Mole Valley’s Spectacular Youth Showcase Awards
Mole Valley’s Youth Showcase Awards ceremony on
Friday 31 January at Dorking Halls was a huge success. Now in its tenth year, hosted by Mole Valley’s youth council Youth Voice and supported by Mole Valley District Council (MVDC), the event recognises the achievements of young people in the district and those working with young people.
The Grand Hall was packed with glamorously-dressed guests for this Oscars-style event, which raised £300 for Young Minds,a charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people.
The young people impressed with their compering skills, and local groups including Vinyl Staircase, The Ashcombe School’s Show Choir Harmonise and young local singer Jo Salter performed, along with Therfield Jazz Band, the glamorous house band, Pandemonium and Blue Academy Street Dance.
The performances were glitzy and glamorous and songs included ‘Diamonds are Forever’, 'New York New York' and ‘Royals’.
There was also anart exhibition showcasing the talent of pupils from local secondary schools, including Manor House School, Therfield School, The Ashcombe School, The Priory C of E School and The Malthouse youth centre.
There were presentations for seven award categories, including Community Spirit, Teamwork, Sporting Achievement, Creativity, Personal Achievement and Youth Professionals. There was also the Junior Youth Voice award, chosen by the Junior Youth councillors for an organisation or individual they wish to recognise for their work in the local community. This year’s competition was fierce as there were over 80 nominees, more than ever before.
The awards were presented by an array of Surrey’s public figures, including Mole Valley MP Sir Paul Beresford, MVDC Chairman David Sharland and the MVDC Chief Executive Yvonne Rees, national athlete Sophie Mace and Britain’s Got Talent finalist, impressionist and dancer Philip Green.
Councillor Vivienne Michael, Portfolio Holder for Customer Services and Wellbeing, said: “The nominees’ achievements are truly impressive and inspiring, and presented the judges with some difficult decisions. The event was a true showcase of young talent in Mole Valley. Well done Youth Voice for organising such a brilliant evening, in which money was raised for a fantastic cause, close to their hearts.”
The winners of each category were:
v Community Spirit Award: Grace Keen, aged 15 from The Ashcombe School, presented by the Chairman of MVDC, Councillor David Sharland
v The Junior Youth Voice Specialist Award: PSDS – Providing Support for children with Downs Syndrome and their families, presented by the Leader of Junior Youth Voice, Finlay Tilstone
v Creativity Award: Anna Semple, aged 16, from St John’s School, presented by Philip Green.
v Teamwork Award: The Malthouse Steering Group, ages 14-16, from the Malthouse Youth Centre, presented by the Chief Executive of MVDC, Yvonne Rees
v Youth Professional Award: Colin Smith from Beare Green Young Farmers Group, presented by the MP for Mole Valley Sir Paul Beresford
v Sporting Achievement: Cerize Power, aged 12, from The Priory C of E School, presented by national athlete Sophie Mace
v Personal Achievement: Ellen Ball, aged 16, from The Ashcombe School, presented by the Leader of MVDC, Councillor Chris Townsend
Media contact for further information:
Sally Horsburgh
Communications and Marketing Officer
01306 879269