(Approved Minutes)

Franklin Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Franklin Public Library

  1. Call to Order: at 6:50 pm.
  2. Roll Call: Julie Douse-Angileri, Judy Moenck, Pam Hackert, Kim Greidanus, Teresa Natzke, Sarah Krasnick and Mira Stahkiv were present.
  3. Secretary’s Report: Sarah motioned to accept the February minutes. Mira seconded the motion and the minutes were accepted.
  4. New Business: Mira inquired of TLN about the necessary data for applying for a grant, with which Teresa will be assisting. She is hopeful to be able to apply for it by May.
  5. Old Business: Renovation: Structural Design – Judy reported that the committee met with Gary Roberts. Several items are ready to be ordered including the circulation desk and front door. There is some money set aside to repair the exterior landscaping that has been impacted. The forecasted bill at this point is close to $425,000 prior to Gary’s bill. The Board discussed the cost of some items, the speed of the renovation, and Teresa’s concern about the final interior layout. Judy and Mira will meet with Gary to discuss the renovation timing, financials, and the updated decisions from tonight’s meeting. The Board set a date of April 4 at 6:30 pm. to get together and plan the layout of the new library under Teresa’s direction. Teresa will put a list together of what needs to be placed or stored.

Publicity – Gary Roberts took some photos of the Board prior to the meeting tonight. Pam will send one to The Eagle. Julie will publish a Friends’ newsletter in May and will include the bronze, silver and gold donation levels.

  1. Treasurer’s Report: There are no pending bills. After a review of the budget

report there was some discussion about the acquisition budget. With the limited space it was thought that this would be a good place to temporarily trimthe budget. Judy motioned to move $11,000 from the acquisition budget to the library renovation. Sarah seconded the motion and all approved it. Pam motioned to accept the budget as submitted and amended. Sarah seconded, and all approved the motion.

  1. Librarian’s Report: None.
  2. President’s Report: None.
  3. Vice President’s Report: None.
  4. Maintenance Report: None.
  5. Publicity Report: See Old Business – Renovation.
  6. Public Comment: None.
  7. Meeting Adjourned: At 8:40 pm. The next Board meeting is April 14th at 7:00 pm. at the library.

Respectfully Submitted,

Julie Douse-Angileri, Secretary