SAHA Board Meeting Minutes

March 19, 2014

Present: Josh Pettit, Cindy Magnuson, Nicole Trautt, Brian Raygor, Shawn Christianson, Fred Paine, Dan Peterson, Al Pettingill

Absent: Troy Lambert, Kevin Mudrak, Tim Curtis, Pat Golat, Marc Franta, Kraig Reed

Meetingcalled to order at 6:02 pm.

Motion to approve April board meeting minutes by ______. Second by ______. Unanimous approval.

Officers Reports:

President: Chris Stenberg from Play It Again would like to continue the 8U equipment packages. He is concerned about last years numbers. Looking to get kids in the door. Ideas include having summer ice times that the kids could come and skate and pay $5 or so to skate. Sean Sanders would like to use the USA Hockey “Try Hockey for Free Program”. The job description for “Executive Director of Youth Hockey Operations” is ready and needs to be posted. There will be a process and it will be explained how it will all work. The committee for the job includes Cindy Magnuson, Fred Paine, Tim Curtis, Al Pettingill, Jason Laurvick, Dick Berthiaume, Mike McCoshen, Frog Prell, and Troy Lambert.

Past President/Rink Management: No report.

Treasurer: No financials.

Committee Reports:

Finance/Insurance: We are insured.

Tournaments: No report.

Registration/Website: No report.

Equipment: No report.

Rinks & Facilities: No report.

Pond Hockey: No report.

Bylaws & Policies: No report.

Development: No report.

Fundraising/Publicity: No report.

Volunteer/Manager: No report.

Rules & Referees: No report.

Concessions: No report.

Gilbertson Tournament: We need volunteers to sign up. Will be put on the website and email will be sent to the association.

Old Business: None.

New Business: It was suggested to update the website with local camps and programs so that people can use the website to find resources for their players. Regarding the annual meeting, the committee reports need to be prepared and ready to go. We need an officer slate to include a president, vice president, and secretary.====0

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm. Motion by Dan Peterson. Second by Al Pettingill. Unanimous approval.