EMAIL: (Please allow 24 business hours for Mrs. Kaplan to respond; include your first and last name and block in the subject line)

PHONE: 571-434-4400


* Graphing Calculator: TI-84, TI-84 Plus, or TI-83


* 3 Ring Binder (1.5 inches)

* 4 Dividers (Labeled Bell Ringers, Notes, Assignments, & Tests/Quizzes)


* College-Ruled Notebook Paper

* Highlighters


* BE RESPECTFUL: Respect yourself, others, the classroom environment, and people’s property.

* BE PREPARED AND PROMPT: Arrive to class prepared and on time (before the bell rings) with all required materials. Students will not be permitted to return to their lockers for forgotten materials.

* BEGINNING OF CLASS POLICY: Be in assigned seat BEFORE the bell rings; you are considered tardy if you are out of your seat for any reason without a pass before the bell rings.Begin the bell ringer immediately and without talking as soon as you get to your seat. Place homework on your desk as soon as you get to your seat.

* BATHROOM/PASS POLICY: Each student will be issued 6 passes per quarter to be used at their own discretion. Each student is responsible for bringing these passes to class and may only leave by providing a pass. Passes may not be utilized during the first or last ten minutes of class, or during direct instruction (notes/directions). Additional passes will not be administered if a student loses their passes.

* FOLLOW SCHOOL POLICIES: Follow all school policies in your DHS student agenda.(Note particularly policies concerning on academic integrity and cheating.) There are no tests, quizzes, or assignments worth the sacrifice of your personal integrity. Cheating and plagiarism of any kind, including copying homework, will not be tolerated. Infractions of this type will result in a zero, contact of principal and parent/guardian, and further consequences.

* WHAT’S A CLINIC?If classroom expectations are not met, your student will be invited to a re-teaching session called a “clinic.” The expected behavior will be retaught until demonstrated correctly on the student’s valued time, as often as necessary.


Grading will be completed on a total-point system with points distributed based on the type of assessment. Grades will be determined using the LCPS grading scale. Class grades may include, but are not limited to, homework, in-class assignments, participation/preparedness, quizzes, and tests. Mrs. Kaplan will use a variety of assessments in order toanalyze student understanding. Students and parents have constant access to StudentVUE/ParentVUE; grades are updated on a regular basis. Mrs. Kaplan highly encourages all students and parents to check grades on StudentVUE/ParentVUE frequently in order to stay up to date on current progress. Quizzes and tests will have the highest point values; as a result, class grades will be determined by and reflect the student’s algebraic content knowledge.


Quizzes and tests are summative assessments which will be utilized in order to determine mastery at the end of a large section or a unit. Quizzes and tests are the key components in determining grades not only due to their higher point value, but also due to their critical role in determining content mastery. Students should review notes after each class, complete homework on the day it is assigned, and address questions and concerns during Titan Time in order to be well prepared for each quiz and test. Students are encouraged to seek extra help BEFORE the day prior to an assessment. Absolutely no retakes will be permitted, as students are expected to take advantage of the multiple opportunities available to be prepared the first time.


Homework will be assigned each class in order to provide students with an opportunity to practice and begin to master the material. The key to success in this course is thoughtful and diligent completion of all homework assignments. Homework will be graded based on both completion and effort out of 5 points. All work must be shown; copied work will not be accepted. There will be a short time frame at the beginning of each class for students to ask questions about the homework assignment and to check their answers. It is important for students to self-assess by checking their answers on the homework in order to determine whether or not they have questions or need help. Mrs. Kaplan encourages students to ask questions about the homework assignment in Titan Time!


LCPS Policy states that students will have one class period for each class period absent to turn in all missed work. The work that was due to be turned in on the first day of the absence is due the first day the student returns to class after the absence.

* Students are strongly encouraged to inform the teacher of a future absence (if they are aware of it) and get all work that they will miss ahead of time.

* Students are solely responsible for getting their make-up work by informing the teacher that they were absent before class, after class, or during Titan Time. It is the STUDENTS’ responsibility to make up missed work and turn it in; incomplete work after the deadline results in a zero for the assignment.

* Students are responsible for filling in all blank notes from a trusted classmate.

* Students may address specific questions about missed content during Titan Time or during an appointment before school once they have read the corresponding textbook section(s) and have studied missed notes from a classmate; all materials are provided to students who are absent but 90-minute lessons will not be retaught.

* Only students with an excused absence can earn credit for missed assignments, and only those students will be permitted to make up tests and quizzes.

* Missed quizzes and tests will be given to students to take during their next available Titan Time; students are expected to come prepared to Titan Time for a test or quiz that was given on the first day of their absence. Students must be prepared in Titan Time with a graphing calculator on hand, or the assessment must be taken without a calculator.

* Any unexcused absences/tardies will result in a zero for all evaluated work during the time missed.


The course will continue to build upon previous material, so please seek help immediately if falling behind.

* I or another math teacher will be available during Titan Time to answer any questions.

* Studentsmay schedule an appointment to meet with me at an additional time in person or through an email (if sent 24 business hours in advance).