Required Materials for English
Second Term
Grade 10
Reading :
- Unseen passage
- “ Doing Nothing is Something” Pages 220-227
- “ I Acknowledge Mine” Pages 228- 239
Vocabulary:Words Page219
- Sentence Structure P. 169+ 170( English Workshop Book).
- Pronoun- Antecedent Agreement P. 187+ 188( English workshop Book).
Persuasive essay , study the rubric well.
-Study well for the Exams
-If you have any questions while studying, please ask me any time.
Santosh Anthony
A. Write the persuasive techniques :
- …………………………………………………………
- …………………………………………………………
- …………………………………………………………
B. An Argument should have ……………….. and ………………..
C. How can you support your claims in your argument ?
1. ……………………………………………………….
Note: Read the required articles and the questions in the margins and the practices at the end ( pages are mentioned in the previous page)
Vocabulary :
Use these words in a paragraph ( cite- controversy- convince- objective- statistics)
Classify the following sentences into ( simple-complex- compound- complex compound)
------1. Marty isthe leader ofthe group, but he is not the best person for the job.
------2. (Before he went to the job interview), he got a haircut.
------3.Theman standingin the doorwayismyUncleFred
- Choose the correct answers:( Pronoun – Antecedent Agreement)
1. During early rehearsals, an actor may forget (his or her, their ) lines.
2. The Washington team was opportunistic; (it, they ) took advantage of every break.
3. A person needs to see (his or her, their ) dentist twice a year.
4.The committee members put (its, their ) signatures on the document.
5. If any one of the sisters needs a ride, (she, they ) can call me.
Writing: Read the rubric carefully .
ARGUMENT Rubric (9-10)Total: …………………../25Description / 5 Exceptional / 4 Skilled / 3 Proficient / 2 Developing / 1 Inadequate
Thetextintroducesaclear,arguable claimthatcanbesupportedby reasonsandevidence. / Thetextintroducesacompellingclaim thatis clearlyarguableandtakes a purposefulpositiononanissue.The texthasastructureandorganization thatis carefullycraftedtosupportthe claim. / Thetextintroducesapreciseclaim thatis clearlyarguableandtakes an identifiable position on an issue. The text has an effectivestructure and organizationthatis aligned withthe claim. / Thetextintroducesaclaimthat is arguableandtakes aposition. Thetexthasastructureand organizationthatis aligned with theclaim. / Thetextcontainsanunclearor emergingclaimthatsuggestsa vagueposition.Thetextattemptsastructureandorganizationtosupport theposition. / The text contains an unidentifiable claimorvagueposition.Thetexthas limitedstructureandorganization.
The text provides sufficientdata and evidence tobackuptheclaimaswell asaconclusionthatsupportsthe argument. / Thetextprovidesconvincingand relevantdataandevidence tobackup the claim and effectivelyaddressescounterclaims.Theconclusion strengthenstheclaimandevidence. / The text provides sufficientand relevantdataandevidence to backuptheclaimandaddresses
counterclaimsfairly. Theconclusion effectivelyreinforces the claim and evidence. / The text provides sufficientdata andevidence tobackuptheclaim andaddressescounterclaims.The conclusiontiestotheclaimand evidence. / Thetextprovidesdataand evidence thatattemptstobackup theclaimandunclearlyaddressescounterclaimsorlackscounterclaims. Theconclusionmerelyrestates the position. / Thetextcontainslimiteddataand evidence related totheclaimand counterclaimsorlackscounter-claims. Thetextmay fail toconcludethe argumentorposition.
Thetextanticipatestheaudience’s knowledgelevelandconcernsabout theclaim.Thetextaddressesthe specific audience’s needs. / Thetextconsistentlyaddressesthe audience’sknowledgeleveland concernsabouttheclaim.Thetext addresses the specific needs of the audience. / Thetextanticipatestheaudience’s knowledgelevelandconcernsabout theclaim.Thetextaddressesthe specific needs of the audience. / Thetextconsiderstheaudience’s knowledgelevelandconcernsabouttheclaim.Thetextaddresses theneedsoftheaudience. / Thetextillustrates aninconsistent awarenessoftheaudience’s knowledgelevelandneeds. / Thetextlacksanawarenessofthe audience’sknowledgeleveland needs.
Thetextuseswords,phrases, and clausestolinkthemajor sections ofthetext,createscohesion,andclarifies the relationships between the / Thetextstrategicallyuseswords, phrases, andclausestolinkthemajor sectionsofthetext.Thetextexplains therelationshipsbetweentheclaim andreasonsaswell astheevidence. Thetextstrategicallylinks the counterclaimstotheclaim. / Thetextskillfullyuseswords, phrases, andclausestolinkthe major sectionsofthetext.Thetext identifies the relationship between theclaimandreasonsaswell asthe evidence. The text effectivelylinks thecounterclaimstotheclaim. / Thetextuseswords,phrases, and clausestolinkthemajor sections ofthetext.Thetextconnectsthe claimandreasons.Thetextlinks thecounterclaimstotheclaim. / Thetextcontainslimitedwords, phrases, andclausestolinkthe major sectionsofthetext.Thetext attemptstoconnecttheclaimand reasons. / Thetextcontainsfew,ifany,words, phrasesandclausestolinkthemajor sectionsofthetext.Thetextdoesnot connecttheclaimsandreasons.
Styleand Conventions:
Thetextpresentsaformal,objective tonethatdemonstratesstandard Englishconventionsofusageand mechanicsalong withdiscipline- specific requirements / Thetextpresentsanengaging, formal andobjectivetone.Thetextintention- allyusesstandardEnglishconventions ofusageandmechanicsalong with discipline-specific requirements / Thetextpresentsanappropriateand formal,objectivetone.Thetext demonstratesstandardEnglish conventionsofusageandmechanics along with discipline specific requirements / Thetextpresentsaformal, objectivetone.Thetext demonstratesstandardEnglish conventionsofusageand mechanicsalong withdiscipline specific requirements / Thetextillustrates alimited awarenessofformaltone.Thetext demonstratessome accuracyin standardEnglishconventionsof usageandmechanics. / Thetextillustrates alimited awarenessorinconsistenttone. Thetextillustrates inaccuracyin standardEnglishconventionsof usageandmechanics.
Answers :
1. Emotional Appeals
2. Ethical Appeals
3.Words Choice
B. Claim and Support.
C. 1. Giving logical reasons.
2. Raise emotions.
3. Give personal experience examples.
4. Give surveys, studies and statistics.
- Compound
- Complex
- Simple
B. 1. His or her
2. it
3. his or her
4. its
5. she