolaio


to carry outeseguire


We are carrying out your order for 50 dozen stockings / Stiamo eseguendo il vostro ordine di 50 dozzine di calze da donna
We expect you to carry out our instructions without dissent / Ci aspettiamo che voi eseguiate le nostre istruzioni senza dissenso


to collectritirare, raccogliere

We have arranged for a truck to collect your consignment / Abbiamo disposto che un camion ritiri la vostra partita di merce
We have just collected your parcel containing spare parts / Abbiamo appena ritirato il vostro pacco contenente parti di ricambio


to collect a chequeincassare un assegno

to collect a debtrecuperare un debito

to send collectspedire con tassa a carico

a collect calluna chiamata a carico del destinatario

to call collectchiamare a carico del destinatario


to correspond to / withcorrispondere, essere conforme a

Verbi analoghi:

to be up toessere conforme a

to matcharmonizzare, accompagnarsi, accordarsi

to tallycorrispondere, combaciare

to come up torispondere a, essere conforme a

to comply withessere conforme a

to agreeconcordare, essere d'accordo, andare d'accordo

to fitadattarsi a, combaciare

to conformconformarsi, essere conforme a, adattarsi

The T-shirts we have received do not correspond to the sizes we specified / Le magliette che abbiamo ricevuto non corrispondono alle misure da noi specificate
The curtains match the style of the furniture / Le tende si armonizzano con lo stile dei mobili
This list does not tally with the one I sent you / Questo elenco non corrisponde con quello che vi inviai
If the design and the colours of your patterns come up to our expectations, we will not fail to place an order with you / Se il disegno e i colori dei vostri campioni risponderanno alle nostre aspettative, non mancheremo di collocarvi un ordine
We are sure that our products comply with your requirements / Siamo certi che i nostri prodotti soddisfano le vostre esigenze


to deal in - dealt - dealttrattare, commerciare in


cotton dealercommerciante di cotone

The articles we deal in are imported from Japan / Gli articoli che trattiamo sono importati dal Giappone


table linenbiancheria da tavola


nationwidesu scala nazionale

sole traderscommercianti in proprio

trendtendenza, andamento



bulk purchaseacquisto in blocco

selling pricesprezzi di vendita

to enablemettere in grado

to make roomfare spazio

to holdtenere

skilledcapaci, esperti


data processingelaborazione dati







businessmanuomo d'affari



commercial correspondentcorrispondente commerciale





customer, customerscliente, clientela





employerdatore di lavoro


forwarding agentspedizioniere




manufacturerfabbricante, industriale




purchaseracquirente, compratore



salesmanvenditore, commesso viaggiatore




sole tradercommerciante in proprio




telex operatortelescriventista





to adviseconsigliare

to be in tradeessere in commercio

to buy (at / from)comprare (da)

to carrytrasportare

to carry on tradeesercitare il commercio

to deal intrattare, commerciare in

to distributedistribuire

to exportesportare

to go into businessmettersi in commercio

to go shoppingfare acquisti

to importimportare

to insureassicurare

to make a purchasefare un acquisto

to make a sale fare una vendita

to manufacturefabbricare, produrre

to offeroffrire

to produceprodurre

to purchaseacquistare, comprare

to quotequotare

to resellrivendere, vendere di seconda mano

to sellvendere, vendersi

to storeimmagazzinare

to surveyispezionare, esaminare

to trade in... with...commerciare in... con...

to warehouseimmagazzinare

goodsmerce, merci

manufacturemanufatto, fabbricazione, produzione

manufactured articlesmanufatti

manufactured goodsmanufatti, prodotti lavorati

industrial productsprodotti industriali

agricoltural produceprodotti agricoli

foodstuffsgeneri alimentari

lineramo, genere di commercio



1 / to make a sale, to store, to go into business, line, at such a price, on hire purchase, haulier, employee, shopkeeper, storekeeper, to carry on trade, consultant, forwarding agent, salesman, carrier, manufacture, foodstuffs, to make a deal, data processing, to arouse interest, to make an arrangement, to collect, cotton dealer, to agree, to appreciate, on sale, on the terms agreed upon
2 / Give the opposite as suggested:
home tradeforeign tradecheap______
wholesale trade______retailer______
import trade______shipper______
to buy______
for cash______
at a low price______
to export______
3 / Give the verb as suggested:
traderto tradeadvisor______
4 / 1- Mr Key is a wine importer. He buys wine from Italy. 2- Mr Morris is a used-car dealer. 3- He has been carrying on this trade since 1950. 4- The local Chamber of Commerce has given us a list of traders importing raw materials from abroad. 5- We cannot accept the terms you stated. 6- You shoul have complied with the terms agreed upon. 7- We do not think it convenient for us to buy at such prices. 8- We usually sell for cash; we never grant credit. 9- Advertising is a useful branch of commerce. 10- As you can see we sell at competitive prices.
5 / 1. Merchants are businessmen who carry on trade on a large scale. 2. Mr Brown is a wine dealer: he buys wholesale and sells retail. 3. The function of marketing is to place goods in the hands of consumers. 4. Mr Lee imports raw materials and exports manufactured goods. 5. We have been dealing in chemicals since 1960. 6. Advertising draws consumers' attention and helps traders to sell more. 7. He is a wholesaler and deals in cotton manufactures. 8. Most wholesalers sell on credit. 9. We cannot sell on the terms stated in your letter. 10. We have been in wool trade for over 50 years.