Content Objective(s): Finding shapes in the real world
Literacy Performance Objective(s): Students will discuss items brought to class (listening & speaking), then write in their math journals the discoveries they made.
Time / Content / Process
/ Pre-Instruction Focus 5 min / Geometry: 3-D shapes in the world / Review the shapes under the document camera.
10 minutes
Materials: 3-D shapes from yesterdays lesson, Pringles can, baseball and ink box. / Compare shapes brought into school with the 3-D shapes we have been working on. When the students have had time to discuss, do a split screen and compare to the 3-D shapes from yesterday. Do they match? / Using the Pringles can under the document camera, ask what shape this is from the group we were introduced to yesterday. Have students “think-pair-share” their ideas and reasons why. Repeat with other shapes brought in.
/ Learning Activities
20 minutes
Materials: Students items they have brought from home (part of homework). / One student will place the item they brought under the document camera. This can be done periodically throughout the lesson, changing as needed. Students will use the items they brought from home and work in groups to compare/contrast their shapes. / The Students will work in groups of 4 to discuss which shape they brought and compare them to the shapes on the document camera. How are they alike? Different?
Differentiated Activities
5 minutes
Materials: / Check on groups and regroup as necessary.
/ Review Key Concepts & Vocabulary
10 minutes
Materials: Smart board. / Experiment with shapes on the web. / At the end of the lesson the students will write about shapes in the world as their journal entry (5 minutes).
Take students to web site and show shapes.
Course: Math Hour/Period: Date: 1-7-10
/ Evidence of the content and literacy performance objectives being met looks like…Observing the students discussions and compare/contrasts. Looking at the journal writing will also show the students understanding of the shapes we are studing.
Notes: This is the second day of the Geometry lesson on 3-D shapes. The first day is looking at 3-D models of the shapes and discuss the names of the shapes. The homework that night will be to bring an item from home that might be the shapes we discussed.
Learning Services-5/08 Content and Process Lesson Planning